Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown

by Simon 551 Replies latest social current

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    So by that assertion Marvin you are saying that it should be lawful to lethally shoot at a person if your in a physical confrontation with another individual as well a cop has the legal lawful right to shoot to kill if a citizen tries to make hand to hand contact with them during an apprehension ?

    I'm saying there is a right of self-defense recognized UNDER THE LAW.

    On occasion this could include defending oneself against UNLAWFUL ASSAULT by a uniformed law enforcement officer.

    But THAT is not what's at issue in the Brown - Wilson incident that I AM DISCUSSING.


  • AlphaMan

    This whole thing got ridiculous long ago. Everyone in America knew they wouldn't accept the GJ's verdict if it favored the officer. Even if the GJ returned a manslaughter charge they would have still rioted, looted & burned because the blacks wanted something that fit their trumped up Hands Up, Don't Shoot racist white cop executes innocent black boy narrative.

    BTW: It seems to me that while having a black president and a black attourney general, race relations in the US have been set back 20 years or more. Is that causal or just coincidental?

    Bingo......yes it has, because Obama & Holder are racists themselves, and nobody has the balls or the backing in this country (including black leaders) to stand up to the radical black community and tell them America is tired of their stupid assed thugs. Everyone in charge wants to pander to the entitlement feelings, and feel sorry for them because there was black slaves in this country 150 years ago.

  • designs

    "We investigated ourselves and found ourselves innocent"...

  • moomanchu

    I posted this before, it has an excellent message for certain communities.

    I think it should be required viewing in certain school districts.

    Imagine the lives it would save !

  • AlphaMan

    'Is it too much to expect that police officers who are trained with using guns to use these guns in a non-lethal way like shooting at the legs or shoulders of perpetraters who they are trying to subdue . ?' - yes, it is. Pistols are difficult to aim, and limbs become a blur. Adrenaline/nerves also make things difficult. The torso is the easiest target.


    You are correct LoveUni. Police Officers are trained to shoot the torso. Target practice is at the torso. Anyone that does not shoot a handgun would be surprised how easy it is to miss a torso target even at relatively close range. Aim for the legs is fantasy talk. Accidentally shoot a perp in the dick and you are criticized for that. Miss the leg and richochet, and kill someone else and the officer is criticized for that.

    The training is pretty straight forward. You are hired & sworn to unhold the law. if a perp attacks you, strikes you, and goes for your gun you have the legal right to shoot them dead. The forensic evident supports an attack by Brown against officer Wilson at the car where 2 fired shots leaves Brown's DNA in the vehicle. The forensic evidence supports a charge at Wilson by Brown. Eyewitnesses back this up. Some eyewitnesses who favored Brown changed their story. Forensic evidence proved there was no shots fired into Brown's back.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Too funny, moomanchu.

    I think 99% of the MB-types fail on the first two rules:

    1. Don't break the law

    2. Use common sense

  • AlphaMan

    Too funny, moomanchu.


    That was good. Chris Rock rocks and provides excellent advice for all races of people.

    1. When you want some the store clerk for them.

    2. When a police office tells you to get out of the middle of the street and onto the not say, "F_ck what you have to say!".

    3. When a police officer goes to exit his vehicle to question not slam the door onto him and start sucker punching him.

    4. When you struggle to take a police officer's gun and 2 shots are fired in the better hope the officer doesn't regain control of the gun.

    5. When a police officer has aleady shot you and tells you to do not charge at the officer.

    Obey the Law, and use common sense.

  • Finkelstein

    If Wilson had a Tazzer and used that on the street during the final encounter with Brown, that would have been enough to drop the silly fool. and given enough time for back up to arrive to complete the apprehension and arrest.

    Just saying

  • Finkelstein

    AlphaMan well said

  • Simon

    If Wilson had a Tazzer and used that on the street during the final encounter with Brown, that would have been enough to drop the silly fool. and given enough time for back up to arrive to complete the apprehension and arrest.

    If Brown had simply obeyed the law his chance of going home that evening would have skyrocketed even further - much better than if he was tazered in fact which is not without risk. Besides, we'd now be discussing how the evil police are cruel to black criminals by tazering them and "can't they shout at them instead?". Eventually you'd have the police running alongside them carrying their looted goods lest they strain themselves.

    Just saying.

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