The inactive God

by Rattigan350 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350

    In the creation vs evolution argument:

    The often used illustration of a watch found in the desert. You know it didn't just appear there on its own. Someone had to make it.

    With creation also someone had to make it. But with the watch, if its not working, you can take it to its maker and he can fix it.

    With creation, with it not working can anyone call on the maker to fix it? They can call on him, and have been for millenia, but has he fixed it?

    While a supreme being created everything, that is not the problem. The problem is that he has left everything in a broken state for thousands of years unwilling to fix it.

    The excuse that is given is that man was given thousands of years to be allowed to try various governments. But that shouldn't stop God from acting. It is like the federal government having laws, but if the local or state governments doing something to violate those higher laws, the people can petition the higher government to fix it. When the national governments did things against God and people, people have petitioned God, to no avail. Man has done more to help man than God has done.


    The human race needs to riot.


  • Divergent

    JW arguement: Thank you for your opinion. God DOES care for us & WANTS to help us. Let me show you a scripture... (insert scripture of choice)

  • steve2

    You make perfect sense. Unfortunately, the impulse to believe religious nonsense is driven not by reason but emotion. And, when people are in the grip of emotion, reason doesn't stand a chance.

    A shattering but necessary realization for me was seeing the religion I was raised in, not as one based on 'reasoning from the Scriptures' but one that played on and catered for people's fears'. Hooked in by fear, they prove themselves unable to engage in reasoned discussion, as they hop-scotch through the Bible 'proving' they alone have the 'truth' and rejecting as false any view at variance with theirs.

  • Apognophos

    It is like the federal government having laws, but if the local or state governments doing something to violate those higher laws, the people can petition the higher government to fix it.

    Witness: Yes, but the higher government in this case is Satan. He is the ruler of this world. Let me show you a scripture... (opens Bible)

  • SG098

    JW arguement: Thank you for your opinion. God DOES care for us & WANTS to help us. Let me show you a scripture... (insert scripture of choice)

    Counter argument:

    "So imagine your son/daughter is a teenager at driving age. Your son/daughter is a good person and helps others. Your teenager listens to you as a parent; your child tries their best to please you. When you ask your child to do something, they listen and obey....all around great kid.

    One day, your teenager is going on a long road trip to help a relative. The car your teen is taking has MAJOR brake issues; the car is unsafe to drive. You know this, your child does not. You would normally put the money in to fix the brake issue but it does not benefit you to fix this because it will cost YOU money out of YOUR own pocket and you have been saving up for that new (fill in the blank item).

    So, your teen gets in the car, drives off, and on their way to the relatives house, the brakes go out and your teen dies in a crash. You feel sad, you know you could of prevented this, yet, you did nothing. The authorities along with the automobile maker of your teens car launch an investigation. They find out that 2 weeks prior to your teens road trip, you took the car in for an oil change and the mechanic vehemently warned you about the brakes. Actual the mechanic made you sign the shop receipt saying you know of the issue but have declined service. The authorities decide to press charges against you, after all, you had the money or the "power" to fix the brakes. You later go to jail for manslaughter."

    The correlation between this and god is, god has the power to help people. He has the power to help good people who have obeyed him and put him first. Look at the brothers and sisters who died in the Honduras bus crash:

    You can rightly say they were putting god first. Yet he did not spare them. Why?

    Because of what god himself says at 1John 5:14 -

    "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."

    God is a HORRIBLE example of a parent. And he is the supposed heavenly father of all of us. God will only help us or individuals, if it benefits him. How disgusting! For all dead beat dads in the universe, surely jehober takes the cake.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    My father keeps working and I keep working......

    Not much productivity

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    steve2: religion I was raised that played on and catered for people's fears'.

    Without the weapons of guilt and fear, what power to influence people would religion have?

  • prologos

    rattigan, who says it is broken? What if you discovered that the watch actually is one that repairs itself , let us say for 4 billion years, but this particular one is past it's expiration date, and is now in the process of being ground down to its metal/ stone constituents?.

    Humans grow, repair themselves, up to a point, have an expiration date.

    planetary systems build themselfs, orbits adjust, but their star-power sources have an expirtaion date.* and

    that watch is shows the right time with great accuracy twice a day, enjoy those moments. and

    keep a watch on your expiration date.

    Dont expect tinkering with the set laws

    *they explode to make the gold for our gold watches.

  • cofty

    prologos - What does any of that actually mean?

    In practical terms, how does your deist god differ from no god?

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