What Would You Have Done?

by Dutchie 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    They can justify anything to themselves can't they? They are the chosen ones and everyone else is going to die anyway.

    I still have trouble being anything but brutally honest and and the one handing in the wallet / money / credit card etc ... or owning up that the price is wrong (too low) or that I have been given too much change. It's very embarrassing.

  • LizardSnot

    I would call the local authorities of the place where she was vacationing and let them know what happended..

    Then I would take out an ad in the local newspaper stating that you know who has the money and are willing to introduce the victim to the person who took it.


  • NewWay

    I would have taken the wallet and contents to the local police station. JWs are very well aware of this saying: 'Do to others what you would want them to do to you'. I made sure when my children were small that they could grasp this principle where it came to other people's money, by telling them: 'If it doesn't belong to you then its not yours'. They were told that even if they saw just one pence lying on the ground, they were not allowed to pick it up because it did not belong to them. You can't get simpler than that. What is needed is not legislation for different scenarios, but a simple question: 'What if it were me who had lost that money?' There is also the possibility that the money belonged to a local JW!

  • DakotaRed

    For all the JWs bragging about their "honesty," it is so refreshing to see not one of us so called apostates have supported what this cretin did. So, who is really the honest one? Sure wasn't that JW sister.

    Thank you bringing this out, Dutchie. Excellent example of much of the falseness that thrives within the Watchtower.

    Lew W.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Why don't they write experiences of that nature in their publications? A pioneer at that?

    Has she no shame to share such an experience?

    Guest 77

  • joeshmoe

    Can't wait to read this experience in the next yearbook.

  • Francois

    So, a witness pioneer admits, and is proud of, stealing. No big deal. I know of a pair of special pioneers who so terribly abused a young girl in their charge that she developed multiple personalities. Imagine - three way sex with a married couple and you - an eight year-old. Then the adults go door to door all week "announcing Jehovah's Kingdom."

    That group is depraved from end to end. No pun.


  • wholewheat

    If Jehovah's witnesses are such thieves, why does Robert Redford hire only witnesses to keep his house or apartment clean while he is on a location filming? His wife is a Morman, so why doesn't he get a Morman to do this? He trust Jehovahs witnesses because they have a fantastic reputation for not stealing. This woman that stole this man's money probably will end up here on this discussion board talking with her friends if her unchristian conduct is ever found out!


    Hey Buckwheat,I`m sure Robert Redford confides in you on a regular basis(LOL)The Queen just called me and wants to know why you haven`t visited lately.She kept saying: "Wheres Buckwheat? ,Wheres Buckwheat?"..What a crock of shit...OUTLAW

  • Dutchie

    Wholewheat, you are here on this discussion board. What indiscretion are you guilty of that we don't know about?

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