Leave it in Jehovah's Hands - Your thoughts?

by berrygerry 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    Leave it in Jehovah's Hands

    Is there a more disgusting phrase in JW land?

    The abuse, harms, thefts, suicides, family destruction - Leave it in Jehovah's Hands.

    Why would anyone with more than 2 neurons say, "Oh that makes sense," we do not need to change or intervene in any way.

    Sooner or later, God will take of things.

  • LostGeneration

    A disgusting phrase used by cowards who often fail to protect innocent victims.

    Isn't there even a phrase in the Elder book when discussing an accusation of child molestion where they state "Leave the matter in Jehovah's hands" if there isnt a second witness? COWARDS!

  • WTWizard

    And suppose God's idea of taking care of things is to abolish freedom and institute universal communism? Who was it that held back knowledge of good and bad? Why would joke-hova not want people to know good and bad, except to make people slaves? Leave things in the hands of that thing, and you can be assured to be poor and miserable.

  • Perry

    Excellent advice if you have made peace with God through the blood of Jesus.

    Very bad advice if you have not.

    WT Wizard: my experience with God has been the opposite as you fear. 10 years ago I was poor, single at 40 and miserable. After making peace with God and presiding wisely over the gifts he has sent my way. I have a wonderful family, a very profitable business and much more joy and peace in my life. But like I mentioned above, this is really bad advice while we are still God's enemy with only Judgment to look forward to......which we all were as Children of Adam at birth.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    That's exactly what the CoBE said to me when I reported & supplied the evidence of an Elder who was indulging in seriously perverted behaviour.

    Needless to say, Jehovah did nothing about it - and neither did the Elders, until they were forced to by my actions. After which, I was personna non grata. Wolves in sheep's clothing; laminated Christians - it's only a veneer they've got!

  • blondie

    If the WTS believed that they wouldn't need the bank of lawyers they have.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Perry...it's so nice to know that god takes care of you while completely ignoring the other 8 billion+ people on this planet. Apparently your "profitable business" takes priority over starving children, genocides, and diseases. Or, is it that those starving children have not yet "made peace with god"?


    To the OP- "leave it in Jehovah's hands" ploy is code for: "We [the elders; WT] don't have enough interest in correcting this ____ (fill in the blank) issue/problem. Therefore, we'll mask our apathy under the smokescreen of leaving it in the hands of our equally apathetic god".

    "Leaving it in Jehovah's hands" with regard to fixing genuine injustices in the Org. frees up more time for WT to pursue its real estate business or strategizing a legal defense to protect the pedophile du jour.


    Anddontcallmeshirley- a little harsh...just saying

    I think Perry makes the point that when you have faith (in God, not a cult), then God will lead you where you belong.

    I agree with his post.

    The truth will set you free. And merry Christmas!


  • DJS

    Perry, don't you have some gay bashing to which you need to attend? As ADCMS states, your delusional, narcissistic views have eliminated any hope that the billions of others on the planet who do not know or serve your Jesus will escape from being god's enemies. To what do they credit their success (please say Satan, please say Satan, please say Satan). What of the Christians who are poor? Is it because they don't REALLY love the lord like you, AbleBodiedMan, Givemejustalittlemoretime and the Reverend Tammy?

    Good grief. The narcissism, hate and negativity inside of you is legion. And Perry's kind way of speaking clearly doesn't include gays. BS Millivanlli and TTWSYF. Are you Perry's friends? His 'kind' way of speaking just condemned billions of people to eternal damnation with no chance whatsoever of redemption unless they embrace your make believe savior. That is harsh. ADCMS and I are pointing out the obvious. Try again. Have you 3 joined some sort of support group to defend each other? I suggest a new strategy; defend rational thought, inclusiveness, all humans and the planet.

  • millie210

    Perry, thanks for your thoughts.

    My view is quite different concerning how the ransom of Jesus would/does work in theory.

    But i very much appreciate your perspective and your kind way of speaking here.


    Berrygerry, I agree!

    I think that phrase is one of those that "sounds good" when a person hears it but lacks real use.

    Similar to other useless phrases that people seem to churn out in lieu of thinking....

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