I am going to pioneer after the holidays!

by snakeface 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tiktaalik

    Your enthusiasm is commendable.

    However, your choice of activity is not. What a waste of your time.

    Instead of bothering people in their homes, why not volunteer at a community charity?

  • naazira

    It's not ones job to assume what the householder maybe thinking. I think this is a great idea! A great way to wash your hands of the plague! May jehova reward your efforts!

  • stuckinarut2

    But how could you possibly accomplish such a HUGE task WITHOUT the backing of the HOLY SPIRIT and the god-appointed congregation??

    (I am being sarcastic...)

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Take a hobo to lunch.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    You should make up a cart with signs and set it up right next to some JWs with their trolley.

  • mana11

    Billys idea is good,,,

    take them on face to face, cart to cart, lol

  • jemba

    I carry a black marker in my backpack. I visit a lot of hospitals and public waiting rooms in my job so any tracts or mags I find I write, depending on my mood and anyone who may be able to see me things like "BULLSHIT" or "BEWARE, DANGEROUS CULT" in big bold letters across the front. I used to write www.jwfacts.com but figured people will just think its a crappy JW website and ignore it anyway. This way makes them think 'hey someone hates JWs' maybe theyll even wonder why. I also get a cheap thrill out of it ha ha.

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey Snakeface, I wholeheartedly support your efforts, and if I had some extra money right now, I would send it to you to help out. Keep up the good work! I wish there had been more people around like you when I was growing up, and I could have learned TTAT much earlier and worked to correct those lies in my life. Good Job!

  • JWdaughter

    I like Jemba's approach!

    If this is about making restitutions for the wrongs you did as a JW, and it works for you-go for it.

    Or you could just buy food for the food bank. It will go farther and get your MUCH more appreciation for your efforts (even if its all anonymous)

  • stuckinarut2

    I like Billy's idea of setting up a cart!

    Make up a sign that says:

    "religion is a snare and a racket" (serve the GB as the king)

    Im sure there was some religious group that once did that??

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