WT is shorting literature orders by congregation with a problem contributing enough for literature $3500 just for mags

by oppostate 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I know of a case, 30 plus years ago. The congo had run up a tab, and the brothers who usually pay it off (for everybody) decided to 'lovingly' allow the others to pitch in. So they waited. When the Circuit Overseer visited, he got mad, because having a congo in his circuit with a running late tab, made him look bad.

    Sorry, I don't remember who paid it off, but it was shortly after that, the Circuit Overseer decided to close that KHall and build a new one, a 45 minute (bad winter road) away from the perfectly good (paid off) KHall on a good road and convenient to most everyone. That CO, then removed the main Elders for asking why they were closing down a perfectly good, and happy, KHall to build a new one, that was not easy for most to get to.

    Aw. The loving ways of Holy Spit, I mean Spirit. lol


    PS I said 'spit' not the other nasty, dirty, stinky word. lol

    Have a good night from where I am and good morning to you in the UK.

  • dozy

    "all the work that goes into preparing the articles"

    That's got to be a joke , surely. The articles are written at a kindergarten level - poorly researched ( as evidenced by the number of complaints they get from people who have been misquoted ) and often very badly written. Frankly a few chimps on typewriters could probably do a better job.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    I wouldn't get too excited with this, are you certain the branch is doing it and not the elders and literature servant?
  • Ignoranceisbliss
    Math is wrong. He added a zero. A hundred pups at seven sets per is 700 sets @ .50c per is $350. Not $3500
  • joe134cd
    I was just thinking if most of the publishers were direct crediting their money to WBTS, of course the congregation account is going to look bad because the money isn't been channeled though the congs account but directly from the publishers bank account. For the society to be able to make this statement they must be monitoring the bank transactions and and the areas these transactions are been made.
  • paulmolark
    I still think that young elder is the smart one here. He fooled the rest into thinking that this congregation of senior citizens is placing 7000 magazines a month so that they can donate more money that he can easily siphon from to pay his mortgage and car note while still covering the cost of the magazines actually being used
  • Splash

    The point of an equalising is that some will pay more and some will pay less.

    The WT idea of an equalising is that ALL will pay more.

  • _Morpheus
    On a potentially related note the new version of the theocratic school guid book started showing up soft cover a few weeks ago. It used to be hard cover. Continued cost cutting....
  • DwainBowman

    If they are short shipping mag's and other items, and I don't doubt it at all! No one packing the mag's would know, the packing list are provided with the amounts listed for each item! I used to be a binder, trimmer $ and mailing line operation tech, back in the mid 70's, all of our factory was state of the art equipment for the day. Our mailing equal has the packing list programed into it, and the mags were counted out and strapped without anyone touching them, until they were stacked off at the end of the line!

    Back then, I could see where the mags were heading in abvance, I kept little notes with my info and a hello note on it, with stuff going to bethell was coming, I would put my notes in them. I still have a few good friends from those notes! 2 of the are like me, stuck in, but out mentally!

  • Oubliette

    Who needs mags. Just go out in service with your iPad or Smartphone and show everyone jw.org!

    "And this good news of the website will be preached in all of the inhabited earth ...." - Matt 24:14 rRNWT

    Let's review: It's a cult!

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