What the heck? Harrassing emails from a POSTER!

by DanielHaase 46 Replies latest members adult

  • raven101

    Which famous writer / reporter was it that was slammed for supporting workers rights and socialist issues but denouncing communism? I can't remember off hand.

    MMMMM I kow John Steinbeck too almost got in that kinda McCarthy kinda red scare trouble with "In Dubious Battle and The Grapes of Wrath"


  • SYN

    Hi Daniel,

    Seems some people just can't get out of that "the commies are coming" mindset, even in the 21st Century.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    ((((daniboy)))) we love you too .

    i can't add anymore since i too am guilty of savagely attacking a few people from this board . but you really didn't deserve any harassing emails and rude posts... i know ya, if you really wanted to cause problems, you would have !
    keep posting and keep smiling. we'll talk soon.

  • bajarama

    Simon you said,

    Interesting that many confuse "Socialism" with "Communism".</div>

    ... http://www.socialistalliance.net/about/index.htm

    Organisations that support the Socialist Alliance:

    Alliance for Workers' Liberty

    * Communist Party of Great Britain*

    Democratic Labour Party
    International Socialist Group
    International Socialist League
    Leeds Left Alliance
    Lewisham Independent Socialists
    Revolutionary Democratic Group
    Socialist Perspectives
    Socialist Solidarity Network
    Socialist Workers Party
    Workers International
    Workers Power

    I know their not one and the same, but "Socialism" and "Communism" do support each other.

    DanielHaase you said,

    "I don't have a problem with a person making a post to address his/her problems with my beliefs. But don't take the time to email it to me also."

    Why not, I wanted to make sure you didn't miss it.

    "My own philosophy may influence my response to many of the threads, but I've never pushed it on anyone"


    Is this not your Socialist Alliance banner you used under your posts here on this db? Were you not advertising, or "pushing" in a way the Socialist Alliance or a Socialist view point?

    ... http://www.socialistalliance.net/

    I see you have now dropped the Socialist Alliance banner off the bottom of your new posts on this thread. Interesting.

    "I take it "Baja" didn't have the balls to send the same email to Simon."

    Please explain what you mean?

    "(afterall, he does have Che on his profile pic)"

    It's a symbol for lots of different things, not a political, or religious statement.

    Edited by - bajarama on 10 June 2002 0:52:53

  • bajarama

    This was my orignal post.


    I believe you have a right to wave your red commie flag where you wish.

    So, I also feel I have a right to say,"Please take your red little flag and walk, drive, run, fly, crawl, and or drag your ignorant red a** to nearest international border, and get the f*** out." I would much rather see you wave your little red flag from a distant shore. Like say China.

    America doesn't want, or need your socialist/communist punk a**. Trust me, we will be better with out you.

    If you need directions or a ride just let me know, and please don't forget to write.

    Hey, while your at it, invite a few of your "red spineless cohorts" and take them along.

    I know there has to be lots of socialist paradies out there for you to explore. Like Cuba, North Korea, China. Boy, there used to be so many more. I wonder what happened. Could it be that socialism sucks, or maybe it doesn't work? Anyway, there are still some countries that would love to enslave a good socialist idiot like yourself for the good of the state.

    With an e-mail account named <a href="mailto: [email protected]"> [email protected]</a> and a picture of a clinched fist swinging a hammer for your poster picture you must be a very radical socialist/communist.

    Before you claim this is a unprovoked personal attack.

    Let me point out, when you wave your little red socialist flag on the db board at the bottom of your posts like below.


    You'd better expect to get shot down.

    So, If you don't like the criticism, then don't wave your b**** socialist/communist flag in my face.

    Being a socialist/communist in my opinion is just as dysfunctional or worse than being a Witness ever was.

    When you support a socialist/communistic agenda, you're working towards stripping all people of their basic freedoms and rights.

    You can keep you Marxist bulls***, and don't push it down my throat with your little red flag ads.

    For those who aren't up to date with what socialism/communism new face looks like, you can find more info from the links below

    ... http://www.swp.org.uk/

    I don't consider socialists/communists Americans, they are enemies from within.


    Edited by - bajarama on 10 June 2002 0:55:11

  • Farkel


    What is now America was Socialist when the pioneers first landed on our shores. They shared everything and did so because to do otherwise, would threaten their survival.

    That was good.

    When a culture reaches a point where sharing everything equally is no longer necessary, Socialism should be retired and replaced with a Free Market System.

    Anyone who denies this, has not witnessed the tragedy of Socialism turning into Communism and defeating its original noble purpose.


  • D8TA

    Woo hoo! Yipiee! I LOVE FREE SPEECH!!!!



    And guess what? I'm born and bred U.S.A.!

    Oh wait...here's another one....

    How about that! Pretty RED colors dont you think???

    Oh wait....here's another one.....

    I like this one the best!

    I'm damn pround to live in a country that allows people to express freely, their political points of view.

    Wave your flag with pride Mr. Haase, with PRIDE!

    I'm not a Socialst, nor a Communist Mr. Haase, from my end of things, I respect YOUR FREEDOM to

    excercise FREE SPEECH.


  • ring


    Since you are all for supporting the rights of free speech, and proud to be

    an American and all that, would you also support some fruitcake here waving

    a Nazi flag? Or perhaps someone here waving a KKK banner?

    how far will you go to support free speech?

    I dont see where advertising a political belief banner in any way belongs on a

    discussion board about JWs

  • D8TA

    Let's make this clear:

    What does Haase's signature have to do with the bigotry and hate of the Nazi or KKK? Hmmmm? That's right. NOTHING. So go compare apples with oranges with someone else.

    Now, I do not support nor agree with the bigotry or hate of the Nazi's or KKK, or the Black Panthers and/or various other "hate" groups. Got that straight? Good. Now, I do SUPPORT THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO EXPRESS THEIR POINT OF VIEW. That's right. If they want to go out and wrap themselves in their colors and march, I recognize their right in doing so. If You are Baja want to go out and counter protest Haase point of view same point of view applies.

    It's your OPINION that Haase should not have such a "signature". Frankly, if you get that easily offended, I feel sorry for you. But that's your OPINION.

    So, to counter your con....I will post a pro on this subject.

    Do I have limits on people who want to express their point of view WITHIN the RIGHTS protected by the U.S. Constitution?.....absolutely, positively not. As long as such expression is within the law and does not harm people, I do not contest it. Now before someone starts a reply about the atrocities of such groups, let me save you some time....re-read what was posted here. I'm talking the right to free expression...not the right to commit a crime.

    This is Simon's board....it's his rules. From what I gather about Simon, I really don't think he see's Haase's signature as an issue. I'm willing to bet, that Simon is pretty much going to allow Haase's signature to stay. So, the problem isn't Haase's, Simon's, or Mine......it's YOUR problem. And if you are so "offended" by a signature such as this, and see that is has "no place on a JW board".....again the problem is yours.


  • ring

    did i say i was offended by it?

    The question to you was how far will you go?

    My statement about his sig was an opinion, my opinion.

    I'm glad you support my constitutional right to express my point

    of view on the matter.

    Because thats excactly what i did, and i still stand behind what i said

    in my first post, it is in my opinion that political advertising doesn't belong on a

    JW board. If you cant respect my opinion about the matter, then your

    entire post about free speech is bullsH!!!!

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