Supreme Court Ruling--JW Atty Response

by patio34 8 Replies latest social current

  • patio34

    This was in the news today and the WTS attorney's response (highlighted) is really arrogant, don't you think? It's not what the case was about--"protecting their public ministry"--it was about liberties under the law.


    Court slams door on village's bid to curb solicitation

    Jehovah's Witnesses hail 8-1 vote

    June 18, 2002

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Constitution guarantees religious groups, politicians, Girl Scouts and others the right to knock on their neighbors' doors without stopping at town hall for permission, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in a broad endorsement of free speech rights.

    By a vote of 8-1 the high court struck down an Ohio village's law that required anyone going door-to-door to register with authorities and carry a permit. Violators could be fined $100.

    "It is offensive, not only to the values protected by the First Amendment but to the very notion of a free society, that in the context of everyday public discourse a citizen must first inform the government of her desire to speak to her neighbors and then obtain a permit to do so," Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the majority.

    The mayor of the tiny Stratton, Ohio, population 287, said the law was intended to protect elderly residents against flimflam artists or pesky salesmen. The Jehovah's Witnesses, whose religion mandates doorstep proselytizing, objected, saying the law was largely aimed at keeping them out of town.

    The law was too broad and affected too many kinds of encounters, Stevens wrote for himself and Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony M. Kennedy, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer.

    He noted that residents could file a form to specifically allow visits from Girl Scouts, Christmas carolers or Halloween trick-or-treaters, among others, but that the law seemed to ban those groups from operating unless they had a permit.

    Had the ordinance been narrower, it might have withstood constitutional scrutiny, Stevens wrote for the majority.

    Two of the court's most conservative justices, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, agreed with the outcome of the case but did not sign on to all of Stevens' reasoning.

    Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist dissented.

    "The court once again reaffirmed the fundamental protection of our public ministry under the First Amendment," church lawyer Paul Polidoro said. "Eight justices of the Supreme Court saw the importance of our public ministry ... and that it deserved all the protection the First Amendment could provide."

    The church won victories in the 1930s and 1940s that have helped form the court's modern interpretation of the First Amendment.

    Taking note of the World War II-era cases, Stevens wrote: "The value judgment that then motivated a united democratic people fighting to defend those very freedoms from totalitarian attack is unchanged. It motivates our decision today."

    Stratton Village Solicitor Frank Bruzzese defended the law, saying it was "narrowly drawn to regulate only entry onto private property." Town leaders said they are still evaluating their next step.

    Monday's case turned in part on the notion of anonymity when speaking one's mind.

    The court already has held that the Constitution gives people the right to anonymously distribute campaign literature. Monday's ruling extends that right to door-to-door soliciting for other causes.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses, who count 6 million practicing members worldwide, routinely knock on doors and ask to talk about religion. They often offer biblical tracts and say they accept donations but do not ask for them.

    The church argued that it needs no one's permission to pursue its mission, and objected to registering by name for a permit.

    The case is Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc. v. Village of Stratton, Ohio, et al., 00-1737.


    This was an Associated Press article.


  • abbagail

    Hi Pat, In the New York Times' version of the Supreme Court ruling, they quoted a comment by the only dissenting judge, Rehnquist, and I thought what he said was kinda funny...

    Solicitors Do Not Need Prior Permission, Court Rules


    Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, the sole dissenter, ... added, "Great as is the value of exposing citizens to novel views, home is one place where a man ought to be able to shut himself up in his own ideas if he desires."

    ---and this was kinda funny, too ---

    Notwithstanding its constitutional importance, the Stratton case has been marked by rich human drama and, occasionally, comedy. ... Mr. Abdalla ... recalled Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's asking, "Do I have to get a permit to borrow a cup of sugar from my neighbor?"

    Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company | Permissions | Privacy Policy

    :) GRITS

  • LB

    Hmmm, I read the article and felt that this may blow the entire therory about being in the last days. After all if the governments are supporting the witnesses door to door ministry, then we can't be in the last days, right? After all just before the end aren't they supposed to be in hiding??? Everyone turning against them?

  • JAVA

    Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, the sole dissenter, ... added, "Great as is the value of exposing citizens to novel views, home is one place where a man ought to be able to shut himself up in his own ideas if he desires."

    The Watchtower Society has a right to lock their doors during the 9-11attack to keep frighten people out, but the public can't keep the Watchtower out when it comes knocking. Isn't life interesting?

    Edited by - JAVA on 19 June 2002 14:7:7

  • patio34

    It's ironic, but 2-3 years ago, I would have had the dubs' viewpoint, even tho still thinking the guy was arrogant. But now, with the blinders and brainwashing gone, it's as clear as can be.

  • ashitaka

    Funny thing is, they hate government, but hail the justices.

    Who-hoo, this land is great.....can't wait till the birds are eating it's collective corpse.

  • Valis

    Eight justices of the Supreme Court saw the importance of our public ministry

    I guess they don't mind being lumped in w/the door to door vacuum cleaner salesmen......The JW lawyer certainly knew how to take a ruling from the Justices out of context. The failure to recognize its the right and not the message should give us a clue where is is coming from..The Sally Struthers Earn At Home Degree Program. That and too much time reading the Awake if anything.


    District Overbeer

  • patio34

    Ashitaka, yeah, the WTS likes it both ways.

    Valis, that's more than spin, imo, it's deceitful, even for a lawyer.

  • blacksheep

    Yeah Ashitaka. I remember hearing the JWs in their literature *brag* about how some courts observing that JW's have "done more for religious freedom than any other religious organization in the US (I think it was the US."

    The utter irony. An organization that insists it alone possesses the truth broasting about it's contribution towards relgious freedom. Yeah, juxtapose THAT claim with a picture of birds pecking out the eyes of from the corpses of the government officials post Armageddon (that's AFTER, of course, Babylon the Great (particularly "Christendom") has been has been utterly anhiliated.

    Haven't read all the posts. But I honestly didn't see the issue of relious "preaching" door to door being taken that seriously by our government. Although I'm sure the ruling is just another example of "Jehovah's protection of his organization." Right. Ironic that my local paper said that of course, people could just put up "no soliciting" signs to discourage them. But, then I remember going door to door and my partner always saying that we werent "soliciting" so the sign didn't even apply to us. I think the solution is putting up a "NO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES" sign: pretty hard to deny that one, even for them. I'd love to see people put those signs up en masse.

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