facial hair and dubs

by not interested 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • not interested
    not interested

    hey spazz,

    i dont belive you about that greek sister but it made me laugh any way

  • spaz

    Hi 'not interested',

    I wouldn't believe that story about a Greek sister either! Remember---if it sounds outrageously absurd it's safe to assume it was humor. However, if you think about it long enough you might see there's a thread of truth there somewhere!

    Regards, Spaz

  • BugParadise

    I guess I wouldn't make a good JW sister .. must be the reason they blacklisted me .. lol

    Hey is it really true that some sisters have to wear bags on their heads in service? They (the two nice good hearted ladies at my door) told me since I would be coming in past 1989 I am required to wear a bag over my head to meetings and door to door .. somehow I felt they were offended by my beautiful smile .. a little jealous perhaps but it wouldn't be the first time... often my women friends are jealous of me.

    ~ Bugs "super model"

  • spaz

    Hi BugParadise,

    I'll say one thing about you---you sure are cuter than that Greek sister. I think the thing about her wasn't so much the urinating behaviour nor the fact she had bushy eyebrows and ear-hair, nor how the sloping skull ran into the eyebrows eliminating any semblance of a forehead, but her deportment; when she walked with that stooped gait her knuckles occasionally scraped the concrete. She was a bag! And maybe that's what those watchtower women were trying to tell you--they were so grotesque they had to wear bags over their heads so their ugliness wouldn't detract from their message. Now perhaps you can understand why they would be jeaous when you smiled---apart form my wife, you're patently more gorgeous than any woman I've ever seen.

    Regards, Spaz

  • BugParadise


    ROFL! that was great!


  • spaz

    Hey Bugs,

    To the contrary--the pleasure was all mine!

    Friend, Spaz

  • SPAZnik

    not interested

    we have all seen sisters that had mustaches and beards that would make a 20 year old jealous, is that acceptable, can you imagine a pioneer sister at the door and the householder not even listening to her because they are looking at the crumbcather on her lip. If its unacceptable for brothers to have facial hair then why should it be ok for sisters sto have it?

    LOL. not interested....Your comments throughout this thread have me laffing.

    The sideburn/facial hair thing has long bothered me too.
    Hearing this brother/sister slant was very funny and entertaining. Thx 4 that!

    the real SPAZ

  • LittleToe

    After I DA'ed, alledgedly, one of the kids was heard to ask "Did he grow that beard because he was leaving the truth?" (paraphrased)

    Just goes to show how the link has been made between beards and anything worldy / apostate.

    Edited by - LittleToe on 25 June 2002 4:32:58

  • zev

    i have always wanted to let nature do its thing, and grow my beard.

    well about 3 months after leaving i did....


    after a while i did shave it off, and i may perhaps do it again.


    sooon after i stepped down as a m.s. years ago i got about 2-3 weeks into my "growth, and a "sister" said to me, "oh look your growing a beard, be sure to let us know when you come back."

    or something to that effect.

    how i wish i could have dope slapped her, and told her to wake the @$^* up!

    if we were not supposed to have facial hair, then why do we have it?

    carry this a bit father, and ask yourself (men only obviously) why do we circumsize our children?

    i realize different cultures have different isues, as well as medical issues, so i'm not fixed in stone over my opinions. but dagnabit, how about letting humans make their own decisions in life about how they want to look, or feel about themselves, and why force some of these decisions at such a young age?

    but alas, i digress

  • spaz

    Hi Zev,

    Sounds like the bitch had a subliminal itch for a slap. It was selfish of you not to.

    Perhaps another pertinent question should be,"Why do men shave the hair from their faces?"

    The answer is probably, To look like a woman. The modern western woman(mother, wife, girlfriend) suffers a dichotomy: On one hand she is mostly afeared of masculinity and it's physical manifestations of facial hair, on the other she is sexually aroused by masculinity. Her fear of masculinity generally wins out and she it is that demands her man(son, husband, boyfriend) shave his frightening physicality. Because the modern male has been fairly well emasculated, he capitulates to her wishes. Subconsciously, she resents him so capitulating to her. Her dominating him over time eventually causes her much chagrine in the form of mental discontent, but she never understands the source of her unhappiness.

    Regards, Spaz

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