Are You the Weakest Link?

by VioletAnai 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    :::::::::::::::o apologize for and blindly support an organization which has shielded pedophiles with the implementation of a two-witness rule, murdered children with the adherence to a blood doctrine which has continually changed, divided families by the practicing of an unscriptural shunning doctrine, and driven others to suicide because they lost all they had ever known for questioning a man-made religion

    Reborn, a dear sweet man in our congregation died of a heart attack a year after he was d'fed for smoking. Whilst smoking may not be the wisest lifestyle choice, being shunned by four kids and several grandkids creates the kind of negative stress that gives rise to heart attack. I have no doubt that the WTS killed him. His oldest son has never forgiven himself for shunning his dad. He has to live with it on his conscience for the rest of his life.

    You have named but a few of the WTS failings. I see so much harm and damage they've created that I feel sick to my stomach over it. Yes you and I are batting for the same team.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    I did address a post to the bitter, twisted, people of this board.

    i'm still pretty new so i don't know what's going on (and i don't want to know). i just wanted to say hi. if i ever said anything to offend you, please tell me. you seem like a nice girl.

    ~incense and peppermints

  • VioletAnai

    Marilyn, sometimes I just don't get it! Some are shunned for hiding it, others for telling the brothers their 'sin' and being unable to fight it. These people need help, not hinderance.

    Reborn: Please don't assume anything sinister in my being here.....straight down the line, that's me.

    Incense, you seem a lovely person too, a little angry at your past experiences, but hey, can we blame you? Just be willing to let go to most of the wrong's and heal and live a happy, fulfilled life. This is the best revenge....if you are a believer in it.

    If you eva offend me I'll have you drawn and quartered and dipped in acid! NOT!

  • terafera

    I think I'm pretty smart, but I only got #2 and 4 right. I had to go over #3 a million times!!

    Thanks for popping my ego!!

  • joeshmoe


    Yea, but did you spend a full 8 minutes doing nothing but staring at no 3? I did. The numbers don't lie. Look at the time between my first and second post on this thread.

    That's how I spell DEPRESSING!

  • professor

    This test has several flaws:

    The answer to question 1 depends on when "now" is which is not clear.

    However, if we are assuming that "now" is immediately after passing the 2nd place runner, then we can answer question 2 also by continuing in chronological order. If you are passing the person in last place, it is very possible that you have lapped them if the race in on a track that circles. Therefore, if the answer to question 1 is "2nd place", continuing in chronological order would mean that you are still in 2nd place in question 2, and that you and the 1st place runner have just lapped the last place runner.

    Question 3, however, is unanswerable because "take" can mean the opposite of "add". Also the statement "1000 again" does not indicate what to do with that 1000.

    Question 4 can be guessed at but not answered absolutely because there are some males named Marie. The question does not say that Marie is female. Marie could be a boy with a feminine name, be intersexed, a transexual, a crossdresser, etc.

  • joeshmoe

    Prof, are you going for most anal link?

    I will say this: Your analysis does make me feel less dumb. Which, come to think of it, may do the most to invalidate your conclusions!


    Joe "the annoying link" Shmoe

  • COMF
    How can you over take the person coming last? If you're behind them then they can't be last. The answer is impossible!! It would appear that thinking is not one of your strong points.

    You can overtake them by lapping them on an oval track. It would appear that thinking is not one of your strong points.

  • professor

    Prof, are you going for most anal link?
    Yes. Did I win? Wait I forgot to say BANK!

  • tdogg

    Why is the runner "lying" in second place. I would have stopped to see if he/she was okay.

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