US Assemblies

by Satanus 17 Replies latest social current

  • dungbeetle


    I said picket the conventions, YOU are the one spouting the nonsense about 'shouting JW slogans' and whatever else. I happen to think that what we did at Draffenville worked very well. We did not 'look like idiots' nor was it 'idiotic' and it did a lot of good for a lot of people and the whole community.

    Do you think you people can let me picket the convention ONCE, then see the pics and hear the audio and whatever else I can get



    Could you give that a try.

    And along with this goes my WARM CHRISTIAN LOVE.


  • bonovox

    Personaly I`d rather be anywhere than a JW assembly...OUTLAW

    Yo, I could barely keep myself from uncontrollable laughter here...damn you are SO right Outlaw! I can remember doing ANYTHING to get away from the that I think of it I dont think I EVER was really a JW, just playin the part...maybe that's why I am so distanced from the whole emotional aspect surrounding it...

    Anybody remember pulling the following stunts?

    - extended 'washroom' trips, which turned into forays out onto the street to a nearby arcade?

    - finding a secluded stairwell to visit with youre favorite sister?

    - 'volunteering' for cleaning or food duty, only cause you knew that you'd miss the max amount of talks?

    - being an Attendant, 1 so you could be out in the hall and 2 so you could get to do the 'head count' (cmon guys, y'all know the real deal about the head count !!!!

    Damn I guess I was a baddie...

    Listen Dung (damn I hate callin ya that LOL), youre intentions may be noble, and if you plan to quietly protest from the other side of the street (after all, this is the standard that is enforced by police with almost any other public protest of any organization, funny how they don't give the JWs the same buffer zone...) I see nothing wrong with that......but I have a bit of experience with extremely bitter "apostates", ok? My father was one of them. The ones I always ran up against didnt set up an information booth or quietly hold a sign, they marched up nand down in front of the stadium, sometimes outright blocking the path of passerby's (once when I was an attendant I had to escort two 'worldy' people who said 'what the fuck is the matter with those morons, I aint a Java Witness" LOL) and most of them shouted and screamed at the top of their lungs. That IS fringe lunatic behaviour, sorry to tell ya!

    Hey I just had a funny thought, remember when way back in the 20s or something the JWs used to picket the other religions' assemblies, with placards saying "Religion is a Snare and a Racket"??? I just had a vision of xJWs with a poster that read "JWs are a Snare and a Racket"...TOO FUNNY!!

  • Yerusalyim
    Memorial Partakers 20,000

    Is that a real figure for 2002?

  • dungbeetle

    no yeru, that's our goal. The number of partakers are climbing every year,

    GO JW'S GO GO GO!!!

  • Yerusalyim


  • abbagail

    What memories this thread brings up. The very first assembly of any kind I ever attended was a Circuit Assembly in Grand Junction, CO (1979). Seems the "apostates" had taken all of the front row seats, and I guess nobody realized it, until midway thru the talk, they all rushed the stage and the speaker, hollering and shouting loudly. What total chaos! Of course, as soon as it was realized what was happening, a large number of brothers rushed upon the disrupters, carting them out of the auditorium. As a newbie at the time, I was aghast. It was explained to me by the JWs I were with, that these were former-JWs-now-apostate, etc. I didn't understand then, nor do I now see the point. I agree with everybody who said it looks dumb and is a waste of time. Has one single "convert" ever been made this way?

    Saw such things in later years, too, outside of the West Palm Beach auditorium, with the picket signs, marching along the sidewalks, shouting, etc. Why, we even had "apostates" right inside the KHall during regular meetings stand up and start hollering. Talk about waking you right up, if you were dozing thru the Watchtower study! ;) That happened several times that I recall. And you've never seen the bros move sooooooo fast, either, when something like that occurs. If I recall correctly, at least in my own former KH, they started locking the doors once the meetings began, since persons would walk in off the street during a meeting and begin causing a rucus.

    Overall, I feel it's a sad situation, for those "in" and those "out." If all of those, including myself, who are "out," were not still somehow emotionally entwined with the JW situation, there wouldn't be forums like this.

    Ho Hum. What can I say...

    Edited by - GRITS on 18 June 2002 5:32:36

  • Farkel


    : Im sorry, but I always thought, even as a kid, that the xJws that 'preached' outside the assemblies were pathetic creatures who needed to get a life.

    What about dubs who preach, then?


  • lv4fer

    As a recent XjW, I can say that picketing or standing outside the assembly is NOT the way to go. It just gives them something to try to use against us. Your best bet is one on one.

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