Your favourite dog breed ...?

by LoveUniHateExams 51 Replies latest social family

  • LoveUniHateExams

    In an earlier thread, I mentioned that I wasn't a particularly doggy person but that my parents got a husky last year that I've come to regard as a kind of brother.

    Huskies superficially resemble wolves and for me it's been fun to compare and contrast husky and wolf behaviour. Huskies howl but rarely bark, and seem to have a strong prey drive and a strong pack instinct - a nod to their wild cousins

    This is why I love huskies, I think.

    Do you have a favourite dog breed and why?

    If you don't but love dogs anyway then your comments are equally welcome.

    Thank you.

  • sparrowdown

    Cavallier King Charles for their gentle friendly nature.

    I just loved the little dog from the movie As Good As It Gets starring Jack Nicholson, not sure what breed it was.

  • NeverKnew

    Absolute without fail... Standard Poodles. Loving, protective, insanely intelligent (mine used to hide in the bathtub if she thought she was in trouble), and the biggest reason?... THEY DO NOT SHED.... NOTHING.... NADA.... NEVER

  • LisaRose

    I love them all, I couldn't choose one. I had a husky mix dog, she was the best dog ever. She was sweet and gentle, but I believe she would have defended me to the death. She loved my grandson, and when he was a baby she would guard him, if he started crying she would whine at us until we did something. As a toddler he got up on the table, so she came to get us in the other room and let us know there was a problem. We moved to another state so she didn't see him for a few years. She was an old, very sedate dog by then, but she ran around the house like a puppy she was so happy to see him. She was big, about 95 pounds, but lived until she was fourteen.

  • GoneAwol

    Weimaraner. Hardley shed, very loyal, easy to train, good solid guard dog as well. (forgotton how to post pics der)

  • Balaamsass2

    German Shepherds. Super intelligent and easy to train. Very loyal. Rarely run away. Criminals seem to fear them. I just wish they didn't shed.

    2cd choice- most of the working and herding breeds. They are trainable, brave, tough dogs. I love watching dogs herd sheep and beef .

    The wife loves little non shedding FOO LA LA dogs . I like them fine but a lot of wild creatures find them delicious so you have to keep an eye on them.

  • Onager

    Labradoodle! Never had a dog before because of allergies but our pup has the poodle coat that doesn't shed so I don't suffer and she's smart as a button!

  • Simon

    We have a bichon shih tzu but she doesn't know it. Normally they plod along but she like to run like a greyhound. She's scared of dogs smaller than her but will happilly go off with the Newfoundlands at the dog park.

    It's supposedly not the smartest breed but she's surprisingly clever. We got her a bell to open the back door to go out and she had it figured out in no time. Now she rings it to let the cats come in or to have us open the door to the treat cupboard. I feel like I'm becoming Jeeves the butler.

    mine used to hide in the bathtub if she thought she was in trouble

    Ours quivers when it's thundering and asks to go in the bath whenever there is a storm. If she's got herself a bit dirty she also asks to have a bath too.

    Bigger dogs are nice but a lot more work. Whenever we look after our friends dog you walk him and even after several laps round the park he's still ready to keep going and that's throwing balls to make him run back and forth as you go. Last time we had him running round the garden after a laser pointer to tire him out (worked amazingly well).

  • marmot

    DACHSHUNDS!!!!! I love their clownish personalities and the fact that they snuggle under the covers with you at night.

    Followed by Labradors. Had a number fo them growing up and they're great dogs but we live in an apartment so we can't have a big dog at the moment. :(

  • TD

    There are so many breeds and life is so short...

    I've had Beagles, German Shepherds, Huskies, Husky + Wolf hybrids, Pitbulls, American Eskimos, Jack Russells, West Highland Terriers, Jackahuahuas (Jack Russell + Chihuahua = Most affectionate dogs I've ever seen.)

    They all were favorites.

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