After all, JWs were RIGHT!

by abiather 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    Someone posting different beliefs than ours is not automatically a troll.

    Keep thinking, OP. Pay attention to your feelings. They can be instructive.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Pay attention to your feelings. They can be instructive.

    "It is tough to discover that what you have believed in and invested your time in for so many years is a false hope and even a fraud/scam. You can spend hours and a lot of verbiage in rationalizing justification and excuses to continue the learned belief system." - Douglas A. Wallace


    Abiathar, sorry for saying you are full of it. You are on your own journey, and you have to figure things out on your own. Good luck.


  • Terry

    The Watchtower Corporation is run by gunslingers who target practice by shooting at the broadside of a barn.

    After they empty their smoking pistols, they walk over to the bullet holes in the walls.

    Then, they remove from their pocket a piece of chalk and proceed to draw a tiny little circle around each bullet hole.

    Finally, to every half-wit and Rube who walks by they call out:

    "How's that for accuracy?"

    The unwitting Country Bumpkin stares at the tiny chalk circles and sees the hole dead center.

    And guess what? They are mightily impressed!

    The GB fire round after round wildly, but always manage to make the target seem miraculous AFTER the fact.

  • snare&racket

    Science is JUST a process to observe the world around us, it provides a mechanism to learn how our universe works. Nothing more.

    When humans learn something new, it is thanks to the scientific process. What we do with that data is nothing to do with science and all to do with us.

    It is about growing up and taking responsibility. Do you drive a car, do you trash plastics daily? You know you shouldn't.....

    We are animals of habit and pattern, we don't like change. I am confident, with science, we have a hope.

    People can wait on the 8 guys from Brooklyn if they want, but I would ask them.....have you read the report on them dumping toxic waste in fields that fed into the bethelite water supply? Have you read about their fines in Australia recently for enviromental damage? Have you read the many stories here and elsewhere of how bethel would run the factory at night in NY to cover their illegal printing activity, hiding that they were exceeding their daily limits of 'ruining the earth'.

  • Ucantnome

    he substratum of all JW teachings is that humans would bring only ruin if they try to rule themselves without taking God’s will into account. And when the ruination reaches its climax, God would replace the present kingdoms (the real ruler of which is the greed of those who use technology) with His Kingdom; hence JWs has the caption: “THE WATCHTOWER announcing God’s Kingdom.”

    All other teachings have only secondary and supportive role, hence change in them would not matter.

    I think it does matter as the good news as preached by Jehovah's Witnesses included the time limit of a generation. Those that saw the beginning would see the end. This did not occur and this was changed. My view is that the good news cannot be changed.

  • sparky1


    If you really believe that , then Jehovahs Witnesses had only ONE really good idea. Gods Kingdom as the only hope for mankind.

    The rest is lies, conjecture, bullshit, personal opinion, fantasy, foolishness, speculation, tom-foolery, and out and out stupidity. And if that is the case then all those secondary teachings DETRACT from rather than give support to the idea of Gods Kingom.

  • NewYork44M

    Can you remind me, what are the core teachings that have proven to be correct? For some reason none come to mind.

  • NewYork44M

    You speak of climate change. I really don't recall any JW discussion about climate change in the 35 years of meetings I attended. Perhaps towards the end, but that was long after science identified this as a problem. So, again, what are the core teachings you speak of?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Of course, all of this is based on one scripture that WT completely misapplies: Revelation 11:18.

    The 'ruining the earth' refers to ruining of the human condition spiritually, not a ruining of the planet through pollution (not that I believe any of it, but WT should've consulted real scholars before formulating that particlular doctrine.)

    It's a fail no matter how one looks at it.

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