Simple things in life.........(no boobies)

by eyegirl 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nikita

    Reborn said:

    To have good enough health to be able to take a brisk walk in the park

    You don't know how much I appreicate that as I am in a cast on my left leg for 6-8 weeks, now!

    I also wanted to add that I am sorry for those of you who have been having crappy days, months and hoping they get better for you soon!


  • terafera

    You know what makes me smile?

    The fact that, one year ago, I was on the floor of my bedroom crying out to God...wondering why I couldnt get rid of the guilt I had.... telling him I knew the Witnessses had the truth, and yet I couldnt be happy as one. A few days later, I talk to my brother and he led me to this site. Now I talk to people who know where I'm coming from.

    I've met some of the brightest, most loving, compassionate and loyal people in my whole life, here. I now have a large family that accepts me with open arms.

    Edited by - terafera on 26 June 2002 1:0:38

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    rainy days

    sunny days

    an unexpected visit/phonecall from an old friend

    my cats playing together

    kids playing

    green grass!! lots of it. EVERYWHERE! (parks)

    a slurpee on a hot day!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Simple things like:

    - getting all the green lights in traffic

    - when your kids eat all their vegetables

    - sleeping in

    - reading a really good book and finding someone to talk about it with

    - laughing out loud

    - when you find a good friend

    - being loved

    - walking on freshly cut grass without shoes

    - that first coffee for the day

    - men who wear a nice cologne

    Those are my favourites.


  • scootergirl

    My seester!

    For 16 years, Beck, I have wondered about you. For 16 years I have wondered how you were, who you were. Now just the fact that I get you back in my life as an every day occurrance! To hear your infectious share "seester secrets" with you! To know that when all else in life is disappointing us, we have each other and sometimes a dozen snickerdoodles to console us! When life is good and the first person I want to share it with is you....... That is what makes me happy!

    Other things......

    A great thunderstorm.

    The smell of fall leaves.

    A feeling of accomplishment of finishing something.

    My children.

    My husband.

    A great meal that I don't have to do the dishes afterwards!


    Edited by - scootergirl on 26 June 2002 7:37:44

  • scootergirl

    I forgot to add just one thing that is my favorite.....

    That wonderful feeling and smell of a baby's head (especially after a bath)......I am a sucker for babies.

  • LittleToe

    This thread is so like "The Sound of Music".

    ...these are just some of my favourite things...

    A cuddle, or failing that, chocolate
    Darn, some days I'd give my left arm even for a genuine smile from a loved one... I'm getting morose again..
    ...why did you have to add "no boobies"???

    Edited by - LittleToe on 26 June 2002 7:59:24

  • scootergirl


  • WildTurkey

    Lets see, first would be porn, lol. I like to watch my wife play with the kids, and I like to sleep late on sunday.

  • zenpunk

    Being outside...

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