Pending Tragedy for the WTS and JWs

by Lee Elder 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    Pending Tragedy for the WTS and JWs

    The heavy-handed tactics of the leaders of the Watchtower Society have begun to bear rotten fruit. I suspect that it is just a matter of time before the need arises to coin some phrase to describe disfellowshipped or disassociated Jehovah's Witnesses who bomb conventions, shoot up Kingdom Halls or even attack Bethel facilities.

    Leaders of the WTS (and local elders) should stop and think about the lessons to be learned from Columbine High School, the Postal Service (i.e. going "Postal"), and other similar social phenomenon. Individuals who are pushed to the brink by injustice can and will react violently!

    To continue insisting on the use of archaic policies that infuriate former members, destroy families, cause premature death, wreck businesses and alienate friends will ultimately put not only the organization at risk but innocent lives as well. I urge responsible brothers to insist on a re-evaluation of WTS policy before tragedy strikes. I believe it is essential and in everyone's best interest for the organization to learn make peace with former members.

  • Francois

    "Responsible brothers." Wazzat?

  • sf

    Well, well, NOW 'you' finally are getting it. It's called FALLOUT Lee. And it's inevitable.

    sKally, wondering if Lee knows Something we don't

  • IslandWoman

    Are you trying to encourage violence?

    What is this? Trying to start something? Throwing the seed?

    Do you know how many unbalanced and easily suggestable people may be reading this DB!



  • dungbeetle

    Unfortunately, one lesson we've learned from Watchtower history is that Watchtower LOVES publicity--any kind of publicity.

    Just picture JW's walking around the US and British streetcorners wearing signs that say: "Religion is a snare and a racket" and then whining when people were upset by them. Or better yet, placing literature calling Catholics 'dog's and 'bloodguilty'.

    Just picture JW's from other countries writing Hitler a little note saying "Stop persecuting JW's or God will kill you and your Nazi party" (God did neither). It resulted in the deaths of 1000 German Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Same for Malawi. I was part of that letter-writing campaign to the Malawian government, that resulted in deaths, torture and poverty for all the JW Malawians in that country. I will have to live with that the rest of my life. Thanks for NOTHING, WATCHTOWER.

    And last but not least, my all-time favorite: 26 faces on the front of an Awake magazine. Children who had to choose between life-extending blood treatment and expulsion/shunning. kind Watchtower is to its children..NOT!!

    As Watchtower will say: "Let them pull our tax-exempt status!! Let the dissidents leave!! Let the public ignore us!! We are Watchtower!!!

    <gag> <choke>

    Anything that goes wrong such as violence they can just blame on us, former and present members. <sigh>.



  • Stephanus

    IW, Shut up! The violence is being encouraged by the WBTS' every act which denies justice and represses natural affection. A major backing down and making of apologies for all the short sighted pro-Watchtower-at-the-expense-of-all-else policies and immediate cessation of the shunning rule will halt this otherwise unavoidable trend. THAT's what Lee is saying!


    Hey Lee,I don`t think there`s any way you can stop it.If you push people too far,some are going to go postal,and do some real damage.WBTS is arrogant and could care less how many lives they distroy.Some people are going to want to return the favor...OUTLAW

  • IslandWoman


    Please reread this quote: "Society have begun to bear rotten fruit. I suspect that it is just a matter of time before the need arises to coin some phrase to describe disfellowshipped or disassociated Jehovah's Witnesses who bomb conventions, shoot up Kingdom Halls or even attack Bethel facilities."

    There are some people who have been hurt so much AND who may be unable to reason properly for whom the above words could very well become a CALL FOR ACTION!

    "Blindness" is not limited to JWs! It is everywhere!!


  • Hmmm


    If anyone sees Lee's post as a call to action, that's their fault, not his. His is a warning.


  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    I think it is stretch to suggest that my post is a "call to action" for
    unbalanced individuals to attack the WTS. My comments are a
    strong suggestion for responsible brothers to stop and evaluate
    the risk that current WTS policy creates for members. (Members
    including myself, members of my family and many friends).
    The potential for bomb threats at district conventions to become
    legitimate is real! We live in a dangerous world and it is widely
    acknowledged that the WTS has either attracted or produced a
    higher than average degree of mental illness among its members.

    My comments were prompted by a recent post suggesting that
    the WTS is now going to start DA anyone who refuses to meet
    with a judicial committee. This is simply madness and a further
    escalation of tensions between the organization and several million
    former members.

    The handwriting is on the wall in plain English!

    Brothers - please back it down - If members have been inactive
    and are not attending meetings, let it go. Don't escalate tensions.
    Don't put our family members and friends in jeopardy - it's just
    not worth it. If you have faith in Jehovah, trust that he will care
    for matters in his own time. Accept your own counsel.


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