Circuit Overseers and Corruption

by MARTINLEYSHON 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • crawdad2

    hi bonovox,

    of course they are not all completly corrupt...... just most of them.
    the ones who are not corrupt, get fed up, and leave the cult.


    Well bonovox

    Thanks for the reply, however your reply suggests 2 things.

    1. You are still a JW and should not be on this site...

    2. You left a long time ago and are completly out of touch...

    Which is it.


  • MikeMusto

    Hello martin..

    Are you the cat who used to work PR for IBM
    and was assigned to PR at bethel?

  • hawkaw

    Welcome Martinleyshon.

    Its an honour to have you on the board.

    Enjoy it.


  • slipnslidemaster

    bonovox, I enjoyed your statement. I agree that there are a few honest hearted ones. I knew one as well. However, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    MARTINLEYSHON, welcome to the board. It's a pleasure.

    However, don't attack bonovox. Obviously they are a kind hearted person who chooses to see the good in people where it is. Fond memories are still fond memories.

    Slipnslidemaster:"There are no facts, only interpretations."
    - Nietzsche

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • bonovox

    Well Martin that's not a great way to introduce yourself to the site, telling me I shouldnt be here, now is it? Then again Im noone to talk...but I think once you're here a bit you'll find that there are a few still 'in' that would bristle at a request to leave... :)

    I'd prefer an option '3':

    3. I left along time ago and I'm over it.

    And youre right SlipnSlide, I do have *some* fond memories. Thanks for letting me share them.

  • hillary_step


    Welcome to the Board. There is another option of course :

    1. You are still a JW and should not be on this site...

    2. You left a long time ago and are completly out of touch...

    3. You present an experience which by nature of the fact that others can relate to, is true.

    I have known CO's who refused to stay in the homes of wealthy JW's and purposefully seek out the 'little ones' to live with for the week. I have known *many* CO's give back gifts of cash given to them.

    I have also known CO's who have been scandalously obvious in their desire to be pampered and courted by JW's with gifts, vacations and who would *only* stay in the best homes in the congregations.

    All this proves that within the WTS you have people with integrity and those without, something you notice in *every* social grouping whether it be religion, buisness or indeed family structures.

    Thank you bonovox for your touching tale and honesty.

    Best to you all - HS

  • bonovox

    I think one thing I have learned by being out for so long is just that, that in every single organization and group out there there is good and bad. I've had so many mixed experiences with all these people, witness and non-witness, that I have a little more seasoned attitude I guess. If I took to heart all the corruption, nepotism and favoritism I see in the world I'd probably never venture out my front door. Most recently I certainly would have pulled my son out of his little league soccer club, but then would that benefit him?

    Its funny, when you grow up as a Witness. There is the ingrained belief that the WTS can do no wrong, and that all its reps and people 'high up' can do no wrong. If and when you first leave, its usually because you've come crashingly to the realization that this simply isn't true. You also can (I struggle with thoughts that we perhaps even allow ourselves to do this, out of maybe mental laziness or the human nature desire to fit into a group) be mislead to accept everything that you are taught as gospel truth, which can cause you alot of internal strife.

    When you're first out, everything is psychologically evaluated against that premise that the WTS is supposed to be perfect, and you develop resentment. For me it was only when I experienced exactly the same imperfections in every other group, company, whatever that I associated with that I realized that this phenomenon is not limited to the JW experience, it's universal.

    That's why it's difficult for me now (dont worry I had lots of it before) to harbor resentments. Do I still hurt because my mother hasn't spoken to me in over 5 years? You'd better believe it, but you know what? My aunt and uncle, who've never been JW, haven't spoken in over 25 years, over some childhood jealousy thing that they as 50 year old adult can't get over. It's not about religion, it's about a lack of love, and a lack of capacity to love unconditionally, which is a psychological condition, as far as I can see.

    Besides, just one look at the world around you and you can see that JWs hardly have the monopoly on a misinterpretation of true love.


    "One life...but we're not the same, we've got to carry each other,
    carry each love"


  • MikeMusto

    some C.O 's are total dicks
    some C.O's are nice

  • Victor_E

    Welcome to the board
    Rating system:
    1. High integrity
    2. Neither good or bad
    3. Gave you his wish list
    4. Stabbed you in the front

    Mauer 3
    Johnson 2
    Dickson 1
    Avey 1
    Marlow 1
    Cantwell 1
    Wazchauk(sp) 4
    Simon 4
    Smalley 2

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