The best way to debate JW's without being labeled an apostate

by cookiemaster 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    COOKIEMASTER - I think you are 110% spot on. For JWs, God is not god. . .. . . "the society" is.

    My personal experience:

    When I fell into a black hole about 10 years ago, I pretty much realized there is nothing out there, no god.

    But I KNEW that I still had the TRUTH! Weird, huh?

    Then, when I wanted to "step down" as an elder, I literally told by PO my darkest thoughts/feelings: there is nothing out there.

    I was deleted as I wished, and really have not been bothered by the elders since.

    So yes, I think you are right: if you "make fun of " the bible and/or the biblical God, you can get away with it because that is not the JW god.

    The Watchtower is.

  • Greener

    I found that bringing up the subject of sexual molestations in some congregations and how the Society has covered a lot of this up, and the whole 2 witness rule made the biggest impression on my mother and sisters who are still inside. My sister had to admit that this rule had to change. It wasn't justice, it wasn't right, and many so called brothers got away with all of this. But I could see by the looks in their faces that this subject hit them very hard. Much harder than any doctrinal point that I have ever tried to make with them.


  • Oubliette

    I prefer the approach Billy the ex-Bethelite discussed: pretend someone else--a friend, relative, workmate, someone in "the ministry"--asked the question and you were stumped.

    It's gold!

  • stuckinarut2

    The method I always use (even when doing talks from the platform now) is:

    "so, critics often say__________, how would we respond?"


    "If someone we meet in the ministry says_________, how can we reason with them?"

    That makes it sound non confrontational and seems like we are simply trying to 'witness'

  • stuckinarut2

    I did this in my last bible highlights talk ( a particularly bloodthirsty section of Deuteronomy)

    " Are we ready to defend the bible, brothers and sisters, no matter how strange or unusual the content may seem to ones in our community?

    Critics often say that the god of the bible is the most bloodthirsty, petty, cruel, violent and jealous individual. They point to sections of the scriptures such as the chapters we are reviewing tonight as evidence of this claim.

    How can we respond. Can we justify why Jehovah allowed innocent babies to be killed in mass numbers, and these killings to be glorified amongst the Isrealites?


    then read several relevant scriptures, and conclude by saying:

    "so brothers and sisters, rather than being caught off guard by such questions raised by people in our community, we should take the time to do in depth bible study and research NOW so that we may know how to answer each person properly (ref isaiah 50:4) and provided the best possible witness we can"

  • Blackfalcon98

    Its gonna get really hard to squeeze anything meaningful into a Bible highlights talk net year @stuckinarut. Im kinda glad Im not on the TMS

  • JWdaughter

    I think your experience is very telling. You can challenge the idea of God and the Bible-that's ok-just dont DARE question the organization. I think that this underlines the point that the JWs are worshipping the organization and not God. Questioning God is not a threat, but give them any challenge to the WT authority and you are OUTA THERE!

  • sparrowdown

    I found I need to a bit careful with the old "defend your faith approach", because many

    witnesses now (especially ones baptised post 2010) are not familiar with this concept of

    being able to "defend" their beliefs in any way. They are very surface level and are supicious

    of anyone that probes too deeply on subjects.

  • Godsendconspirator

    I don't argue with JW's anymore. I'm glad they're living their shitty life.

  • kaik

    The best way to debate with JWs is using their own literature, but this still does not guarantee any result. Even self bible study could be seen as a heresy and majority of JWs are not even aware what is written there, but they will know their own crap from the WT and Awake without making any connection. I found that debating bible with JWs relatives is pointless, but they get lost when you use their own brochures to point nonsense in their teaching. However, they may still insist that old light is apostate and people were DFs for using old teaching or uphelding in their beliefs. For JWs is not important what bible says or what WT published 10-15-25 years ago, but momentary doctrines and loyalty to FDS.

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