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by campaign of hate 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Now that more JWs are getting Internet access, they need to have a look at these instructional videos to clarify some confusion the GB has caused with respect to the word "near" as in the phrase "the end is near":

  • FayeDunaway

    Lol billy!! 

    And I think campaign of hate is being ironic about his name, its what the gb calls sites like this. 

  • truthseeker100
    That's hilarious Billie. LOL.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    We now know the kind of "higher education" that ToMo is condemning...

    Sesame Street!

  • FayeDunaway

    Oh, and c of hate, I'm new here too...posted much more here the last two days I'm sure than I usually will, I'm sick in bed...

    .but NEVER worry about 'fitting in' here, or anywhere else. 

  • bsmart
    When 2034 comes and goes someone will dig up the forecast by Isaac Newton which states 2060 is the earliest that Armageddon could come and all will get their numerology panties in a twist yet again. The race will begin for another 100 years of JW tweaks and wishful thinking.
  • cultBgone
    CoH, welcome aboard!  We are seeing many new posters so even if you can't physically leave, it's heart-warming to know that you and many others have awakened from the wt nonsense.  Hopefully you'll be able to plant little seeds of truth and save more dear ones from the crazy, nonproductive lifestyle that is the bOrg.
  • Vidiot

    Billy - "We now know the kind of 'higher education' that ToMo is condemning... Sesame Street!"

    I gotta admit, the Children's Television Workshop does seem somewhat advanced for him...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome from me, C.O.H..  
    You said:

    They will not specifically mention 2034, but they will spell out 120 years being the days of Noah in reference to say, an article about the great tribulation....They will let the rumor mill and peoples speculation to do WTs work for them. 2034 will never be mentioned, but speculation among Jws will arrive at that date.

    I can imagine the Watchtower article now.
    w01/01/2020  Many have left the truth because their desire for selfish pleasures outweighs their waiting on Jehovah's day.  We may be 105 years past the time Satan first was cast to the earth and multiplied the evil all around us, but we have the clear Bible example of Noah's day where God decreed a limit of 120 years for the violence and wickedness of mankind to be brought to a finish.  Likewise today, Jehovah gives people every opportunity to repent and He allows His faithful to be tested by Satan, but not beyond what they can tolerate.

    w01/01/2024  While we cannot say that it is a fact that God has decreed a set time limit again, we do well to remember the days of Noah and that set time limit.  

    w01/01/2029  It is evidently much more than a coincidence that the current faithful and discreet slave class that has overlapped with the faithful and discreet slave class that saw the beginnings of the fulfillment of the sign is now in the autumn of their fleshly lives and that we are nearing 120 years since the last days began (Gen 6:3 and a bunch of other scriptures can be listed here without quoting them.)

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