Voice your opinion- Organised religion.

by jerome 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jerome

    My main problem with organised religion is when totalitarianism comes into play. Thats when you get institutions like the Catholic Church in its earlier years. That should never be allowed.


  • Elsewhere

    My $0.02 ...

    Even if an organized religion is formed with good intentions, it is only a matter of time before the organization becomes greater than the members. Once this happens, the priority of the leaders shifts from the well-being of the members to the well-being of the organization.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Solace

    I am against the control that most organizations have over their followers. Its scary that just about anyone can claim to be Gods channel of communication and use the bible to get people to do just about anything.

  • jerome

    Controll is the main aspect of totalitarianism.


  • D8TA

    Domestic Point of View:

    Organized Crime, Organized Religion...what's the difference?

    Organized Crime is illegal.

    Organized Religion is protected by the Constitution of the U.S.A.

    D8TA v2.0

  • Simon

    Religion is a snare and a racket ... about the only thing the WT ever got right!

    All religion.

    Imagine how much better society would be without religion? It devalues life IMHO because of the 'god will fix it' mentality and without it people would probably value life a lot more than they do.

  • jerome

    Organised crime is ALWAYS harmful.

    While organised religion is sometimes harmful.

    That is as simple as I can put it.

  • D8TA

    And I'll simplify it even more:

    Something is either harmful, or it's not harmful.

    D8TA v2.0

  • 144thousand_and_one
    Imagine how much better society would be without religion? It devalues life IMHO because of the 'god will fix it' mentality and without it people would probably value life a lot more than they do. - - Simon

    Great point, Simon! Also, many "religious" folks commit more sins than others because they feel they can do communion and it's ok with god, write your check to the church, eat the cracker and all your unethical conduct is forgiven.

    Folks without religion have a much greater burden, because we can't wipe away the sin with a blank check and some stale crackers.

  • jerome


    I cant rember the correct name of that fallacy but your using it right now.

    So i'll call it the "either or" fallacy.

    This argument cannot be be brought down to such simple terms because there are pros and cons to be weighed. The any conclusion drawn from this discussion will not absolute.


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