Period of time from crack to avalanche

by NeverKnew 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    Phizzy - "I have looked back over my life and realise that the 'avalanche' was waiting to happen for decades. The cracks were many, the whole thing was unstable."

    Kinda like that for me, too.

    As little bits of evidence piled up that the WTS was wrong, I went through a considerable amount of mental gymnastics trying to find reasons why they still might be right.

    Ironically, those efforts - in the long run - ended up reinforcing the former rather than the latter.

    Ajax - "I had been raised Anglican by very ordinary hardworking parents who were quiet, humble and honest to a fault. WT Society directions had instructed some of us 'appointed' brothers at the assembly to do something my parents would never have done."

    Yup; shady actions (particularly sanctioned ones) always raise a red flag.

    If you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

    stillin - "I'm still in the Avalanche"

    Hence the username?

  • Apognophos

    I think it was about a year from when I had my first major TTATT moment, based on personal reflection, to when I fully learned TTATT. Before that, I'd had little doubts for years, but I think most JWs do. It's just that they spackle over those cracks with platitudes like "waiting on Jehovah" and never have the guts to look more closely into the problems of the org.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Echoing phizzy and vidiot, I always knew there where things that weren't quite right, and for the last 15 years or so I was an atheist trying to convince myself that good existed.

    The last crack was the rehash of the overlapping doctrine early this year. The time between that and me looking online was about 3 months. Once I went online and found jwfacts, I was mentally out inside of 3 days.

  • flipper

    NEVERKNEW- It can be different for different people because there are SO many variables involved. Some of us like was true in my situation had lots of JW relatives still in the cult - so it took us longer to escape. I had doubts in late 1989 about the " time of the end " when I was 30 years old and I started seeing gross injustices among elders happening within the organization - but I wasn't in a situation to exit the organization until 2003 when my children had grown up somewhat as older teenagers and their JW mom and me had divorced. I believe when you go through hard hitting realities like divorce, death, or other life changing events- it can make things become perfectly clear somehow and you find out who your real friends are- and I found out it sure as hell wasn't the Witnesses ! So then I started researching and the WT skeletons came tumbling out of the closet and I've had freedom of mind ever since ! It's fantastic not hhaving fear or guilt anymore these last 11 years ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • The Truth Shall Set Us FREE!
    The Truth Shall Set Us FREE!

    I had my first major "crack" in 1992. It was before the age of internet, and I spent 5 years studying the Watchtower Paper Material to find out what they said about themselves and then critically comparing it with what I read in the Bible that they professed to believe in. I had "to start all over" researching the Watchtower after my baptism in 1990, having followed Watchtower Teachings all the way, although having experienced so many COVER-UPS from leaders within the WT Organisation. I experienced more blows/cracks from people within the WT organisation in the next 5 years, and finally I was convinced that the Watchtower Organisation WAS NOT THE TRUTH and DID NOT HAVE THE TRUTH in 1997. I (as ironically also my mother did almost simultaneously as we had been conversing during the years about our WT doubts), sent a letter of disassociation to the Watchtower Witnesses in late March 1997.

    I went to a health care centre in Norway (to stay for a month) a couple of weeks after I had sent my letter of disassociation, and there I was (in the lobby of the health centre) met by all the Major Norwegian Newspapers front pages covered by the "Lillelid Murders". I called my mother and we shared that it was as if "Satan wanted to scare us (and other WT doubters) back to his organisation". Neither of us has ever again set foot in a "Kingdom Hall" or whatever the Watchtower Witnesses call their assembly hall nowadays.

    Growing up I was taught that nothing bad would happen to Jehovah’s Witnesses, as they were protected by G-D, so when the Lillelid’s were murdered on their way from a Watchtower gathering, then that was NOT coherent with Watchtower Teachings.

    Having myself experienced an attempted rape/seduction as well as sexual harassment when I was at the age of 15 (in 1992) by a Watchtower Ministry Servant (a (disgusting) "brother" 11 years older than me) who insisted that he was going to have a shower in his home before he went out to preach with me. (We had to preach 2 and 2 in our congregation, because “that was what Jesus’ disciples did...)

    The fore mentioned Ministry Servant made sure that I was alone with him in the car (I was led to think that we were going to have a third person from the congregation in the car with us all the time, but the MS let that person off long before we got to his house. As we were parked outside the MS house I was terrified, as he would not take NO for an answer when I said that I did NOT WANT TO GO INTO HIS HOUSE WITH HIM, BUT THAT I WAS FINE WAITING OUTSIDE IN THE CAR while he had his shower. He got more and more AGITATED AND ANGRY with me, and in the end he left me in the car and stayed away for an hour. I spent that hour with the car door halfway open while trying to figure out where I was going to run to if he tried something. (He lived in a place with only one house nearby that I had registered and I thought that if he was going to try to rape me if he had not managed to calm down by the time he came back from "his shower", then I was worried about bringing reproach on G-Ds name by running to "unbelievers" for help. The nearest bus stop was also far away (I had registered it while we driving to the MS house), and as far as I knew, the buses in the particular rural area he lived in only went once a day on Sundays, so it was a gamble to think that a bus might come by. (This was the last Sunday of June 1992) Luckily (I thought) he came back quite calm, wearing another suit, and smelling oddly enough dreadfully worse than before...

    We went out to preach while he practically "stood on top of me", seemingly trying to get a glimpse of whatever was beneath that modest long dress of mine, and when he insisted on driving me home afterwards I strongly insisted on to be let off at the nearest bus stop in town as I would not give him my home address. He finally “gave in,” and let me out of the car at the nearest bus stop closest to town. While waiting for the bus, I started to feel bad about having thought so badly of a Ministry Servant in “G-Ds organisation”. Maybe he was all good intentions and I was high strung. Maybe it was my fault for being young but looking older than my age, etc. (Classical guilt indoctrination by the Watchtower. IT IS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT, EVEN IF IT ISN'T!) I planned to get home with the next bus, tell my mother all about this scary incident, and then we were going to laugh at how high strung I had been, hoping she would be able to come up with “a rational explanation” for his behaviour.

    The moment I came home, the phone rung, before I had managed to say anything to my mother besides that I wanted to talk to her... It was the MS who now asked me out for a cinema date after the next “book-study”!! (I thought frantically "Who gave him my phone number? I certainly had not!") I said something like: "I don't think that it is appropriate", hung up the phone and started to cry... HIS BEHAVIOUR WAS THE MAJOR CRACK. A WATCHTOWER WITNESS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SAFE WHEN PREACHING, AND I CERTAINLY DID NOT FEEL SAFE PREACHING THAT DAY, AND ADDITIONALLY THE THREAT CAME FROM WITHIN THE ORGANISATION!!

    The second crack came when I told my mother about the ordeal with the MS, she went to the elders, and got the reply that she was to give to me (I was still just 15 years old and the elders in our congregation knew us very well) that "this is something she has to deal with herself!!”?? Crack 2 ruptured... I had not ordained this MS to be a Ministry Servant, a person of authority whithin G-Ds Organisation, the adult elders had!! I was a 15 year old girl, not a male person of authority in G-Ds “orderly organisation”, and the MS in question was clearly not orderly in his conduct... Because the elders said to my mother that I had to deal with the situation myself, then they also took from her the ability to go to the police on my behalf, as then she would face judiciary consequences by The Watchtower for not obeying the elders!!

    By the time I heard that that particular Ministry "Servant" was made an elder within the Watchtower Organisation and had repeated his offensive behaviour towards others, and even towards an elder’s daughter, the Watchtower ice mountain avalanche had already hit "hells bottomless pit of fire" as far as I was concerned….

    No matter how many nice individuals there might be in that (and any) organisation, then remember that a little yeast makes the whole dough sour...

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    The Truth Shall Set Us FREE! Welcome! What a horror story!

    Phizzy - "I have looked back over my life and realize that the 'avalanche' was waiting to happen for decades. The cracks were many, the whole thing was unstable."

    Yup. The cognitive dissonance literally nearly killed me—doctrinal issues, questioning the elders, letters to Bethel, injustice to others and to my family were all an avalanche in the making for decades.

    Low point— Standing in a hospital bathroom in order to have a private conference call with two elders, pleading with them to show mercy and shepherd their sheep. Asking them to come and console my son and his MIL, because my DIL was fighting for her life, and I simply did not know how to help them. The elders didn’t want to come to the hospital, because my DIL was DF’d. A visit might give the impression that they were not upholding the disfellowshipping decision.

    Desperation—The elders were too busy to talk to me during our local KH rebuild. I had to wait nearly 6 months. They thought I was challenging their decision to DF my son. When we finally met, they started to lay out all the WT articles that showed how to view a DF’d family member, including the fact that if we were in Ancient Israel, my son would have been stoned to death, and I wouldn’t be able to talk to him anyway. I was simply looking for emotional support following my son’s suicide attempt.

    My last year in:

    Doctrinal tipping point—The overlapping generation. My initial reaction, “That’s crap!”

    Out-patient hospitalization for severe, recurrent clinical depression and PTSD.

    Things came to a head, and something snapped. I could not stand to hear them say my family was going to die at Armageddon one more time. I knew I was NEVER going to shun my son—wasn’t going to happen.

    Knew with every fiber of my being that I was in a cult while sitting at the District Convention. Walked away from that convention knowing fully that I was done.

    Two weeks later I Goggled “Jehovah’s Witnesses”. It took me two weeks’ time to read and educate myself about TTATT. I knew I had made the right decision.

    Sail Away

  • Apognophos

    Wow, creepy story, The Truth. It's good that you were cautious that day. That's exactly what happened to Candace Conti. Incidentally, brothers and sisters are not supposed to be assigned to work alone together, so I don't know what the brothers were thinking when they organized the groups.

  • The Truth Shall Set Us FREE!
    The Truth Shall Set Us FREE!

    Sail Away - Thank you for the welcome, and welcome to you too! :-)

    What I wrote previously was not a horror story though, but the terrible truth :-(

    It was good to get it off my chest in this forum however :-))

    Apognophos - Several of the other pioneers in the congregation on the first day of my major crack were going to preach with their boyfriends / girlfriends... (most of these pioneers were not married nor even engaged..) ...and who was I to go against what the elders in our congregation had decided was ok? I figured that we were safely within Watchtower guidelines as long as we travelled in a group of people, and not just being two, other than when preaching door to door...

    I do feel for C. Conti, and I felt somewhat vindicated when I read that she had won over the Watchtower in 2012, and subsequently I am outraged that the coward Watchtower Org. is still fighting that young girl / young woman, exactly because I went through such a horrible and similar experience due to Watchtower policies myself. The Watchtower needs to pay for their flawed policies, and for failing to implement the policies that are not flawed that they have borrowed from the Bible…

    The creepy MS I preached with in 1992 is still out and about as far as I know, and I have heard rumours by other witnesses (who have been fluctuating in and out of the WT religion while having doubts) that the MS (now an elder) is wondering why he has no wife, as he has a house, and a car, and a well paying job, an elder position... (Aren't elders supposed to have a wife and obedient children before ordained to be leaders of G-Ds flock according to the Watchtower teachings that are again based on the teachings of the apostle Paul? In that case, the Watchtower is hypocritical and their implementations of Bible teachings are rupturing in the seams...)

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have to say the "crack" was the change in their understanding of "generation" in 1995. One fellow elder said to my deep concern over this huge abandonment of "any minute now" for Armageddon, "They change things." It was no big deal to him. Well, it was to me.

    But that led to me seeking a career to retire in "this system of things" and leaving behind just jobs with no future. That led to me encouraging my wife to go to college. It didn't get me out. The crack grew for ten years before I realized it had become an avalanche. Then I made faster moves to get out.

  • Vidiot

    OnTheWayOut - "I have to say the 'crack' was the change in their understanding of 'generation' in 1995."

    You and a lot of other XJWs. Not me, though.


    I dunno, maybe I'm weird; I was actually kind of relieved at the "generation change" of '95.

    My Dad had been an avid WT reader from the Cold War era, and he knew Ray Franz's prophetic interpretation backwards and forwards; as a result, so did I.

    By the early 90s, I was (mostly) grown up and was gaining an increasing understanding of contemporary geoplitics, and steadily coming to the realization that the events in the WTS end-times script were becoming increasingly untenable, if only because - with the rapidly approaching 21st Century (which I knew the WTS had said "This Old System" wouldn't survive) - there was less and less time for all the mundane real-world aspects of the narrative to fall into place (I could never swallow the idea that everything could happen overnight by miraculous means).

    The "generation change" of '95, to me, bought the WTS some breathing room for the events in their eschatology to still be able to take place, therefore giving them a chance to still "be right".

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