Are You the Weakest Link?

by VioletAnai 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • joeshmoe

    That's right folks. Just now got no. 3.

    Thank you, thank you very much (bows graciously).

  • VioletAnai

    Damn that No 3!!!!!!!!!

  • Marilyn

    :::::::::::::Some people are born into the cult. Some people are undergoing difficult times in their lives which make them mentally susceptible to a message which seemingly provides all the answers. Some people have family members which are involved in the cult, and they play along to maintain contact with thier loved ones.

    And some people are in the wrong place at the wrong time. I talked my boyfriend into becoming a dub - he was a gifted math student at the time. I was a dumb but pretty 18yo - and he allowed me to talk him into dubdom. Ten yrs later we left. My husband is now an associate professor of education at the open university of Hong Kong. Dr. David Murphy. I don't believe for one minute that he was susceptible or emotionally vulnerable. David is the most balanced person you'll ever meet. He was just conned by a very persuasive me. I can go on to name many cases like this.

    ::::::::::However, having already been EXPOSED to FACTS concerning the CULT, and having personally made statements both SUPPORTING and DEFENDING, and then later ATTACKING and then still later SUPPORTING again.. etc, etc. THAT is different. Once one has EDUCATED themselves on a particular religion, and KNOWS the FACTS, then yet and still continues to vacillate back and forth, and make outlandish statements, THAT has something to do with intelligence, for such a person is a fool.

    See my dear fellow you are still learning. You are still suffering with the black and white syndrome. You simply don't know enough about Violets case to understand where she is at. She has written to me privately and I feel she is struggling with this issue on many levels. There are some deeply confusing signals that she's had in her life. Drugs, 'demons' and abuse, which have muddied the waters. Violet is intelligent but she's also had a very screwed up life. I don't have any doubts that she won't hack dubdom. She is too smart. She knows too much. She is though using it as a security blanket at the moment - and that's fine. We are all different and most of us haven't endured what she's endured. I'm sure that I don't even know the half of where she's at - but her letter to me was long and involved and taught me that some situations are very complex and it's best to butt out and let a person deal with their problems in their own way. I was though very impressed with her openness and honesty. I do sometimes even wonder if Violet has multiple personalities or whether someone else posts under her name. I know this is frustrating, but screaming at her is futile. I don't feel I've explained this very well - but I'm following my gut feelings (same reason I left the Org.)


  • Xander

    Just checking. You mean, like, the invisible, get-you-in-your-sleep demons, right? Cause, in all seriousness (and I'm not mocking or anything, I'm really dying to know) - HOW, exactly, did you manage to experience this?

    Edited by - Xander on 20 June 2002 21:9:15

  • Reborn2002


    See my dear fellow you are still learning

    Dont presume to speak to me as if I was your child.

    You are still suffering with the black and white syndrome

    So now you are qualified to diagnose me? When later on you state:

    You simply dont know enough about Violet's case to understand where she is at.

    Heed your own statements, and do not presume to diagnose and tell me what I do or do not know. especially if you know nothing about my case or experience.

    I never stated that all issues are black and white, with clear, concise answers readily available, so do not put words into my mouth. The truth is many scenarios exist in varying shades of grey.

    While I sympathize with Violet to an extent over substance abuse addictions or perilous, extenuating circumstances (i.e. abuse), I was simply stating my OPINION based off what knowledge I know of her from previous posts.

    If you will, I shall reference you to just a few examples.


    in which she stated:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for making me see that I'm wasting my time being in a world of bitter, twisted, self-absorbed people and making me wake up to the BENEFITS of being a Jehovah's Witness!

    never seen a more bitter lot than you aposto-freaks

    then on other threads such as:

    I just finished reading the WT media release....

    she states:

    boils her blood

    because pedophiles hide so well in the Society

    or what about this thread?

    Ok I See Some Evidence of Brainwashing

    she comments:

    Brainwashing the great crowd into believing they are pious and more righteous than any priest was. Their high and mighty attitude will topple them and they will be severely judged for how they treated 'the widow and the fatherless boy'! They are more corrupt in my book.

    One cannot proclaim the benefits of being a Jehovah's Witness and cast down WT opposers as wicked, then proceed to chastise the WTS themselves. Evidently VioletAnai has done enough reading to know about the UN affiliation, the pedophile issue, WT media releases, evidence of brainwashing.. and yet she is speaking out of both sides of her mouth.

    So again, I say:

    Once one has EDUCATED themselves on a particular religion, and KNOWS the FACTS, then yet and still continues to vacillate back and forth, and make outlandish statements, THAT has something to do with intelligence, for such a person is a fool.

    ViolentAnai may very well be undergoing personal issues which plague her conscience or make her question internally if the WTBTS is indeed the "Truth" or not in her eyes. However, I am making my statements based solely off of direct quotes taken from her mouth, and from my personal observation and opinion of those statements.

    Do you understand my point now Marilyn?

    Good. This discussion is over.

  • VioletAnai

    Ummmm....ok, we're onto this again.

    Thanx again Marilyn for yer help!

    I did address a post to the bitter, twisted, people of this board. However, not all are the horrible people jw's make them out to be...only a select few actually are. Attacking me has gotten them nowhere. Tactfulness, a sign of social etiquette, is a much better approach with me, Syn has been very respectful in that regard. I won't however be tactful to someone who constantly demeans everything said.

    Marilyn is right. I am struggling. I see so much good, but then the bad overrides it, then the good, then the bad.....and the thought of peace on earth is just too good. But my anger and hatred is to man, elder, co, do, gb, not to God.

    Now....can we please just continue and enjoy making dumbarses out of ourselves.........

    Edited by - Violetanai on 20 June 2002 22:2:30

  • Marilyn

    REborn I have read quite a bit of your situation and I am not in the business of trying to upset you. I think you have had quite a lot to deal with yourself lately. I am old enough to be your mother btw, but as you so rightly point out, I am not your mother. Calling Violet a fool raised my hackles a little as it appeared harsh and intolerant - even though I know full well the extent to which Violet raves on out of control about the WTS. I have chosen to ignore all her ramblings - because the rest of the time she reverts back to normalcy. That's why I wondered if there are two people posting under her name. Actually Rick from the old H20, used to do something quite similar. One minute lucid the next totally irrational. I find it quite interesting to watch her but I don't have the patience to read any of her pro WT drivel. That she keeps coming back here I find encouraging.

    Some of my perspectives on WT issues may be different to yours. I have been out over 20 yrs. I'm disfellowshipped for apostasy after I became an athiest. I have had a great deal of experience with WT family and shunning and though we might form different attitudes to various people I have no doubt that we share the same irriations, frustrations, disgust and loathing.

    Marilyn. ps I hope I have smoothed your ruffled feathers.

  • Marilyn

    Violet, I took 3 yrs to leave the WTS. I used to think of it like set of scales. Good on one side and bad on the other. After a while the bad was so heavy and the good so light that I had to walk away.

    There is nothing you say about the WTS that is convincing. It just comes across like someone who's been sucked in to an ideal that they want desperately to be true. Hey, have you seen the movie Holy Smoke? You really must. Get it out on video. It's an excellent movie. You remind me of Kate Winslett from the movie. She really wanted her new found Eastern religion to be true. And one really had to wonder if her family were doing the right thing getting a deprogrammer to show her what a bunch of crap it was. You probably should try to take in films like this because it will give you an overview of cults and how people think they are so wonderful whilst everyone else can see how ridiculous they are.

    Mostly Vi, I don't think you are stupid. Not a bit.


  • dirty larry
    dirty larry

    ..."Calling Violet a fool raised my hackles a little as it appeared harsh and intolerant -"...

    same perspective here Mazza.

    Youve got to be very carefull around intolerant people who think they are very tolerant. They have short fuses.

  • Reborn2002


    I was never mad with you, so please do not think that.

    Listening to your experience I will agree that we have many things in common.

    I too know what it feels like to deal with shunning applied by family members as a result of WT doctrine, and to be gossiped and slandered about and accused of apostacy.

    We are all entitled to different opinions, and that is one of the beautiful rewards that an exit from the Jehovah's Witnesses provides. Lest we not forget, the WTBTS does not want it's members

    harboring private ideas

    I also find it encouraging that Violet continually finds her way back here, but again that depends on her true intentions of participating on this board.

    Marilyn, you and I undoubtedly share some of the same emotions.

    irritations, frustrations, disgust, and loathing

    I feel those too.

    I hold no quarter for apologists of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    To apologize for and blindly support an organization which has shielded pedophiles with the implementation of a two-witness rule, murdered children with the adherence to a blood doctrine which has continually changed, divided families by the practicing of an unscriptural shunning doctrine, and driven others to suicide because they lost all they had ever known for questioning a man-made religion, is UNACCEPTABLE.

    Thank you Marilyn for your genuine concern, and I appreciate the fact we can respectfully disagree or debate.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 20 June 2002 22:30:57

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