Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?

by CrytoJesus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    the real Jesus Christ and Jesus is not a religion

    Jesus is the invention of a religion.

  • mouthy

    NOW NOW Simon. 'Oh the gift that God had give us to see ourselves as others see us"
    You should allow others to say what they believe even if you think it is a myth.
    I believe Jesus is the WAY! TRUTH! LIFE! Nobody come to God except through HIM

    Ha!ha! has your blood pressure gone higher...????? I still love ya! though even though
    I mess with ya!!!MOUTHY!!!!!!!

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome CrytoJesus, Preaching to JWs about Jesus and them preaching to you about having the "Truth" will probably result in frustration for both of you.

    If you want to help JWs to critically think for themselves, you might have better luck engaging them in conversation at their propaganda carts by asking them simple questions like Billy the Ex-Bethelite did in the thread exJW Psychology 102--How to Ask a Question When Questions Aren't Allowed. If you can help JWs to critically think for themselves then they will be able to decide if believing in Jesus Christ or another religion is right for them.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • CrytoJesus

    Of course I want them to critically think for themselves.

    The Watchtower is a stronghold to JWs. It's an idol. If I can present factual information to them that breaks their trust in the Watchtower or at least plant a seed of doubt then that's making progress.

  • Isle of Lewis
    Isle of Lewis

    NOW NOW Simon. 'Oh the gift that God had give us to see ourselves as others see us"
    You should allow others to say what they believe even if you think it is a myth.

    If everyone is allowed to say what they believe, why are shushing Simon?

  • Simon

    You should allow others to say what they believe even if you think it is a myth.

    Why is free expression always expected to be a one way street? I believe everyone has the right to call BS on religion and tell people that they don't want to hear blind statements that are nothing more than religious tourettes.

    Telling someone that you believe X, Y or Z because of a faith is different to telling others that the faith itself is right with no explanation of basis for it (the definition of faith: lack of any evidence).

    So simple "Jesus is our savior!" type exclamations get very old very quickly when overused as they inevitable are. They shouldn't be confused with genuine attempts to explain an opinion based on a belief system.

  • cofty

    If I can present factual information to them that breaks their trust in the Watchtower or at least plant a seed of doubt then that's making progress. - Cry2Jesus

    Presenting factual information is good. Proseletyzing is not helpful. So far I have not seen you present any factual information.

    For example I am an atheist because I am convinced by the evidence against the god of theism. However when speaking to a JW I am happy to meet them on their turf.

    I can assume for the sake of argument that the bible is inspired of god, and use that to prove that their beleifs are in error. In order to do that you need a lot of knowkedge about JW doctrine. Evanglical christians who have never been JWs and who think they can preach the gospel and convert a JW are niave.

    Here is an example of the sort of information that can be helpful

    Jehovah's Witnesses View of Jesus Compared to the Early Church...

  • NCC-1701


    You seem to have a heart for Jehovah's Witnesses that I can identify with.

    Just a word of caution. I have been dialoguing with some Witnesses from different halls in my city off and on for a few years. Last summer I started speaking to a fellow who shares the same hall with a few others that I had previously been talking with. He found out that I had been talking with them. He sent me a note asking what was up and let me know that he didn't want to meet with me anymore.

    In addition to that, it seems the people from that hall contacted other halls in the area about my case. Though I do not have definitive proof of this, I suspect this is so because another fellow from another hall whom I have been talking to for the past couple of months did not respond to a note I sent to him. He as never failed to respond to my notes. We were set to meet last Thursday. The note I sent was to say that I would no longer be able to continue. If he was in the dark, I would have thought he would have asked why or at least say adios.

    As it is, I fear I may have undone any good (though it could be argued that there wasn't any) that may have resulted.

    Just a heads up.


  • ABibleStudent

    CrytoJesus - The Watchtower is a stronghold to JWs. It's an idol. If I can present factual information to them that breaks their trust in the Watchtower or at least plant a seed of doubt then that's making progress.

    Hi CrytoJesus, Presenting information/preaching is not the same as asking simple questions that help engage the brain of a JW to critically think for themselves. Learning how to overcome BITE control techniques would be more helpful than preaching to a JW.

    Have you researched any information by cult-exit counselors like Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website at , and/or watched his FREE videos on his website?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • CrytoJesus

    I went to a different Kingdom Hall meeting. Another bore. Seriously, I don't know how anyone can sit through it. Almost 2 hours of pure boredom. What made it worse is this is another building that has no windows! Not to mention it is a very small building. It felt like being in a prison. (Why don't these Kingdom Halls have windows? I have my theories.) Another thing, the place had a strong smell. I don't know how to describe it but it smells like very old people. I hope that doesn't sound insulting but I don't have any other way to describe the smell.

    People there skewed much older than age. People there were very nice and cordial. I didn't get any kind of cult vibes from anyone.

    I gave my number to three people! Of course they wanted to do a Bible study. One of the guys there seemed very open minded and we kind of got in a short discussion about the New Testament. I asked him if he knew there are no New Testament Greek manuscripts that have the Tetragrammaton (or Jehovah) and that the New World Translation inserted it in the New Testament which changes its reading. He didn't believe it but then right away he looked it up on his ipad to go to where it reads that it was taken out. I said to him it is virtually impossible to take it out because there are multiple authors written at multiple times in multiple places. I also said to him you opening up a can of worms by esssentially saying the manuscripts have been corrupted because then what else was taken out?

    Mind you, I was asking these questions in a very non argumentative way. We kept the tone very friendly and he seemed like a very nice guy. I hope we will meet up soon.

    Again, I can't emphasize how nice the people are there. They don't seem like mindless, zombie drones. They are very lovable people, just greatly deceived. I have it burning in my heart to tell them the truth about the "truth" and introduce them to the one who calls Himself the truth.

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