Why is Jehovah allowing his name to be disgraced?

by IslandWoman 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowaytess

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    From: "nowaytess" < [email protected]>
    Date: Fri May 31, 2002 10:19 pm
    Subject: Watchtower's Letter to Dateline

    Just got this from Troy of JaH Christians. I have to agree with the
    fact these guys are not too bright, acually admit to the fact they
    are covering up molestation cases. I think they allowing us to see
    what is in store for JWS who decent next and to justify it. I don't
    think these guys are so stupid this letter will be all over the
    Internet in an hour or so.

    WATCHTOWER'S LETTER TO DATELINE NBC: Drafuse writes "It's amazing to
    read this letter. When the issue in question is pedophiles inside the
    Jehovah's Witnesses congregations, Director J.R. Brown talks
    about "views and opinions [that] should be heard within the framework
    of the congregation". Everyone can understand this is a painful story
    for the Watchtower, but writing a letter to NBC Dateline that proves
    the Watchtower is actually doing all they can to cover up these
    cases, is absolutely fantastic. We have never regarded J.R. Brown and
    his fellow "brothers" in "Office of Public Information" extremely
    smart - but we did not think they were this stupid either! Here is
    the letter:"

    February 7, 2002

    Richard Greenberg
    Dateline NBC
    30 Rockefeller Plaza
    New York, NY 10112

    Dear Mr. Greenberg:

    I am writing in response to your invitation for an on-camera
    interview on upcoming Dateline NBC telecast. Thank you for the
    opportunity to participate; we appreciate your efforts to be fair and
    balanced. As you know, we have endeavoured to cooperate with you and
    your staff as you worked to put the program together.

    Regarding your request for a spokesperson, we recently brought before
    the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and they respectfully
    declined, as it would appear to pit brother against brother and this
    is not the Christian way to resolve differences. We do not feel that
    a nationwide television program is the forum in which to discuss
    differences in viewpoint between members of our religion. In this
    situation, you have related to us that your participants are
    primarily individuals who still regards themselves as Jehovah's
    Witnesses. We therefore do not view them as adversaries, but as
    individuals whose views and opinions should be heard within the
    framework of the congregation, or church, and not in front of a
    nationwide television audience. This would be in harmony with what
    the apostle Paul admonished, as recorded in the Bible at 1
    Corinthians 1:10, "that you should all speak in agreement, and that
    there should not be divisions among you, but that you be fitly united
    in the same mind and in the same line of thought." Our Governing Body
    is willing to resolve differences of opinion within the framework of
    the congregation and according to Scriptural principles.

    This is not to say that Jehovah's Witnesses are opposed to the idea
    of on-camera interviews in general; however, it is not felt
    appropriate in this circumstance. Again, we want to thank you for
    your invitation, and we ask that you understand our reasons for not
    accepting it.


    J.R Brown
    Office of Public Information

  • ronin1






  • IslandWoman


    Thanks for answering my question.



    It was to those sincere individuals that you refer to, both in and out of Bethel, that my original post on this thread was dedicated to.


  • bjc2012

    Hi IW:

    Jehovah's name, the very name associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is being disgraced, trampled upon as never before in the Organization's history!!
    So true. I agree totally.

    In the past Jehovah's Witnesses have been reproached for standing up in defense of Jehovah and his word. Jehovah's name was sanctified at all costs and it appears from their history books that Jehovah was making a good name for himself by means of their integrity.
    Yes, earnest JWs have this to their credit. As you noted above, "sincere JWs" should then, be given or accorded appropriate recognition for trying to bring praise and honor to God's Name, while innocently being misled by the WTS. That distinction needs to be reiterated. It is a very noble work, in itself. To attempt to bring praise and honor to God's Name. (Psalms 105:1)

    However, the WTS has a completely different agenda, as many are beginning to see. And it has nothing to do with praising God's Name at all. Its called self-aggrandizement, self-enrichment.

    So since the wicked "underbelly" of the WTS is being exposed for all to see, all sincere JWs will have to make a decision as to whether they should continue to support the WTS as an organization or not. This "decision" will need to be made real soon, since we know, the WTS/GB does not believe much in change or repentance for themselves. Nevertheless, this is a separation that the Bible foretold. (Zech. 11:14; Malachi 3:18)

    Jehovah "happened to them". That's what happened to them -- For all of that sinning they've been doing for all of these years. As Paul said, "It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31)

    Jehovah is in the picture now. They have Him to deal with now.

    Jehovah has allowed circumstances to develop that have heaped reproach upon his people and in turn upon his name. In ancient Israel when Jehovah allowed his name people to be disgraced to such an extent that reproach was brought upon his name as a result, it was because Israel had sinned greatly and Jehovah had withdrawn his support leaving them exposed to their enemies...This is what has happened today to the Watchtower!!
    Of course you are absolutely right. But still, its a very "fear-inspiring" thought in itself, wouldn't you say? The starting point of God's judgment work is always upon His own people, particularly, the leadership or His "Sanctuary". (See Ezekiel 9:6; Isa. 66:6; Jer. 25:29; 1 Peter 4:17.)

    And that is precisely what we see today.

    Why Jehovah has withdrawn his support from them is for them to determine.
    So true. Jeremiah 23:19, 20 says,

    "Look! The windstorm of Jehovah, rage itself, will certainly go forth, even a whirling tempest. Upon the head of the wicked ones it will whirl itself. The anger of Jehovah will not turn back until he will have carried out and until he will have made the ideas of his heart come true. In the final part of the days you people will give your consideration to it with understanding."

    So I'd say, sincere JWs have some real serious "determining" to do, now that the WTS' wickedness is being exposed.

    Thanks for your delightful post and expressed "insights" on this matter. If you get a moment, please e-mail me, where we can discuss these things in detail. (My email box is "open" as you can see.) Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


  • IslandWoman


    You wrote:

    ******"sincere JWs" should then, be given or accorded appropriate recognition for trying to bring praise and honor to God's Name, while innocently being misled by the WTS. That distinction needs to be reiterated. It is a very noble work, in itself. To attempt to bring praise and honor to God's Name. (Psalms 105:1)******

    I agree!!!

    The JW religion requires great sacrifice from its members. I believe as a result of this it does gather to itself those who love God above all else. Sadly, the trust and faith of these "little ones" has many times been abused by the very ones who claim to be shepherds of the sheep!!

    Thanks for your comments, they were much appreciated.


  • Olivia

    Why is Jehovah allowing His name to be disgraced? I asked myself this same question. What with the UN scandal and now Pedophile's lurking amongst us! What next? These situations have caused me a great deal of anguish in my attempt to understand it. It is my conclusion that, having the imperfect mind of a human, and having no scriptural explanation for this strange twist of events, I must accept that this is as inexplicable and incomrehensible as Infinty! ONLY Jehovah knows why these things have been permitted, and ONLY He can bring to completion His plan for lovers of righteousness amongst mankind. Despite it being a perplexing time, I consider it a test of my "loyalty" to Jehovah God. Will I abandon pure worship because of the sins of imperfect men? Not when I myself am also a sinner. That would be so self-righteous! I do not worship an "Organization" directed by imperfect people...I worship our Creator, the Supreme God Jehovah! I do not fear what "men" can do to me, but I do fear the displeasure of Jehovah God. "Men" cannot grant me life eternal! Neither can they take away my life, because it is Jehovah's Spirit that sustains me. What meaning has life if I become Spiritually dead? The Bible is the roadmap and my source of directions. Remember, our faith will be tested to the max. Satan is very clever and deceptive, so I must constantly evaluate my thoughts so he doesn't influence my heart. At first, I was overwhelmed with sadness and hurt that Jehovah's name was being so defamed. I cried rivers over it! I was filled with rage against the Society. Ultimately, I realized that I am not responsible for the actions of the Society. I am only accountable for my own thoughts and actions. Jehovah will judge us all according to our deeds. When Jehovah's day of glory arrives, it is out of everybodies hands! After all, my purpose for being a JW is to share in the Sanctification of Jehovah's great name. How much better can I do that, than by remaining Loyal to Him and proving Satan a liar? So let's not add confusion to our faithful course by trying to understand what is above our ability to understand. Rather, "throw our burden on Jehovah", knowing He will "provide escape" by giving us the peace and endurance to persevere in trying times. Sometimes we can try so hard to understand what seems to be complex, when in reality, it is very simple. As the expression goes, "You can't see the forest for the trees." As since the beginning of mankinds existance, it is a matter of faith and obedience! May our Awesome God Jehovah bless his sheeplike ones!

  • ballistic

    What struck me most about your post was the question "What meaning has life if I become Spiritually dead?"
    I constantly pondered what the meaning of life was as a Witness. Being in "the truth" left me with more questions than answers. All the time I was being told left, right and centre that we have all the answers, and I imagined everyone in the world must be living rather "lost" and "hollow" lives. How wrong I was. When I stopped going to 3 meetings a week where I kept on being told over and over that my life was a waste of time without "Jehovah", I began to see the light. It was like a huge concrete mill stone was lifted from my shoulders and the only question I was left with was why serving their God had put me on anti-depressants. The song "throw your burden on Jehovah" still gives me a wry smile to this day knowing just what a burden it was and how close I came to killing myself in the Borg.
    I suppose if you keep telling someone enough times that they need to know something, they really begin to need to know. Those pictures like the one in the "Live forever" book of the guy staring at the sunset out at sea wondering why the hell God had put him on earth - was the guy I became. All the time forgetting to get a life first.


    Didn't President Bush meet with the Pope over the Pediphile issue?

    I think President Bush should give equal time to this American made WTBTS. Do you think that President Bush might get a similar letter from the WTS? Or, if not, maybe they can get together at the UNITED NATIONS! OOOOOOOOOPPS, sorry no can do, because the coniving, deceitful, ya, ya, ya, etc., WTBTS was DISASSOCIATED by the United Nations. What is your thoughts on this?

    Please, intelligent responses only. (HA, HA, HA, Snort, Snort, Snort)



    Hey Olivia,many JW`s have the same opinion as you,thats why their children are being molested.Be thankfull you have a man like Bill Bowen in your religion who has the guts to do something about it.Unfortunatly WBTS is fighting him tooth and nail.No one has asked you to give up your religion,all they want you to do is get off your ass and clean the filthy thing up...OUTLAW

  • LB


    Will I abandon pure worship because of the sins of imperfect men?

    Pure worship Olivia? Well that's something they claim they have. But does pure worship allow the molestation of children while the legal department, on TV tells an elder to look the other way, to not get involved.

    Remember the Live Forever In Paradise book? In it there is an illustration that says... would you drink from a well with just a little poison in it?.....

    Well is the water in your well pure Olivia? Obviously it is not. I suggest drinking from it isn't that healthy.

    Should you ever find yourself sitting in front of a judicial committee telling the elders what kind of underware you wore, that sort of thing, well you might rethink that pure worship thing. Should you be told to talk to the elders before you talk to the police, you also might rethink that pure worship thing.

    Best wishes to you Olivia, I hope it all goes well for you.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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