A question for XJWs. . .

by StinkyPantz 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • beckyboop

    Hi Stinkypantz (I like your name too)

    Great question btw! I was born and raised a witness, and left about 3+ years ago with my then husband. First thing for me was to get rid of all JW literature, although now I wish I'd kept it in storage somewhere. Then I was so confused and angry that I'd been misled for 30 years, that I didn't want any part of religion, especially if it used the bible as proof.

    The next stage for me was finding a New Thought Unity church with my then husband, and loving it! It was a great place for me to heal and realize that although I will probably never be a member of organized religion, that there are places of worship that preach love, unity, and being non-judgmental towards everyone--no matter race, religion, sexuality. They truly accepted anyone, no matter their place in life, and they did not ever use the bible to condemn ANYONE.

    After going there on and off for about 8 months, I moved away and started going inside ME. I moved in with my boyfriend Jonathan, and he is a combination Taoist, Buddhist, and Hindu, with a background of Christianity from his childhood. I started learning how to meditate by his example, and reading more about Eastern ways of thought. I finally started realizing that I did not have to look elsewhere for my spirituality--that it comes from INSIDE of ME. I have the choice of how I want to treat myself first, and all others around me. I do not need any preacher, pastor, minister, priest, or elder to tell me how I'm supposed to live.

    I do enjoy visiting other places of worship now, so I can connect even to a greater degree to people of all backgrounds. I now live on the East Coast, and have met a wide variety of people. I hope that I will be able to feel connected to anyone I meet, instead of instantly condemning them because they aren't a witness. It's great to be at this place now--I was exhausted from all the pre-judjement. I like LIKING PEOPLE, and enjoying their company--not worrying about whether or not they're going to study.

    I now believe that while the bible is an amazing book, and has some great words of wisdom and guidance, it is by no means any more important than other great works written by man. I do not feel like there is a person-like being sitting in heaven waiting to choose who's going to live or die and then kill off all the "bad" people--because I truly haven't met many "bad" people upon leaving the jw's. And I guess that's what has changed my mind. I have met so many wonderful, giving, loving people that aren't witnesses! Do they sometimes drive me nuts, because I don't agree with everything they do, of course, that's human nature. But I love them anyway.

    I now feel like things here on earth will change for the better when we as humans decide we're tired of it's condition, and do it. I do kind of think there's something out there willing to help us, but I'm not sure what it is. Anyway, I've ranted long enough, thanks for the great question--it's great to put my thoughts into words and to read what place other's are in too.


  • SYN

    1. Athiest. I'll believe it when I see it, is my mentality. Should be an easy thing for God to let me see him, but for nearly a quarter of a century, nada.
    2. The Bible is mostly a load of hogwash, but there are good bits, to be "read with discernment", especially some stuff Jesus said needs to be applied by people today, e.g. love your neighbour is universal!
    3. Shy away from, and sometimes heap coals upon, virtually all forms of organized religion. Some Eastern faiths are pretty cool tho.
    4. The one thing I do believe in is freedom. Religion = no freedom (well, Western-style religion).

    They've been digging in the Euphrates Valley and have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, and an older caveman culture. Recently, they reached another layer of fused green glass.

  • Dawn

    Raised JW - DF'd about 12 years ago.

    I also questioned everything I ever learned about the bible - Christianity - the whole thing. I pretty much dropped anything and everything to do with religion and just went on my merry way.

    2 years ago I went to a local church (long story as to why) and it was amazing - really uplifting (never been uplifted in the kh)!! I started going regularly because I was learning a lot about the bible and it was encouraging to me.

    I then started studying history/archeology/etc on my own to prove or disprove the bible once and for all.

    Currently I am a born-again christian, I'm still studying the bible thing. I believe it now - but continue to research - I think it's always a good idea to keep searching and keep an open mind.

    What I learned....true Christianity is not in a church or religion - it's a relationship between you and Jesus, it's a way of life and it starts with your heart not works. When your heart is in the right place, the works just come naturally. But if you don't really believe it - then all the "works" in the world aren't doing you any good.

  • AlanF

    I'm with SpiceItUp on this. I'd be an atheist if I had some definite proof that God doesn't exist, but since I don't, I'm reserving judgment. However, I think that the Bible, along with many other religious books, contains a number of good truths and rules for living. Problem is, they also contain a lot of nonsense.


  • Farkel

    Deist here.


  • lovsinner

    I believe in our creator. I know there is not one chosen path to him.
    As long as you try to be good to your fellow man ( and oh yeah, woman!) you will be fine in the after life. Besides IF and I mean a big IF the JW's had it right, He would have to save us because it was the fault of his earthly org that made us leave..Anyone for Kool-Aid..yuck yuck!

  • bay64me

    I'm still a jw, ie not disfellowshipped and not disassociated, been inactive for about a year.My head is all messed up over religion and I do not read the bible anymore. I still get wt/a mags dropped off and sometimes read them with a critical eye. I can't believe that I ever fell for all that crap! I have a lot of anger and sadness over my wasted years, maby when I work through all of that I might find a space for something but at the moment that part of my brain-mind-heart-whatever, is strictly closed.

  • larc

    Well, I am a zealous agnostic. I don't know if there is a God or not, and I really don't care either way. Furthermore, if there is a God, I don't know what his cut off scrore is for going to another life. Therefore, I don't spend time trying to figure it out any more. I spend time doing nice things for myself, my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, in that order. It's called the trickle down theory.

    Now, if God is grading on a curve, then I think I am doing OK, except for a few major mistakes I made when I was a younger man. However, those mistake could have been God's fault, not mine. After all, he is the one who created me with all my imperfections. So, I won't say the Devil made me do it. I will say that God made me do it.

  • scootergirl

    My faith in God is very very strong.......but I don't believe I will ever belong to an organized religion again. All three of my children are baptized as infants (at the request of their father) and I guess they are "members" of a certain church, but we don't go.

    I am very very spiritual just not religious. I never felt that God abandoned me, just the JWs.


  • Xena

    Agnostic...lol it is the optimist in me I guess

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