Giving thanks in restaurants!

by Beck_Melbourne 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • bonovox

    Two recent events come to mind:

    I was in an Olive Garden in Orlando and saw a family giving thanks, I naively assumed that they were JW, that is until I saw them all do the sign of the cross at the end of the prayer...

    At a Swiss Chalet, I saw a Muslim family giving thanks...didnt really give it a second thought..

    When I was a JW my elder step-dad just asked us to each bow our own heads and say our own quick thanks...I think he felt for him to stand up and give a KH-like prayer in a restaurant would be pompous and pretentious...

  • imissthedub

    This is a timely subject for me. I was just talking to a friend about this. I am not a JW nor have I ever been, but I do believe in God and that Jesus Christ is His Son and Savior. We always pray at home before meals. It may only be a sentence....maybe times it is NOT about the food...which I find silly...blessing food. That used to be done back when food alot of times was tainted.

    So, anyway, I digress. I said to my friend that although we always pray at home, I never even THINK to pray in a restaurant. And I wonder why. I don't think it is necessary, nor do I think it is pompous...unless you pray loud and try to show how "holy" you are. What bugs me is that I don't have a problem with others doing it, nor do I have a problem with ordering a cocktail or reading a very sexual book in public....but for some reason I don't pray. lol. And I would feel uncomfortable reading my Bible in a restaurant, even though I don't feel uncomforable reading a "trashy" novel. I guess I don't want people to think I am trying to act self-righteous. At least, I tell myself that. I hope I am not ashamed to read the Bible....but, you know, I am afraid people will think I am goofy on it or trying to show how spiritual I am.

    I do think alot about what was mentioned above....about praying in private instead of on the public corners. I guess maybe that it why I don't pray in restaurants. I am not a "normal" Christian, though, I guess...because I find alot about organized religions of all types to go against what I think Christ wanted us to learn.

    Don't you HATE when people use their religion as a show for other people?

  • MikeMusto

    Br. Sydlik says "even a dog thanks and barks at his master before he is given food.....are we less

    than a dog?"

  • LizardSnot


    Its not that complicated!

    If you are thankful for your food....and you believe God provided it for you....thank him..

    If you think you put it there...thank yourself

    *rolls eyes


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Like most of you above, I agree that the showy display is pharisaic...and that's what I hated. But sincerity comes in different forms...some are loud but still sincere...others are quiet to the point of unnoticeable...but still sincere. I wanted to be the unnoticed sincere....ahh I'm the not going there again sincere.

    I also remember not being allowed to call it 'grace' was 'giving thanks'...grace was so wordly. How come was that?? Who was grace??

  • gsx1138

    My parents never did those kinds of things but when I was in FS the leader of the group always did. It was made even worse if I was the only man in a carload of women. The thing that always irritated me about those situations is the woman, regardless of age, would look to me to be the leader of the group because I was the male. Here I am, 17, telling 45-50 women what needs to be done. I always felt sorry for them that they were so dependent on men. So my mother in law is seventh day adventice and she wants to pray everywhere and force myself or her kids to pray. Well I gave in one time and started my prayer out loud, "We thank the Goddess for all of her blessings....." Needless to say she has not asked me again.


  • Carmel

    Just another silly ritual that is out dated and fit for the trash bin. Praying is a private matter and any public display is likely insincere. Just my projection for the day..


  • blondie

    It is my experience that people who pray in public, rarely pray in private. It is all for show.

  • crawdad2

    i never prayed in public, ....... i found it a showy display, haughty............ many times i was with a group of jws out to dinner,,,,,,,,,and they would say a loud jw prayer........ i always thought is was soooo haughty.

    little did i know, back then, that the whole jw organization was based on haughtiness.

  • desertflower

    We never said prayers in the restaurants, everyone would take care of their own prayer. Looked like they wanted attention
    if they made a big deal out of it. Guess everyone has too do their own thing. DF

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