Looking for ideas.

by Driving Force 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 3rdgen

    If you want to continue your fade with the least drama don't reply to his e-mail. E-mails are like phone calls-you are under no obligation to answer them. If you feel you must then keep it as short as possible. Something like:

    Brother Shepard,

    It was kind of you to think of me. I watched the video you sent.

    Thanks, Driving Force

  • TTATTelder

    There is really no reason at this point to "teach" JW's anything about TTATT. It's online for anyone with the searching capabilities of a 4 year old...

    The main point I am making with my wife lately is pointing out the absence of a public financial statement that lets people know where their donation is going (like all respectable charities). A third party audit would be even better. I'll be sure and hold my breath for that one.

    If you want to stir the pot for the fun of it, and aren't worried about the consequences, then you could ask whether there is an "accounts report" from Brooklyn that the elders get to see. You could say that you don't even need to see it yourself, you just would feel better to know it was available at least to elders (there is no such report of course).

    You could add "Common sense always says follow the money, but this organization doesn't allow you to do that. Having faith is one thing, but demanding blind faith seems unnecessary."


  • Oubliette
    Stephen Lett: We don't "coerce" our members for funds like those other guys. But I'm going to spend the next hour telling you we have a shortfall of funds.
  • millie210

    Thank him for the interest he is showing in you.

    (You said he is nice and a sincere shepherd)

    Beyond that? Nothing. He is telling you a lot when he says the video can explain it better than he can.

    He is under the sway of the form of hero worship some have for the GB. You cant change that quickly or with a well worded letter.

    Responding politely and keeping the door of communication open will let him come to you again later with his own doubts - if he ever has them - because he will view you as approachable.

    That is a reachable goal for now.

  • TTATTelder


    Didn't you love the passive aggressive way Lett said "We don't send all Jehovah's Witnesses a bill."

    In other words "We should send your sorry asses a bill for all we do for you!" What deluded entitlement.


  • DJS

    Ask him about Lett's comments that the sale of "significant property" in Brooklyn only supplied the organization with "2 weeks of operating expenses".

    As we have pointed out before, organizations rarely use capital gains for operating expenses. I doubt seriously that the Dark Lords used any $ from these sales for any operating expenses. He likely didn't complete the sentence, which likely would have been . "2 weeks of operating expenses if we had actually used these funds for operating expenses and considering that what I mean is the $ left over after we used the capital for new capital programs."

    That, IMHO, is more likely the situation. If they made a more or less direct transfer of capital gains to capital projects, the total left MIGHT be equal to 2 weeks of operating expenses. He appears to have completely misled the rank and file by withholding important considerations. These appear to be weasel words that hide the truth without actually lying. But what else would you expect from weasels.

    If they are using capital gains for operating expenses they would be in a death spiral if they were a business. I'm not buying it. Wishing, hoping maybe, but I'm not buying it. He's lying.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    I would return a "Thanks" e-mail and leave it at that.

    I have openly expressed that the Org sure is not following Jesus' counsel to first sit down and make good plans before embarking in any project, and that they are spending all the money they receive unwisely.


  • MarkSutter
    If this elder thinks that the May video is an adequate answer to your concerns over financial matters, then you are jeopardizing your fade if you pursue this any further. The video is proof that their intentions are to fleece the flock and this man obviously doesn't see this and is a company man. So like someone said earlier, you better stfu.
  • OnTheWayOut

    You've already received answers here about hurting your fade with answers.

    What makes any of us think that a well-placed comment to an elder "might make him think about things and help him to wake up" ? Sure, it could happen. My experience is that several well-placed comments over a long period of time only serves to slightly soften my JW-loved-ones a bit- enough to allow my fade.

    As much as you could help him, you already stated your objection and he already runs back to the statements from his leaders. I mentioned something about this arrangement to my JW mother and she is of the opinion that they lovingly ended mortgages and rely more on Jehovah to get the money where it's needed with this arrangement.

  • Magnum

    If he can watch that video and then recommend it to others, dude ain't ready for reasoning. That video itself should be the wake-up call. If Lett didn't wake him up, I don't think you stand a chance.

    I would love to know how my family members feel about the video. If they like it, then I'm not going to even try for at least another year to wake them up.

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