Did the Resurrection really happen?

by thinker 77 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    These changes are not flip flops they are paradigm shifts.

    Although I agree with your overall statement regarding paradigm shifts, I disagree with your disagreement of my statement re 'flip flops' (say what?). In order for there to be a paradigm shift, there has to be support for the theory....my point was when Mendel's findings came out, initially there was absolutely no support from the Darwinists. Mendel's theory became the 'dog wagging the tail' and eventually the dog got in step with the tail.

  • wholewheat

    Jan H.

    You mention that there is an abundence of fossils proving evolution. One that I have researched is the "horse fossils". They have horse fossils going back to when the horse was the size of a dog. But you admit that there is a shortage of fossils where there is a "transistion of species". Why? If they have the whole horse fossil collection, why don't they have the fossil of the species before it became a horse? It would make sense that it would have easily been found along with all the "horse fossils".

  • JanH


    If you have really looked at the fossil record, as you say, you will know the answer to your own question. The early predecessors to modern horses were totally different species. We have different species of horses living today!

    I don't see what point you are making. Horses can be traced back to species we would never call a horse if we met one today.

    - Jan

  • wholewheat

    Jan H.

    I am sorry if I did not make myself clear. First of all, I do not want to give the pretense of being an expert in evolution. I think that is obvious. But my question is this. Say you lay all the horse fossils next to each other, starting with the first one that is 200-300 million years old and stopping with the mordern horse of today. Where is the fossil for the mammal that was immediatly prior to the "first" horse? Prior to the "first horse", there is no fossil record of it's ancestors! It seems to me kind of strange that you start off with a fully developed horse(even though it was only the size of a dog) and yet there is nothing prior to this. My point is this: Is it possible that the creator made a the "first" horse, and the others evolved? This is where evolution has a very severe problem, and that is in "transition of the species", wouldn't you agree?

  • JanH


    I suggest you take a look at this page: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/horses/horse_evol.html#part2

    It gives a good overview of the evolution of the horse.

    It seems to me kind of strange that you start off with a fully developed horse(even though it was only the size of a dog) and yet there is nothing prior to this.

    You are mistaken. The article referred to above says: "The first equid was Hyracotherium, a small forest animal of the early Eocene. This little animal (10-20" at the shoulder) looked nothing at all like a horse."

    You can always ask what came prior to any specific historical species, and thus trace life back to the beginning. It is a legitime question, by all means, but I doubt you have actually approached paleontology textbooks and research results to come up with the answer to this question.

    - Jan

  • gravedancer

    This is God speaking through an empty vessel named Gravedancer. Hear ye what I commandeth you today:

    1. Refrain from speakling or listening to Janh as he is the anti-Christ Devil Bastard from Magog. I will show my perfect love and destroy you if you listen to Janh.
    2. Do not listen to people who demand PROOF. You must have faith I tell you. The less evidence of something the more faith is needed on your part. Faith is a fruitage of my holy spirit. Have faith and recieve the spirit (having Miss Faith Hill does not count - although I will surely forgive you if you waste your semen on the ground)
    3. Please use the Holy Bible to prove all your assertions. Do not think of questioning the authenticity of the Bible to start with.....just take it for granted. Remember commandment number 2 above.
    4. Do not covet. Please do not be jealous over those who have the freedom to ask questions. In my love I will make their eyes rot in their sockets.
    5. I used to say love thy father and they mother....now I have a new commandement......make sure you protect anyone molesting kids. This is proof that I am with you and that those worldy bastards are wrong again.
    6. All who call on my name will be saved. Please pay for the call first though by sending your paycheck to Brooklyn. I promise to manage the calls better than those bingling fools from Worldcom (see WORLDcom......WORDLY-ness is bad).
    7. Do not surf the internet as you will find many apostates waiting to destgroy your faith. You will meet nasty bastards like Simon and Kent who will tell lies about my lies concerning untruths from the Watchtower Bible and Crack Society.
    8. Do not have oral sex. I cannot have anymore of my angels jealous over human pleasures. Last time they gave me a mouthful over it.
    9. Please tell everyone to join up and preach with you. If they don't I will lovingly make throw them into the fiery Gehenna. If they sell magazines, books and refrain from oral sex I will give them an everlasting fig tree (PS - no one will be allowed to run around naked this time......its my fascination with Oral Sex that prevents this from occurring).
    10. Ignore anyone who calls you a dipshit or a dipfuck - if you ever find such a person know that that person is causing you to be weak with laughter ( a trick). Please remember Paul had a thorn (prick) in his flesh - but he was not gay.

    If you do all these things my servants then I will be sure to make sure that you live a long time and wash windows forever.


  • gravedancer

    these are the words of my Lord......YEAH BABY!!!

  • JT

    I have always enjoyed this type of thread, to me it boils down to this. Believers have set themselves up for failure. You see when a believer tries to dog evolution, etc and promote the religious viewpoint

    he fails to realize that evolution has the RIGHT to be wrong, have errors, mistakes, mere opinions and in fact be down right goofy if need be, but his position doesn't have that RIGHT or is entitled to that right.

    I have never in my life read or heard of anyone who accepted or believed in evolution even hint at thier view HAD DIVINE BACKING

    yet all believers claim that thier position is by DIVINE MEANS

    that being the case then you don't get the chance to get ANYTHING WRONG. believers have built a house whereby if any and i mean ANY brick is removed the entire house falls down.

    a believer by thier Claims are not entitled to get it wrong, since it is suppose to be Divinely backed up.

    and that is the real problem, we saw this so well demostrated when we were in WT. You don't get the chance to get stuff wrong if you CLAIM you got it from the Divine.

    often times when i examine the bible and the testimonies of the bible writers, it is as if i feel i am reading the wt.

    for example on this thread we have seen such things in affect as:

    "The historian Luke said: "Jesus said so and so"

    Well wasn't luke one of jesus right hand men, i mean come on if some had Raised dead folks and he himself had raised dead folks would not someone other than the right hand men of jesus written something about it.

    i mean that would have been the neatest thing since sliced bread, to raise a dead child or you yourself was raised

    yet for the most part the only thing written about jesus in any real detail is a book written by his Boys.

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