Do you consider this site Godly or Ungodly

by Truthexplorer 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut
    I fully believe that Gods word was inspired and that his moral standards are for our (mankind's) benefit....absolutely. Wake up people

    Wake up yourself.

    The Bible says that women are property and should be silent in church and obey their husbands. The Bible says it’s okay to beat your slaves as long as you don’t kill them. The Bible says to kill your children if they talk back to you. The Bible orders you to kill witches.

    At no point in the Bible is there a coherent, systematic break down of morality. The 10 Commandments is the closest it gets, and even those (on a whole) do more damage than good, and the rest of the commandments following those 10 are maniacal and contradict other commandments elsewhere in the Bible.

    Using the Bible as a moral code will leave you confused, self-loathing, illogical and fanatical.

  • millie210

    To answer the question in the title of this thread, I dont consider this site to be godly or ungodly.

    I see this as an educational site.

    A place where people who have shared a common experience can come and discuss the ins and outs of it.

    This site also serves as a news feed about upcoming events in JW world that may still effect us or family members and friends so it is a source of news in that sense,

    There is also a social angle about this place, Humor is shared, vacation plans, favorite music and so on.

    I was a little surprised when I saw the title of this thread as I truly never thought of this website as being about God or not about God.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I'm still open to the idea that there may be a supreme being out there but I don't believe in God the way the Bible or Christians portray him, anymore. To someone like me who doesn't necessarily believe in God in the standard way, whether this site is ungodly or not, is irrelevant. I see this site as a way for people who are in various different stages in their personal evolution on their way to being fully developed humans, to express their ideas and listen to the insights of others and a place to heal from living a lifestyle that no longer works for us.

    Your post, Truthexplorer, reminds me of the mindset of those (over the age of 50)men who are in charge of the Watchtower Corporation, who want anyone who thinks differently than they do, to be silent and or go away. Like almost every older person who has lived throughout history, they have reached a point where they are old enough to recognize the changes in the world that have happened since they were young and they like so many of their ages, are deathly afraid of it. They are also so uncertain of their own faith that they can't bear to hear anything that may challenge it. They shake their walking sticks at the sky and attempt to preserve the assured feelings they had when they were young by viewing the world as broken and unredeemable and they choose to ignore the good that has come along with the changes they are desperately trying to resist.

    If you choose to cling on to your own foregone conclusions, do so and feel free to tell us what you they are, but please don't try to come here and reprimand those who have their own views and have expressed them here.

  • Village Idiot
  • _Morpheus
    Bwahahaha Maybe your petty desert god isnt here but Thor is well represented. Godless indeed..... Maybe you shouldnt be so obsessed with a bronze age goat herder god and his pressance or absence from an internet forum
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "...increasingly alarmed at the views of those who even suggest that God has Got things wrong, that his son Jesus would not have such a opinion,..."

    There was no one to get anything wrong in the first place.

    "...that the bible is nonsense etc. "

    It is nonsense and I provided a link above to guide people to those nonsensical scriptures.

    "...oh come on...think about it!"

    We've thought about it long enough.

    "For me, Gods standards NEVER change. I fully believe that Gods word was inspired and that his moral standards are for our (mankind's) benefit....absolutely. Wake up people"

    Those standards that NEVER change include executing a man for gathering firewood during the Sabbath; forcing a rape victim to marry her rapist; executing a woman for not being a virgin on her wedding night. How dare you set those up as holy standards.

    "The world is upside down in their thinking.

    The world was upside down during the Inquisition; the Catholic Protestant wars; the execution of Mary Dyer; the Taiping rebellion and so forth. All of them were following "God's ways".

    "Gods ways are the best ways. the wholesome ways, the right ways."

    Allahu Akbar.

  • Viviane
    For me, Gods standards NEVER change. I fully believe that Gods word was inspired and that his moral standards are for our (mankind's) benefit....absolutely. Wake up people The world is upside down in their thinking.

    So you're advocating for slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing, women having to marry their rapist, women being property, eating shrimp and bacon being a crime, etc.?

    Goodbye everyone. This is my very last post.

    Hey, maybe miracles do happen.

  • scary21

    I love your post Lisa Rose.....You are so wise.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    I am wide awake and I can see through the God delusion. These days "Jesus loves the little children" does not sound like an appropriate slogan. Religion is a stain on the shorts of mankind. Take that Judge Rutherfart.
  • RichardHaley

    Is spaghetti apples or oranges? I consider this site choice #3... neither.

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