Life is a funny ol' thang

by safe4kids 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • safe4kids

    Yesterday, my ex husband and I took our 9 year old daughter to camp for the first time. Delaney was bouncing off the walls with excitement, mom and dad were secretly dreading the departure while smiling and acting happy for her sake (we're good at that ).

    Once we checked her in, we had to hike thru the woods to her bunk and I am talking WOODS here! This place is out in the middle of nowhere and the path wound thru deep oak hammocks...truly beautiful. As we were walking, I couldn't help but compare my daughter's childhood to mine. When I was a kid, I often escaped into books, and I loved reading about adventures that took place in a summer camp...I dreamed of being able to go to one but of course, as a JW, that was out of the question. Despite my reluctance and anxiety at leaving Delaney with strangers for 5 days, I was also happy and gratified that her father and I are able to make one of her dreams come true.

    She will be up early in the mornings, taking care of horses, mucking the stables, grooming, feeding, washing, and then later riding. After lunch comes time spent in the pool, making new friends and sharing that special bond that girls away from home and parents enjoy. Evenings are filled with dinner and then bonfires in the woods, roasting marshmallows and singing camp songs. For those of us who, as little girls, were absolutely horse crazy and also longing for the slice of independence that time at a camp would allow, this is a dream come true. I cannot describe the feelings I experienced meandering thru the woods, along a path marked by blazes on a tree...the chirping of the crickets, the deep but natural silence that comes from being far away from honking horns and the brush of tires on the road. The only sounds were those of the forest critters and, occassionally, the high pitched voices of excited girls.

    On the long trip home, my ex and I discussed our children and his current girlfriend, who seems to love our kids as much as another person is capable of loving children not her own. My life has not turned out as I imagined that it would. 4 years ago, in the pain and anger of dealing with sex abuse and my unexpected exit from the borg, I never would have thought that I would find myself calmly leaving my daughter in a strange place, with "worldly people" and trusting that she would be alright or that I could calmly, without pain, talk to the father of my children about his current love.

    I am grateful, more than I can say, that my children are able to live "normal" lives and have experiences that will provide them with skills I never was able to develop as a child growing up in the borg.

    Life sure does turn out funny sometimes, but overall life is good.


  • Flip



  • Gopher


    I'm glad you're able to experience this enjoyment, at least through your daughter's experiences. At least you got out of the Borg early enough so that your daughter can have some of these wonderful experiences. And for you, you have the joy of giving her the opportunity to have this experience. Also you still have the health and youth to enjoy a long walk through the woods along with all of its sights and sounds! Yes, life did turn out quite good! We can help our kids enjoy life, and gain from their enjoyment!


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

  • peaceloveharmony


    thanks for sharing! wonderful story, i'm sure delaney will be making some wonderful memories at camp. love her name too!

    love ya

  • Angharad


    I'm sure Delaney will have the time of her life, its sounds like a great place (although I'm not sure about the mucking out bit eeewww

    It's fantastic that our kids can do normal things without the guilt.

  • Joyzabel


    It's enjoying the little things in life, like what you have written about that makes life all worthwhile. I'm glad you are enjoying your life and enjoying your children's life, too.

    It's nice to hear you reflect on your life's journey with contentment.


  • Dutchie

    I hope she has lots of fun. Can you imagine that she might have been spending her precious summer in field service?

  • teenyuck

    {{{dana and family}}}

    I was really moved by this....your description of your childhood is shared by many of us.

    I loved reading anything other than the WT publications. Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Black Stallion series...I would read at night with a flash light because my mother would get mad that I was trying to read "other stuff." (she was a subscriber to Comopolitan and Glamour magazines at the time )

    I loved reading about things I could not sister and I really were into horses also...we did live close enough to a horse farm (right outside O'Hare airport, off Mannheim Rd; for you Chicago-ites) and she actually would let us go horseback riding in the summer 3-4 times a year. What fun! (The farm was sold off in the early 80's to make room for some hotels)

    A JW sister in our cong got married and moved to Marengo, Illinois in the mid 70's...she was just very young...she married a much older brother and they bought a horse farm.

    We got to go stay with her over 2 summers. We cared for the horses, grommed them, cleaned stables and got to milk her cow. That was great fun. The sis and her hubby were drifting out of the truth and we did not have to go in service or to the meetings. We never told our mom about that.

    I hope your daughter has a wonderful adventure. You are giving her so much more than she would have gotten as a dub. I am very happy for her; and you.

  • safe4kids

    Flip Thank you, it was a beautiful experience

    GopherYou are so right about being able to enjoy my kids' enjoyment and about having my health. It's so easy to focus on the negatives, instead of having appreciation for the are always so positive, thank you.

    Harmonythanks, I love her name too! I'm so glad that she has this opportunity to make memories; they'll last her a lifetime.

    AngharadLOLOL, do yaknow, she actually ENJOYS mucking out! Go figure.

    Joy"reflecting on life's journey with contentment" eh? Does this mean you're tired of hearing me gripe?? Sometimes, I do tend to get caught up in life's pitstops, instead of realizing it's a journey and not a destination, but I am very grateful to have moments like yesterday when I can see, and appreciate, part of the glorious tapestry.

    DutchieYikes! that doesn't bear thinking about!! I'm so glad that she's living a normal life and not being forced to engage in unnatural behavior like peddling useless rags from door to door.

    Thanks for all your comments, and for sharing in this with me


  • safe4kids


    Thanks for the hugs and comments. Wow, it's great that you got to enjoy such adventures yourself when you were a kid! I loved the Black Stallion series too, and Delaney just finished reading them all a few weeks ago.

    If there is a balance in life, then I'm glad that I had to forego such adventures if that means that my daughter gets to have them (yeah, I know, there probably isn't but who knows??)

    Actually, tho I didn't get to have the camp experience, I did get a horse when I was about 12 or 13 and for a couple of years while I had her, it was a dream come true for me, too. wasn't all bad hey?


    Edited to add: Btw, my favorite reading spot was in a huge oak tree in our yard...I would take a pillow, a book, and a drink up there. It was lovely, peaceful, and private as the leaves hid me from prying eyes. I lost myself up there for hours at a was great!

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