How could you justify that God killed all firstborn children in Egypt?

by Mr Fool 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    God is outside our universe.

    He is outside the box.

    So whether God had a begining or not outside the box is inconsequential.

    God exist outside time. Time only exist in our universe with man.

    I saw this episode of Star Trek also.

    You know deep down that things don't come from nothing. We came from God...

    Nope, sorry. You assume too much. Consider some of the cutting edge science in the world of physics. It is becoming more explainable how something CAN, and most likely did, come from nothing.

    GOD is not a legitimate default to every mystery.

    [edit]: I respect your right to believe what you want to believe, JB. It's just that some people need more than feel-good religious ideology/fantasy when it comes to life and important questions. I find the "god did it" default position empty as it answers nothing. It's the lazy way out of a good, deep thinking session.

  • Vidiot

    Cold Steel - "I just keep wondering why (mostly atheists) keep thinking that believers need to justify anything that God does."

    In my experience, hard-core believers do often feel compelled to "justify" God's actions in the Bible (especially the really f**ked-up ones), probably because deep down inside, they know those actions are, at their core, fundamentally f**ked up.

    The "justification" is actually a psychological attempt to shore up their own devotion in the face of said f**ked-up-ness.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    God is outside our universe.

    Really and what proof do you have ?

    I don't have any proof. But if an entity labeled God made the universe it would make sense that he was outside of it.

    Just a man who builds a house is outside of the house.

    I saw this episode of Star Trek also.

    You know deep down that things don't come from nothing. We came from God...

    Nope, sorry. You assume too much. Consider some of the cutting edge science in the world of physics. It is becoming more explainable how something CAN, and most likely did, come from nothing.

    GOD is not a legitimate default to every mystery.

    [edit]: I respect your right to believe what you want to believe, JB. It's just that some people need more than feel-good religious ideology/fantasy when it comes to life and important questions. I find the "god did it" default position empty as it answers nothing. It's the lazy way out of a good, deep thinking session.

    I believe it is a posibility. I am all for looking for answers.

    I see before me two issues.

    God and no God and I see the arguments for each pretty equally balanced.

    I believe I want anwers like everyone else.

    I also question everything.

    I questioned the Jw's ever since I was concious back in the 50's

    Then I questioned the bible and God.

    I questioned God and the bible that is what got me to the point where I am today.

    A scientist will always question and try to disprove. Not that I am a scientist. But I am inquisative.

    And I question everything.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I don't have any proof. But if an entity labeled God made the universe it would make sense that he was outside of it.

    What if an entity called man invented god?


    I just watched a documentary on Netflix about life in the universe. The odds are actually in favor of life elsewhere, although it does take a certain set of circumstances to have a suitable solar system to support life.

    It seems pretty arrogant to believe that the entire universe is set up like some gigantic Rube Goldberg Machine, with the sole purpose of supporting life on one planet, our planet. I would actually go so far as to argue the existence of life on only one planet points to an inept creator. I mean, God had to create what seems to be an infinite universe all to balance out one solar system so that one tiny planet can be in the exact perfect spot for life?! I would think an all-powerful creator would just have life everywhere, life on the moon, life on Mars, life flying around in space, everywhere!

    In my opinion, life beating astronomical odds just to exist on one planet, would be evidence against a creator. If life is so precious, why would a loving Creator kill untold millions of animals in a flood, and then have a barbecue directly afterwords? By the way, don't forget to thank God for preserving all the flesh eating bacteria and brain eating amoeba's...


  • Theredeemer

    @ James Brown. Actually, to build a house you have to be inside of it too. Just sayin.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    DD: By the way, don't forget to thank God for preserving all the flesh eating bacteria and brain eating amoeba's...

    Thank you, GOD. You are awesome.

  • Theredeemer

    How do you justify God also killing the firstborn animals too?!? Now how do you explain that crap?!?

  • Theredeemer

    Did the firstborn cattle also go to a far better place too?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    What if an entity called man invented god?

    That is the big question.

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