Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis

by cofty 60 Replies latest social current

  • Hortensia

    Oh, it's so sickening. It's not just Britain -- it's all over the world. Islam is a dangerous religion, vicious, violent, vengeful. And power-hungry. And people bend over backwards to give Islam the benefit of the doubt.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Thanks for the vid, cofty. I hadn't heard of this guy before but he's absolutely spot on.

    It's time multiculturalism was ditched, IMO. Everyone should sign up to British culture. Those that choose not to do so can kindly leave.

    I'm all for pluralism and multiracialism but multiculturalism is not working, at least in it's current form.

    The problem's infected the BBC - terrorist acts are committed, not by muslim extremists, but by 'Islamist militants'. Any sane person's idea of a militant would be Bob Crow or Len McClusky, not Bin Laden, and I don't remember either suggesting suicide bombing as a way of achieving their aims.

    Our leaders and newspapers aren't immune - after each Islamist atrocity, Cameron insists 'Islam is a religion of peace'. The Guardian stubbornly and shamefully defends Islam against any criticism. Can you imagine the Guardian's reaction if Christian extremists did beheading, suicide bombings, etc.?

  • Ruby456

    terrible but there is a bigger picture too

    “We may think we have moved on from Victorian attitudes, but we have not,” Mathers says. “The Rotherham report show that it is often children in care who are abused. The police justified their inaction by using terms like ‘undesirables’, ‘deviant’ and ‘promiscuous’ in their reports. This culture, which assumes there is a class of young girls ‘asking for it’, is the chief reason why such abuse was able to continue unchecked. Butler would have recognised it: the culture of fallen women.”

    Butler died in 1906, 22 years before women won the right to vote. She is a model for how moral purpose can create genuine, on-the-ground change and deserves to be remembered today, especially as reports warn that the sexual exploitation of vulnerable children is now the social norm in some parts of the UK.

  • doofdaddy

    A 9 yr old girl sent from Australia to the Middle East to be married......

  • LoveUniHateExams


    A supposed 'bigger picture' from Al-Grauniad.

    The writer has completely glossed over the fact that the Rotherham scandal, as with some child abuse scandals in other British towns/cities, featured overwhelmingly British-Pakistani muslim men abusing white girls. To try to steer the discussion away from this fact is to stick one's head in the sand. The problems of multiculturalism urgently need to be discussed.

    I expect nothing less from the Guardian. Shameful, pathetic and disgusting.

  • Ruby456

    lol at loveunihatexams - you would make a good poitician too.

    In Britain multculturalism is not fixed and it has always been a contentious issue - people are always talking about it and this is a good thing.

    I chose that article from a number of other articles in the guardian and other newspapers because I was interested in how this issue could have remained hidden for so long when there was plenty of evidence from victims. Rather than trying to steer the discussion away from the topic I was trying to add something to the thread to broaden the discussion particularly as most of us have been victims of Jehovahs witnesses and our credibility has been questioned after we have been labelled in a particular way. Judith Butler is a heroine because of the work she did in Victorian times to highlight the plight of vulnerable children whom society disdained.

  • galaxie

    Education and democracy, used to promote and maintain standards to which benefit not degrade our society must always be the goal of a fair and just society.

    The screening of the intentions of immigrants must be thorough.

    The laws against crimes of abuse of any sort perpetrated by anyone against anyone should be rigorously enforced, no one should be exempt.

    Punishment must be seen to fit the crime.

    Then there's always the gun and vigilantism.

  • cofty

    Ruby - The rapists chose girls in the care system because they had nobody to stand up for them. Those who should have stood up for them failed to do so because the rapists were Muslim and they were terrified of being labelled racists.

    In many Muslim countries any woman who goes out alone is fair game. Muslim men are not expected to control their sexual passion. It is up to husbands, fathers and brothers to protect their women.

    It is a disgustingly misogynstic culture. The silence of western feminists is disgraceful.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Ruby - the Guardian writer was shamefully attempting to steer the discussion away from a critique of multiculturalism by, in effect, saying 'abuse of children has always happened'

    Muslims make up ~3% of Britain's population. For argument's sake, let's say that half are men of British-Pakistani origin.

    So in Rotherham, the overwhelming majority of the criminals came from c.1.5% of the population. The victims were overwhelmingly white girls. It must not be considered taboo to investigate why this is so.

    BTW I would make a crap politician.

    Your point about multiculturalism being contentious might be the truest thing you've ever said.

  • KateWild

    It's my experience social workers don't stand up for anyone. My ex is a white British male and beats my son. Social workers and courts have failed to act. This has nothing to do with being scared to report Muslims. The care system failed baby P too.

    A reugulatory body needs to be appointed that has the power to sack social workers for ignoring crimes, and holding individuals responsible.

    Kate xx

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