Do you ignore certain posters?

by LDH 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomhouse3


    I am what you would call a "newbie" but I am going to request that you would at least judge me based on MY merits rather than basing your judgement based on a couple of "bad" apples. Thank you

  • one

    The best topic are usually ignored here, nothing new.
     Limited social capabilty keep many posters from reacting 
    or contribute to a good topic, UNLESS they "know"
    the author... in many other cases such 'limitation' does 
    not exist but they feel free to pick and choose.
     Some choose to interact only with hi level posters, 
    they feel better/hi. 
     Heck I would feel better if could interact with Xuxa, openly.
    I need to externally nonvalidate my nonworthiness 
    in my own eyes.
     THEN you have sex and fight topics...
    they are great judging by the number of participants/posters
  • invisible

    ommmmmms resonantly

  • Marilyn

    I'm a slow reader and I don't have time to read even half the posts. I comment if time permits.

    BUT I hate it when people put a lot of effort in and no one replies.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    me too marilyn me too

  • RedhorseWoman

    Okay, so here's the deal. Somebody adopt me and take care of me so that I don't have to work, or clean house, or take care of horses....or even get out of bed for that matter. Then, just give me free access to a computer and I will respond to all the posts that I find interesting.

    Until that time, I generally don't get a chance to check much more than the first or second page for posts. If I'm not half asleep (which is not all that often) I'll respond to a topic that sounds interesting or one that strikes a chord in me.

    Additionally, it's well known that I'm a DB whore and I just post indiscrimnately everywhere. It's an addiction. I can't help it. It's either internet discussion boards or buying shoes on eBay.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    That is true Marilyn.

    When there is forethought and effort gone into a response it is always polite to acknowledge it...I always try to acknowledge such responses on my threads...but I also accept and understand that not everyone has the time.

    How is the kitty cat Marilyn?


  • ashitaka


    I was speaking of caution. I've had people say they are something they are not, and I looked like a fool more than once. I simply stay away from the thread, I'm not kicking you off of the forum. I wait for a few weeks before I start responding to any threads of people who are new, because I don't enjoy looking like an ass if I become emotionally invovled with some hard-core JW who is baiting us for an answer by pretending to be an exJW.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    There is really only one poster I tend to ignore. That is YouKnow. Why? Because I had a YouKnow-like Father and I had to listen to all that gloom and doom drivel most of my growing up and I'll be damned if I am going to read it on here. Every slight down turn in the DOW signaled THE END. ugh!

    Would it be wonderful if YouKnow posted a thread and NOBODY responded. Let's start a trend, eh?


  • c5

    I generally browse any catagory that catches my interest. I may or may not post a response, depending on my mood and if the contribution is relevant.

    Flame and attack threads do not interest me as I know that responding, no matter how good of point one makes, only satisfies the flamer because of attention. I enjoy reading all the personal experience threads, which helps you to get to know how each one of us got here and why.
    I don't bother with fluff threads as I have more than enough fluff in my real life to enjoy. :-)

    My favorites would have to be the intellectual discussions on evolution and Bible interpretation.

    I like some funny threads and have been known to literally roll on the floor laughing in tears!


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