"The Friends"

by FeelingFree 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FeelingFree

    I have only come across this term very recently on JWN and in an "apostate" video I watched yesterday. Never have I heard anyone refer to JW's as "the friends" here in the UK. Is it just used in America?

    How long has this been going on and where on earth does it come from? Do actual JW's call themselves it or is it just used by others?

    It's weird how things differ from place to place. So much for worldwide unity and as terms go it's a pretty culty one!

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Not sure where it came from but here in the Midwest it is very common. A possible usage could be "during the funeral the friends were very supportive."

  • alanv

    I am from the UK and have heard it said occasionally, but normally most witnesses say 'brothers'

  • FeelingFree

    Yes "bothers" is what I have heard all my life. Just asked my Gran about it and she said some family in Canada (not JWs) also have called them the friends but had never heard of anyone over here using it it.

  • sparrowdown

    Where I am from "the friends" is a somewhat old-fashioned term that the oldies tend to use.

    It seems to be making a comeback though amongst some of the uber spiritual.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I heard this term the first time over 30 years ago in the Midwest USA.

    Of course, it's the biggest misnomer of all time, because there are no true "friends" in the JW world- only very conditional aquaintances.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Very commonly used in my area.

  • blondie

    Used many places in the US. Quakers use the term "friends" to refer to themselves (not Quakers) and came to the US and settled in Pennsylvania (orgin of Bible Students too) If you check below you can find many references to "friends." My family were Bible Students from 1920 onward and the term as lingered on amongst descendants of older ones.


  • BizzyBee

    there are no true "friends" in the JW world


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Used all the time here in the Northwest, even when starting meetings and conventions. The brother on the stage will say friends lests take our seats.


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