Explain This!!

by gsx1138 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
  • Windchaser

    Did someone mention balls?

  • orangefatcat

    Okay its time for me to confess, it was me, I was chasing this squirrel and was gooooing oooh so fast that I appeared as an bright orange light ball searing across the grass.!! Sorry to have frightened you. I forgot how scary that can be to humans.



  • Sentinel

    I'm not a scientist, but I can tell you that what you saw was real. Never discount reality. It's the basis for our very existence. There are things going on in this universe that would astound you. But, if you tell a JW, you will be labeled if it gets to the Elders.

    When I was very sick with a high fever/strepp throat, about 17yrs old, I had a very unusual experience. I was taking prescribed medication but it wasn't doing too much, so the Dr. prescribed something new. I had already taken the meds I had been on, and then mom gave me the new stuff right on top of it. I don't believe anyone knew how the darvon would work with the other stuff. It nearly killed me.

    Seconds after taking the darvon, I couldn't breathe. My lungs were paralized. I have some slight memory of being yanked off the sofa by my dad, hearing people screaming, and the word dead and dying ALOT. At one point I was outside in the deep snow and dad was giving me mouth to mouth, and my mother was still crying "what should I do, what should I do". (I mean, she had no directive from the org, regarding this type of situation, so she was indecisive, and every minute counted.) She hadn't even called the ambulance yet!

    In between consciousness, I remember somebody picking me up and carrying me (it was the ambulance crew) I lost most of my hearing then, but the blue and red lights were flashing, and they were trying so hard to get me to say something, anything. I remember thinking vividly that I was being lifted way up high, and I looked down and saw myself, and the people working on me. I heard them saying, "I can't get a pulse"...and then "we've lost her"--I didn't care. I felt absolutely wonderful. I was a little sad to be leaving my family, but I felt very happy and at peace. I saw a very intense bright white light, and I followed it. It seemed like a tunnel that I was flying through, and there were forms of beings, but I could not make out who or what they were. (later they told me that I was mumbling, "it's okay, let me go. It's so beautiful. Let me go")

    Then, like a bolt of lightning, a voice simply said, "not yet". Instantly, I was back. I was in the hospital ER, and they were giving me oxygen and something to counter the darvon, which apparently I had a reaction to. They were treating me like a drug addict, which I took offense to at the time.

    I tried to make sense of what happened to me. I was never the same person after that. I felt like I had changed, and that I was here to do something special. I tried to explain it to my mom, who said I must have been under demon attack and that she would talk to the brothers if I continued to try to discuss it with her or anyone else in the cong.. I know it wasn't anything like that. But, it frightened me. That was just the beginning of my turning things inward. I began to keep my experiences to myself.

    I can understand how one might feel very odd trying to explain circumstances and events that are totally out of the norm. But, just because they aren't in the norm, doesn't mean they aren't valid.As long as we keep moving toward the good in all things, we are protecting ourselves. Nothing is impossible. We humans know so little. We are such insignificate creatures. But, we have our place, just the same. We aren't alone.

    I believe what happened to me was as real as what happened to you. I don't know what it was that you saw, or what it means. Never deny your eyes, ears, heart and mind. It happened alright.

    These days, I tend to think in my circumstance, that perhaps I was actually meeting my own soul.

    "The Truth Is Out There"


  • tdogg

    Do a search for "ball lightning" on the net and you will probably find your answer. This is not alien ufo crap but a natural phenominon that you were fortunate to witness. Bascially it is believed that under the right circumstances, an electrical charge can create a plasma ball that can exist for short periods of time. There are myraids of testimonials from people who see this but get freaked out because little is known about it. Let me know if the descriptions you find match your experience.

    PS- there are other accounts of this on clear sky nights

    Edited by - tdogg on 14 June 2002 20:41:1

  • Kenneson


    I had a similar experience when I was 14; also witnessed by my cousin. One difference was the color. What we saw looked like the moon, made no sound and just seemed to go down in a wooded area. The explanation given was swamp gas. I can't say it was or wasn't. I never saw anything like it before or since. I wouldn't say it was anything supernatural or alien. I think that the government conducts a lot of experiments that the ordinary citizens know nothing of--and when objects are sighted all types of explanations are offered to keep it secret (until they can know longer hush hush it). Then, too, it could have been some type of natural phenomena (other than swamp gas). Maybe it was ball lightning, as some here maintain.

  • Yerusalyim


    Yep, ball lightening was the first thing I thought too. I've seen this phenomenom once. It was cool to say the least, the ball lightening went streaking under the porch roof all along the house. It was so cool.

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