Lies in the Dateline Show

by TheMatrix 65 Replies latest social current


    The matrix.You are a Pediphile protecting TROLL!.Possibly a pediphile yourself.Back to the WBTS pig pen,Troll!!...OUTLAW

  • its_my_life2001ca

    The society handles pedophiles judiciously? Why is it in the world, they have such a problem with repeat offenders and yet in the truth they feel confession and a prayer cures them. Both molesters featured last night were reinstated after short periods of time. I remember from Amazing's account, the elders kept the info within the committee but took the necessary steps to protect their own children. In the interest of "confidentiality", other children in the congregation were playing russian roulette. I think the society is more interested in protecting the reputation of the "organization" than the welfare of it's adherents.

  • SYN

    Hi MatrixGuy, welcome to our humble abode. We're always up for rational discussion, but remember that people like Mulan have known Barb personally and what she says is true. You make the statement:

    The truth is that sins such child abuse are handled theocratically and judicial committees handle the matter.
    Agreed, according to the known definition of "theocratically". I'm not arguing with this.

    The person can be disfellowshipped and the congregation is protected.
    CAN. CAN. CAN. Are you aware of the 2 witness rule?

    Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the law and if the law says turn the abuser in, they do just that.
    ONLY IF they find the person guilty in the first place! And guess what that requires? You got it - 2 witnesses. This was outlined in a recent BOE letter that was leaked to us. We know all about the internal dealings of the BOrganization, baby.

    There is no problem there.
    On the contrary, I believe there is a HUGE problem with exactly that rule!

    The problem is with the states that do not require that the abuser should be turned in.
    There shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. Parents should just go straight to the cops, and not have a body of Elders decide whether they can do this.

    But that’s the states’ problem, not the Witnessses. If you want the Witnesses to report these cases in all 50 states of the United States, then start a petition in those states to make it a law to report all cases of child abuse.
    People who are controlled by the Body of Elders won't go to the cops anyway, man. It's about power and control, not justice, in this Organization which you appear to be supporting!

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are guided by Jehovah and his law and that’s the end of it.
    Don't even get me started on the "Laws of Jehovah". You obviously haven't been reading your Bible all that well. I did. Twice. Straight through. And I have an excellent memory - I write 200,000 line computer programs for a living. The Bible is very nasty sometimes, in the things it advocates and recommends, especially in the Old Testament. Basing a religion on this book just compounds the problem, resulting in the sort of fracas we are discussing here today. In fact, it is an Old Testament law that the Society enforces, the "2 witnesses" thing that has caused so much pain and abuse to continue in the Congregations. Get your facts straight, mister, many of us here have witnessed these things happening REPEATEDLY firsthand. Are you going to try and tell us that the things we experienced didn't happen?

    You might get mad at my words here, but I’m just calling it as it is.
    I'm not mad at you, but I am terribly angry at the people at the top of your Organization who are in control...don't you find it just the least bit odd that they're all MEN? And here I thought we were living in the 21st Century!

    Anyway, welcome to the board, hope your stay here is as fruitful as mine has been. We're ALWAYS willing to extend our friendship to you, and debate things in a calm manner. You made a good post on a topic that you no doubt find very emotional, and I applaud you for that, but the subject matter of your post needs a bit of closer examination

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • crawdad2

    so, basically you just admitted that you will continue to "not turn in pedophiles" to the police, until after someone "changes the laws" of the various states,,,,,,,ummmm, do you care about children?

  • Mulan

    Hmmm, Matrix hasn't posted again, to defend himself. Maybe we are getting through to him.

    What Bill said about the pedophile paradise would have bothered me too, but the show did explain what he meant. And, if you know Bill, as we do, you know he talks like that,..........and sometimes more "colorfully".

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$The are a Pediphile protecting TROLL!.Possibly a pediphile yourself.Back to the WBTS pig pen,Troll!!...OUTLAW$$$

    Outlaw is sadly laughable. Looky dat logic. What shame.

    Matrix is a pedophile because matrix thinks there were some lies told on the Dateline show? How critical thinking shuts down when it comes to jws. Opposers turn off this faculty when jw are involved. That logic would get you kicked out of logic class rather quickly like.

  • dmouse

    "Looky dat logic."

    Non sounds more like Jar Jar Binks everyday.

    I doubt Matrix will be back, he's off straining gnats and gulping camels somewhere.

  • TheMatrix
    Matrix hasn't posted again, to defend himself.

    Really, Mulan, I don't have to defend myself. I know this is a sensitive issue with you guys. I knew my comments would create irate reactions and that many would insult me. That's o.k., your comments are all welcome. It shows who you really are.

    For example look at this beautiful peace of writing:

    The are a Pediphile protecting TROLL!.Possibly a pediphile yourself.Back to the WBTS pig pen,Troll!!...OUTLAW
    I can see, Mr. Outlaw put a lot of thinking into that post. He probably giggled like a little child as he typed it. You naughty little boy, outlaw. That's what apostates would lead you to believe that all 6 millions of Jehovah's Witnesses protect pedophiles. But we all know that's not true.

    Mulan: I don't disagree with what you said about Ms. Anderson. I'm sure she held a "high" position as she would call it. I'm not disagreeing that she was a researcher. I am questioning that she had access to confidential files. Read my post again and you will see that.

  • Billygoat


    IF you REALLY believe she accessed confidential files then why do you think JR Brown didn't nail her to the wall with that? Why didn't the Society do something because of that? She wasn't disfellowshipped for THAT! Think about it.



    'You better not or else'. I certainly DO BELIEVE Erica! Why, because I've had the same thing said to me. You turn Bro. ------ into the police or FBI we'll DF you. You do and you'll be sorry, the entire elder body will see to it. Yeppy, "In my heart I believe that" she's telling the truth. How many times was I told this, I can't remember. This was not concerning anything to do with child molestation or rape. It's the WTS leverage over you.

    I can't believe anyone could have watched this and still defend the WTS so zealously. Are we not glad, people, that we have gotten out of her? Are we not glad, people, that we possess the 'Accurate knowledge'
    to help those held captive by the WTS to find the real truth?

    Do you remember how at the assemblies how DO & CO would pose their questions to those attending? Then everyone would applaud. Good heavens, just remembering this makes me sick!

    Have you hugged a lamb today?


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