Will the Societies tighten their grip even more with the power slipping?

by thedepressedsoul 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparky1

    Now she really has a HOT bun! Even Tony the Turd couldn't resist this bun.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Seriously, I think they would LIKE to tighten their grip but lately there is so much backlash when they do it. At least when they make public statements.

    Because of the negative publicity they are receiving (i.e. mentally diseased apostate statement, etc) I think the tightening of the grip will be on a personal one-on-one basis with nothing ever said publicly or put in the publications.

    The Branch will give orders verbally to the COs.

    COs will give orders at the CirAssm Elders' Meetings (maybe instructions to write in the margin of the Flock Book).

    Elders will implement the Gestapo tactics. Dissenters will be DFd for BRAZEN CONDUCT.


    The beatings will continue until moral improves!

  • Vidiot

    DesirousOfChange - "The Branch will give orders verbally to the COs. COs will give orders at the CirAssm Elders' Meetings (maybe instructions to write in the margin of the Flock Book). Elders will implement the Gestapo tactics. Dissenters will be DFd for BRAZEN CONDUCT."

    All in a day's work for pruning out the riff-raff.


    Look at it this way...

    ...normal, regular people (or the closest JW equivalent) will inevitably be shown the door, making the XJW community's job that much easier.

  • _Morpheus

    Just out of curiosity, why does the premise of this topic presupose that org is losing control...? I have seen nothing to suggest this is the case.

  • sparrowdown

    That's the second biggest bun I have ever seen.

  • Apognophos

    Like _Morpheus, I can't really get behind the premise of the thread.

  • DesirousOfChange

    why does the premise of this topic presupose that org is losing control...?

    I share the opinion that they are losing control because:

    Many are faking it. Counting hours at Starbucks. Counting hours "windshielding" all day. (Not sure what you Brits would call that.)

    Many are ignoring their "ban" on higher education. (Sadly others are not and their future will likely be doomed.)

    Many are obviously not contributing as they once did, as evidenced by the cash-grabbing schemes, huge cutbacks on printing, and higher Assm Hall fees.

    Many our age and esp the younger crowd totally rejected their ban on "perverted" sex practices. (Thank you, hon!)

    Many "loyal" Dubs are adopting an "ala carte" approach to the doctrines -- take what you like and leave the rest.

    Many are clearly in it for the social network.

    I think even the Leaders in their Ivory Towers are beginning to see the trend.


  • Vidiot

    DesirousOfChange - "I think even the Leaders in their Ivory Towers are beginning to see the trend."

    'Course they are.

    Which, in turn, makes them crank up the control even more, which encourages the passive rebellion even further, etc., etc...

    Feedback loop.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    To add to DoC's list:

    > using the generic "brazen" term as a catch-all in order to DF a person on any trumped-up charge a JC wants to use.

    > The GB ramping up their self-aggrandizing tear by unilaterally declaring themselves the faithful slave.

    > If anyone hasn't noticed, the title has progressed from "governing body" to "Governing Body".

    > The WT's renewed focus on labelling anyone who disagrees with, or even questions WT, as an "apostate". A recent WT article warned JWs to shun even an active brother if that person talks about WT in a questioning manner.

    > The recent largest money grab in WT history.

    > "listen, obey and be blessed".

    And, finally:

    Paragraph 17 from the Stupefied (simplified) WT edition:

    "At that time, the direction that you receive from Jehovah’s organization may seem strange or unusual. But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not, because obeying these instructions will save our lives." (W 11-15-13)

    If that doesn't smack of desperation by escalation of control, I don't know what does.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    sparrowdown: That's the second biggest bun I have ever seen.

    What's the first?? Just curious.

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