Well Finally!

by Sprocket 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gopher


    So glad you found us! I've found this place to be a sort of stepping stone away from the ugly feelings associated with the organization, towards freedom and a chance for a peaceful life.

    Congratulations on your accomplishments -- and as is stated frequently on the forum, you're another example of a demanding man-run organization pushing away its best and brightest people. Man, what were they thinking of, criticizing and belittling you? But it seems that it happens to anyone in there who is honest and true.

    Oh well, you're out of a harsh religion and a harsh marriage. Ahh, fresh air! I look forward to your future contributions to this forum.


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

  • Panda

    Good for you! My husband was an elder and was asked to step down after I quit attending. He really saw and finally stood up for me during an elders meeting where nothing was being accomplished except to find out that my questions could not be answered. AND dealing with another issue, that the PO was in no way responsible for the health of his alcoholic wife...who died and then he married his mistress who was a reg. pio who divorced her husband by claiming he was gay and and it never ends.

    I'm sorry your marriage ended but maybe your freedom will be more complete. You already sound like you feel better.

    My husband has now left the Borg and has even read the R.Franz book and Penton's also some other stuff. What's amazing is that our marriage is a bizillion times better now than ever before. We talk and better yet we both LISTEN. I totally support his christian beliefs yet I do not share them. He supports my rights and we even discuss evolution the Bible that stuff.

    I would show up at the wedding with a great looking woman (rent one if you have to). Remember, KH's are public buildings and you cannot be kept out...no matter what they say. Keep communicaton lines open..someday your kids may realize the dirty deed done to you, they may need your emotional support to leave. Send them notes and cards some will get read, most will get saved. Also send photos from time to time of the places you visit...or just of yourself, your dog whatever. They will never have the excuse that you just abandoned them. I would also (after awhile and you think you can) keep in touch with your ex-wife. Write notes in the note secotion on your $5K checks, or better yet attach notes . "hope you are well" "I've learned to cook" "I'm involved in designing _____---life is really worth living." Don't let anyone forget you, that you exist, that you have a full life.

  • myself

    Welcome to the board. It is amazing how many have finally felt for the first time that they have a clean conscience after leaving the borg. I am sorry to hear about your family, but at least you have made an effort, the truly loving thing to do.

  • staceman


    First of all, glad you found this place! Too bad you didn't find
    it earlier huh?? I've only been out of the "organization" for about a year and a half and I've found great comfort in reading many of the posts here. I need to work on the "giving" part though, so here I go.
    You and I have many parallels going in our lives... former elder, loss of family members, divorce, spousal maintenance etc.
    If you'd like to chat sometime, drop me an email! I'd love to talk with you... "so that there may be an interchange of encouragement".
    Take care and welcome to the board!!

  • outnfree

    Welcome to the Board, Sprocket and staceman!

    Amazing (pun?) isn't it, how many ex-elders are drawn to this site.
    (I am not one of them, being a DA'd woman, married to an unbeliever.)

    You say your story, staceman, is similar to Sprockets? Then, my condolences to you both for the lack of love you have had to bear.

    Too bad the WT is driving the empathetic workhorses from the organization. We know who that leaves, don't we????

    I hope you find this board a healing place. At the very least, it will be common ground.


    When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift

  • nativenyr23

    Welcome ((((Sprocket)))!

    Amazing how it feels like you lose 50 lbs off your shoulders once you're out. You'll find many supportive people here. It's bailed me out many times I've been at my lowest....just from reading that i'm not alone.

    Again, welcome.

  • Sprocket

    I am overwhelmed by the warm responses and caring replies. And the JWs say that you only get this type of loving community in the 'truth'. Right.

    Thanks again!

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, sprocket. (and staceman)

    My hubby was an elder and since we have faded I agree with Panda, "What's amazing is that our marriage is a bizillion times better now than ever before. We talk and better yet we both LISTEN."

    I'm sorry to hear about your family and how they treat you. But you know that you are truly happy and free now.


  • Grout

    Sprocket, it's amazing how the JW organization ends up pushing out many people who could be great assets. Welcome to the human race!

    PS: Mail me re: programming.

    Chip Salzenberg: Free-Floating Agent of Chaos

  • dungbeetle

    Welcome to the board sprocket and all the other newbies. It's a bumpy ride in here, but never boring!!!


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