Congregation that have sent in money!

by DwainBowman 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DwainBowman

    I can't stand watching him speak!


  • Da.Furious

    Although the letter was read in the UK, i have been to several congregations and noticed on their notice board the financial statement with big sums of money (£20,000+) still in their congregation bank account.

    So is this arrangement only for USA congregations. And in Europe or specifically UK they can not pull something like this?

    All these poor suckers can do is ask the all-powerful Jehovah, the great adjudicator, to help them out or perhaps strike them dead at Armageddon; due any day now. On the sorry trade! 
  • stillin

    The only place where I have heard any criticism of this bait-and-switch tactic is right here. The people I know in the congregation are all supportive of it, at least on the face. 

    Really, isn't this how most organizations work? 

  • Tenacious
    There have been phantom assembly building projects in Columbia and mexico where they were taking donations, and it wasn't until the local elders started questioning the society about their intentions and where the money was, that they fessed up and admitted that the project was no longer happening.
    This is very interesting. Any more information? I'd like to read up on this one. Just when it seems they can't get any worse they surprise us.
  • WTWizard

    Next time, donate nothing.  As for me, I do not give a fxxx if they need a new building.  And if I had enough to pay that much for one, I would just go out and buy a monster box or two of silver and keep the silver.  That way, there is no way I could trigger a bleed of funds into the Worldwide Damnation Fund.

    As for those who have fallen for that scam once and continue donating, shame on them for being fooled twice on it.  Trigger a bleed once, shame on the washtowel.  Trigger a bleed twice, shame on you for being unwilling to learn from your mistakes.  And, just think of the silver you could have had with the money you gave the second time--but wait until after hyperinflation destroys your currency to start thinking of that.

  • joe134cd

    Tenacious=here is the link to the one in Julisco, Guadalajara,  Mexico. Just follow the links from there.

  • Zordino
    InsidetheKS.  Is this an an attempt at satire or are you being serious?
  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    It's a bit rude: one organisation (the local KH) collecting money for a specific project the donor is interested in, but then passing the funds to another organisation to do other projects anywhere.

    It'd be kind of like signing up for one of those programs to sponsor a child in the third world and getting all exited you're going to see the results of that sponsorship, just to be told your money has been taken from that child and put into a fund to be used to help someone somewhere one day. 

    Probably legal, depending on the circumstances and local laws, but alienating for donors with self-respect.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I left over 7 yrs ago. Even when I was still in and an elder, I did not donate a dime to ANY funds, local or WT. Instead, I would buy things for our local hall I knew we needed, mulch, landscape pavers, cleaning supplies, TP, etc. That way I KNEW what it was for.


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