Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis

by cofty 60 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Kate - I'm sorry for what's happening to you and your family. Of course it is noteworthy to you. I hope that your ex and any criminal social workers get properly punished, and that you and your family get the help you need.

    As I said, I agree that all child abusers and their enablers should be punished and that social services and care homes should be immediately sorted out.

    At the risk of becoming as popular as a ginger stepchild, however, in Rotherham the overwhelming majority of abusers were British-Pakistani muslim men and their victims were white girls. It's difficult not to find this noteworthy and it's happened in other towns/cities across Britain.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    If you express any remotely negative opinion about any UK minority group, you will be guilty of ..ism and branded an

  • KateWild

    Kate - I'm sorry for what's happening to you and your family. Of course it is noteworthy to you. I hope that your ex and any criminal social workers get properly punished, and that you and your family get the help you need.-LUHE

    Well I don't think you are sorry, what has happened to my family has happened across UK and it's not noteworthy to you, Rotheram is more important to you, and it's just a drop in the bucket. Just saying that proves your ignorance. We are not going to get help, we are being abused by a social worker and there is nothing we can do about it. This is because there are no consequences for SWs and no regulatory body.

    LUHE, you haven't got a clue of the bigger picture, you're so easily led by fundamentalist nonesense that sensationalises Muslims issues where there is none

    Kate xx

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Kate - I meant every word of those sentences that you've quoted.

    The Rotherham case is not more important to me than your situation, but the details of that case are very noteworthy.

    LUHE, you haven't got a clue of the bigger picture - you're probably right.

    Rotheram is more important to you, and it's just a drop in the bucket - you call the thousands of abused Rotherham girls a drop in the bucket? Where's your fellow feeling?

    you're so easily led by fundamentalist nonesense that sensationalises Muslims issues where there is none - nonsense. There are big issues with multiculturalism and Islam.

  • Simon

    Kate - is it possible you are responding based on the attitude you've been conditioned to have by years of government promoting this agenda?

    Your own personal experience is just *one* but you are convinced that a huge amount of evidence can't possibly demonstrate the very thing that it demonstrates - that people of a certain race / creed were allowed to abuse and overwhelmingly target children of a different race / creed with impunity.

    You may as well claim that it didn't happen as claim that it wasn't anything to do with religion and race. It would be equally unconvincing given what everyone knows of the situation.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I agree Simon, ( BUT) i think it's not possible for Kate to see it that way.


    I think Kate sees people as individuals, regardless of skin race and ecconomic situation. ( i think many people who were indoctrinated in to the " truth" became indoctrinated because they can't believe a people of a certain race can be indoctrinated into being evil"

    Sorry kate, who am i too speak for you.

    As for me i answerd Simons question on a tread i started today. It's hard to explain what we believe in words.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Kate - I understand why you're taking your position on this thread, in addition to your unfortunate personal circumstances.

    You seem to completely disregard race, ethnicity and culture (99 times out of a hundred a very good thing) but I tend to be critical.

    You, therefore, come across as a nice person (I'm sure you are) whereas I come across as a bit of a b*****d (it's true - I am).

    I really do hope that you and your family get the help you need and that your ex and any negligant police and social services get properly punished.

    Take care


  • KateWild

    you call the thousands of abused Rotherham girls a drop in the bucket? Where's your fellow feeling?-LUHE

    You may as well claim that it didn't happen as claim that it wasn't anything to do with religion and race. It would be equally unconvincing given what everyone knows of the situation.-Simon

    I believe it is a drop in a bucket just like my kids are a drop in the bucket, I do have felloe feeling, but it's all about abuse of power, Pat Condell in my opinion is diluting the problem and sensentionalising the Muslim angle. The fact of the matter is in both cases the SWs abused their poer and are not protecting the vulnerable children and families.

    It's the furthest thing from my mind to clain it didn't happen, but it happened for different reasons than Pat Condell is stating.

    It's a wide spread UK problem that needs a solution, but I don't see anything being resolved before my son reaches maturity sadly.

    Kate xx

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I agree 100% katewild.

  • Simon

    It wasn't just lots of individuals committing the same crime that coincidentally happened to be the same race and / or religion.

    This was systematic and organized and the race / religion used as a cover to protect them because the politically correct climate makes people wary of pointing a finger at certain people and certain groups. You have to listen to what the investigation tells us. This is how abuses like this happen and are allowed to continue - whether it is Rotheram muslims or JW elders, whenever there is any "you can't criticise them, they are ..." claims then there is a big danger.

    If it was white christian gangs doing it then we'd be talking about that as at least being a significant common factor. No group should ever be above scrutiny especially when it involved the welfare of THE most vulnerable of children.

    We don't defend the Jimmy Saville abuses which also targetted kids in care. We shouldn't turn a blind eye to any other abuses for fear we may look not PC compliant enough or, shock horror, be accused of an "...ism". Anyone who suggests someone or some group should't be investigated and prosecuted should be put on the list to be investigated themselves.

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