Pending Tragedy for the WTS and JWs

by Lee Elder 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    First of all, Lincoln did NOT go to war to abolish slavery! The South wanted to secede, Lincoln said "No"!

    Continued heavy-handed action on the part of the WTS could indeed trigger such events. It is a logical and appropriate warning
    Tell me, what evidence is there that the Watchtower has taken seriously any warnings published in this venue? Sure the U.N. and the Pedophile issues have garnered their attention but only because it became a public matter. More than "warning" the Watchtower this thread may just as you said, "indeed trigger such events"!!


  • Liberated

    Reading through this thread, I am encouraged that someone thinks 'responsible brothers' can and/or will do anything. I hope they have and can use some discretion in the matters Lee Elder mentioned; however, with everything being directed from NY, that hope isn't very strong. They tend to do what NY tells them to do.

    I have a thought that the wts would welcome long as it's not at NY. Something from the book '30 years a wt slave'...the author indicated that the wts WANTED them to stir things up, wanted there to be incidences of violence against jw's, wanted arrests and such....all to gain attention to their 'cause' so they could cry "persecution".

    So...DON'T DO IT....don't play into their hands!!!

    I'm free and I'm staying that way.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I am 100% for only purely peaceful demonstrations. If any promote violence in anyway then we can say we begin to smell the Watchtower Society behind them, that they have only pretended to be against the WTS while actually being for it. The WTS routinely seeks to put two or more moles into various opposing groups.

    Those stifle the other groups, delaying etc, and finally hinting at and or encouraging mentally unbalanced acts of violance etc so that the Watchtower can then turn around and say "HOW TERRIBLE. SEE, THERE THEY GO, PERSECUTING US AGAIN! WE'RE GOOD. THEY'RE BAD. SEE!"

    Well, it won't work. We're on to you. We who truly oppose the WTS will do so peacefully using only the Sword of the legally established courts, their police and agencies such as the FBI.

    If anything bad ever did happen then let it be known in advance here and now that it was a set-up by the Watchtower Society itself to engender sympathy for themselves even while children are raped by pedophiles and led to bleed to death by those same WTS heads.

  • hillary_step


    The WTS routinely seeks to put two or more moles into various opposing groups.

    I am intrigued to know on what evidence you base this statement.

    Best regards - HS

  • willy_think

    Any violence against the WT would only serve there own ends. You know as well as I the spin doctors would play the persecuted saints suffering at the hand of Satan for the glory of Jehovah. New names to be added to the 144,000 heavenly kings, amen. I think you might even find one or two secretly hopping to be martyred in these end times. Hummmmm

    Who was freed from the WT by violence? When has hating or attacking a people ever opened there minds?

    Who was not freed from the WT by love? Is it not accepting the love and support of others that gives us the strength we need?

    Denying love is the WT's biggest weapon, by the simple Christian act of loving the shunned, the WT becomes a paper lion.
    The WT will never be killed by violence but by love, if at all.

    The Great and Powerful Oz:

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • TexSham

    Lee said,
    "The potential for bomb threats at district conventions to become
    legitimate is real!"

    I think they would ignore them and do nothing, thinking it was crackpot apostate whoosies hiding behind a phone.

  • nowaytess

    I agree with you to some extent.

    Personally, I feel the Dateline show will be the issue which Watchtower will use to justfy mass disfellowshipping in the Organization.

    With a massive disfellowshipping may spawn some the behaviors mention.

    I don't think you post is going to encourge anyone to do any of these acts. I belive the JWS or XJWS if they decide to do some of the desperate acts it will be for other reasons.

  • TexSham

    nowa said,
    "I feel the Dateline show will be the issue which Watchtower will use to justfy mass disfellowshipping in the Organization."

    And then they can blame the people they df for all of the problems and call themselves a new, cleansed congregation.

  • nowaytess


    I personally belived for a long time the Leadership has been waiting for an issue to present to the rank-in-file JW to justify what Leadership wants to do all along, Start a cleansing of all decenters, rebellious one, thosw how dare question the leadership.

    Dateline has provided it. It will begin to divide the Jehovah's Witness in 3 ways;

    1] Many JWS will defend the JWS policy and blame the victims. In fact I have read of those who were on the show as being weak, rebellious or we have not heard the real side of the story. SAdly many are defending the Watchtower.

    2} Many may try to stand up to the leadership or just leave. It will strike the concesince as wrong and do something about it. Any who take action will be Df'd per order of the Governing Body with no exceptions.

    3] Know the what is going on is wrong but are paralyised. Their whole world is going to collapse and may just stay. It is all they know.

  • dustrabbit

    I, for one, was not freed from the JWs by love. Even though I was freed mentally long before I got to physically leave, I was freed accidently by my sister's deviousness and selfishness and desire for revenge.
    the dustrabbit
    [edit note: trust me, this sentence may not make much sense to you, but basically i was freed on two levels: mentally (which actually took itself to complete in stages. and a pysical level: i literally became a prisoner of my JW mother....]
    To do list:
    1.Still waiting to goose the Organization.

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