WT is shorting literature orders by congregation with a problem contributing enough for literature $3500 just for mags

by oppostate 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oppostate

    Maybe the young elder is using pre-common core new math!

    He clearly stated $3,500 (thirty-five hundred dollars) not three hundred and fifty. He did call it our literature order, so that may be saying he also counted in the book and new Bible orders.

    Also the long pause he gave in mid talk letting the figures set in may have been triggered by his own subconscious re-figuring the total amounts. Whatever the case, he came across as blaming publishers for not using the literature to best advantage and that if some feel short-changed they should blame those who have extras and let them accumulate at home gathering dust.

    It is so surreal how the Truth of the WT becomes a separate reality. The figures mean nothing, the individual opinions mean nothing. Everything finds its meaning in whatever "The Branch" says it means.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's all available online. The elders can print the mags for the members who don't have access.

    WTS can only wave this stuff in people's faces. They can't really enforce anything on them. When they cancel an order, close a Kingdom Hall, send the C.O. with a message- it hurts a bit, but the members start skipping recruiting when they have no product, start skipping meetings when it's a longer drive, start caring less what the C.O. has to say.

  • sir82

    Something's off here.

    $3500 --> 7000 magazines per month, if they cost 50 cents each, as he indicated.

    In a congregation of 100 publishers, that's 70 per publisher.

    In my experience, most publishers leave 5 - 15 magazines per month. Maybe 1 or 2 pioneers per congregation would leave as many as 70 in a month.

    Not to mention, as others have, that instead of 128 pages of content per month as there was in the 90's, now there is only 32. And those 32 are 50% blank space and 25% graphics.

    He's either incredibly stupid or incredibly shady. Either way it's not good.

  • NewYork44M

    I think this elder needs to go back to 3rd grade and learn his times tables.

    Perhaps multiplication could be a topic for local needs talk.

  • blondie
    I knew that when they stopped requiring a set price from the publishers for the publications that gradually the cash flow would slow down and the nagging for money would increase. I saw the trend in 2001, 11 years after the policy started and some ex-jws said the WTS had oodles of cash....property, not cash I said. I'm not surprised that it is getting more desperate and the WTS is coming up with techniques to siphon off more money from the congregations. Are they making jws more likely to accept a tithe in the next 10 years.
  • WTWizard

    If it is costing 3,500 toilet papers for rags alone, that is 7,000 rags given those prices. Is this per month? I never saw 7,000 rags coming in per month, even in the high-flying years when everyone and their dog was taking them (such as the late 1980s).

    And if they continue shorting them, I recommend shorting field circus. If they are pious-sneering, they simply put in the same percentage short on their hours as they are shorting out on the rags. Report the full time you would have reported. If they are short 25% on rags, you short 25% of your field circus (instead of 60 minutes counting as one hour, you count 45 minutes to short the time). That should put things back in balance, and ease any rag shortage.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    One comment about the number of magazine placements exceeding the congregation order.

    I think they are allowed to count a placement if the send an electronic version to someone by request, so it is possible to have more placements counted, it's meaningless anyway.

    the young elder in the OP needs to go back to grade school and Learn his times tables.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Cash flow in the Organization is always a necessary concern. As everyone knows though the literature is printed and written by volunteers the fact remains that the paper, ink and other necessary materials cost money and the costs are, I imagine, rising on a consistent basis.The costs for housing a vast volunteer force have I'm sure also risen. Add to this their wrong headed idea of building what we cannot afford and a tsunami of financial destruction is likely on its way.

    As has already been pointed out the current problem is partly the result of the decision to go from a required payment at the literature counter to what has become a voluntary offering. That was a mistake. At one time the cost for a set of mags was ten cents with pioneers getting it a little cheaper to help with their expenses. A year's subscription for the Watchtower $1.00.

    That of course was in a galaxy far far away where hope was palpable where we were happy to give more if asked. Where we at least felt well fed and trusted the leadership who produced what seemed to us good food at the proper time- the end. But today the leadership has decided to make the end an invisible end (while also keeping the mice endlessly running the wheel just as fast) and they seem to believe they can dance and sing and produce garbage and my generation will forget. No we are not forgetting, we remember.

    Now I pay nothing because I'm getting nothing. The magazines are not worth the paper they're printed on. Pretty pictures and Goop repeatedly put on the plate do not feed the soul. Rehashing what the previous Governing Body already did and wrote does not feed the mind. We need food, we are given slop presented as food. No thanks!

    I'm voting with my wallet, the only vote the Watchtower has ever allowed us to have.


  • Simon
    Maybe the world is telling them they should just print less of that crap.
  • Incognito

    While lack of contributions was implied as the reason, I think it likely that shorting the magazine order maybe a method being initiated to have publishers start downloading and printing mags on their own printers. This could be an idea initiated by the WT, an overzealous CO or COBE. As it appears more than one congregation is experiencing similar, it is more likely not just the local COBE's idea.

    While the OP didn't state how many mags were shorted, I expect a 'realistic' number for placement were supplied so that members would be forced to print or access a digital version for their families personal use.

    As time progresses, expect to see less and less paper documents supplied by WT with an eventual expectation (requirement) that 'Publishers' print literature themselves for placement D2D.

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