Here we go again. The next hate letter from our 2nd Son.

by Still Totally ADD 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sowhatnow

    oh man, how heartwrenching, and how frustrating, I want to shake them.

    so, to start the letter, you can of course, like all of us parents take the blame for raising them into a sitaution that you were not aware was highly questionalble, your sorry that thier life was so confusing, and your conscience has been terribly tortured knowng that you led them down a path that you realize was fairly difficult, and you apologize for thier difficulty in coming to terms with the fact that you being older and wiser than they , stand to loose much of your peace of mind, have been emotionally destroyed knowing what you now know, feel guilty for not seeing what was right in front of you, and now,

    haveing done much research have come to the wise choice to not allow men to lead you away from God anymore.

    and they also have a brain and can use it .

    you too, were led to believe something that is not all it seems.

    satan sure has gotten his way in breaking the family apart. ask them, what does satan attack? the family unit. ask them what other organization teaches thier members to treat thier families and other people, for that matter, like poision if they do not believe the same 'religion' they do?

    It is contrary to human nature to do this. religion breeds hate and prejudice.

    my family consists of 4 or 5 different faiths, and we all treat each other the same loving way. if one decides to leave a religion and go to another no one treats them like scum.

    how does the family get torn apart in the wt org? by labeling people, name calling, and making man made rules that opress ones conscience.

    see the june 22 2000 awake article 'the manipulation of information'

    subheading making generalizations, and 'name calling'.

    what bible scriptures can you use in your letter? lead them to the bible is all you can do,

    ask them why it is that they have disobeyed Gods requirements by not honoring ones parents,

    did not jesus condem those who did not respect thier parents? [you as a parent have a right to speak without being interupted]

    have they obeyed the advice of forgiving one another? . have they not read mark 11 vs 26? have they? whats it say? how do you ignore that councel?

    ask them why is it ok that only a two thirds GB vote passes every teaching and decision , and those one third who dont agree, do not get called apostate?

    who is influencig them to go against thier 'nature' nad natural affection, and tell thier own flesh and blood that they are foolish and evil, and have a mental problem? how is that normal? they know its wrong thats why they write they want to talk to you any way they can even if its hatefull.

    how is it that they were raised by two loving parents that they know and trust, to now all of the sudden, have no trust in what you have learned??

    ask them why they are so fearful of hearing and seeing for themselves what you have learned and they then can make thier own choice as to what to believe based on the simple fact that truth can stand up to test.

    satan has blinded them, they refuse to educate themselves out of fear, and cults rule with fear. tell them to stop living in fear and go to jwfacts and read some facts. then get back to you.

    then ask them to provide you with the scriptures that say you do not have the right to your own conscience, [romans]

    or to your own responsibility to GOD alone.

    watching a few watchtower examiner videos has helped me see how many scriptures are misused and also changed in their new bible.

    maybe watch a few of those for some good scriptures to use.

    as for the grandkids, I think to let them know tha to shamefully teach thier grandchildren to hate thier own flresh and blood is satanic and sick.

    and those children will grow up to have prejudices and narcissistic attitudes and a warped view of people especially the elderly.

    they have you one thier minds, because they miss you, they are angry because they hate what is happening. but they fear so much.

    this fear has paralized them and thier logic. and so, they are sheep without a shepard. tossed about, not knowing what to do.

    i hope somehow you can get them to come see you out of repect for you as thier parents, and sit and talk calmly and tacktfully about what is going on.

    well anyway thats my two cents, lol and hopefully some good will come out of it all. they really do miss you my heart breaks for them.

    my prayers are with you.

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