Dateline---That was It?

by Lindy 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • chester

    I think the dateline show was very powerful. It should make any JW who does not have a closed mind think and want to look into what kind of religion they are involved in.

    Anyone even contemplating becoming one will now want to take a very close look at what this religion is all about.

    Thank you Erica, Bill, Barbara and The Pandelos for standing up. You have my thanks and admiration. You were all great!

    Any JW lurkers out there, now you should understand why the WTS wants you to stay off the internet. You might find out about "THEM".

  • Lindy

    welcome to the site. I am sorry for your pain. Keep looking and exploring. So many things become clear in time. I have been away for about 7 years no, just walked. The longer I am away and the more open my mind becomes the more clearer things get. that will happen to you too. It is so sad that all this has been going on. But at least now it is being exposed. In time more will happen. But don't expect the Society to fall anytime soon. They are a business and a good one. they will do what ever it takes to stay afloat, and most JWs won't even blink an eye. It is like that in all big business. Look at the huge scandal in the Cathloic Church about child molestation. What real good did and is it doing? Not a lot when you take into account the all in all. It will be the same for the Society in the long hall. They will change a few rules to survive and go right on without a blink of an eye. The people hurt will have their hurt and the Society won't care any more than they do now. It will just be that more people will be aware, nothing more. But that may be enough.


  • SpiderMonkey

    Unfortunately, the flip side is this: Naeblis, I do not think that this org will *ever* change their policy on this or anything else as a result of outsiders' opinions.

    I went over to watch the show at my dad's place, along w/ him & my stepmom. My stepmom could not fathom that anyone would go along with the org's insistence on the 2-witness rule if their own daughter had been raped, so my dad (also an xJW, although he only joined it to keep the family together) asked me: If my sister had been raped by another witness, do you think your mother would have gone to the elders, or would she have gone to the police?

    I could only respond that she'd go to the elders, and she would do *whatever* they said to do. The "brother" admitted no wrongdoing, and therefore that was that; if there's truth to the accusation Jehovah will deal with it in due time. If that's what they said, she would have let it drop, period. If they'd told her to stick a banana up my sister's left nostril to alleviate the hurt she was feeling, she would have done that.

    My point here is this: The WTS mainly attracts large numbers of people who feel like losers for one reason or another, and who want to feel special. If they tell you that X is what you need to do to continue to be special, then you will not do Y, you will not do Z, and you will not do X-1... you will do X. They *also* happen to scoop up lesser numbers of people who are intelligent and reasonable, but who for one reason or another go along with it for awhile. But, when you wise up and decide to DA, or get DF'd, or simply drift away, THEY WILL ALWAYS HAVE ANOTHER SELF-TERMED LOSER TO HOOK WITH THEIR PRETTY TALK. And people who are determined to stay losers will not catch on when the talk suddenly gets ugly; they will take their issue to the elders, listen to the spin, and sigh with relief "oh, I just didn't understand before."

    sorry for the seeming defeatism there, but I really have no hope that this org will ever become something remotely positive. My best hope on this is that they will eventually fade away. (and I *still* hope that that Dateline segment will play a not-too-small part in *that* victory)


  • LB

    I see few changes being made in the organization. But I see lots of changes with studies. Still can you imagine going out in service this weekend???

    Yeah I'd take this weekend off.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • SpiderMonkey

    Thanks, Lindy; I appreciate your kindness :)
    and LOL, LB! yes, THAT is the real triumph here; all over the U.S. this week Bible studies are being cancelled, books that were "placed" are being thrown away, witnesses are being told "get off my property" and (mwahaHAha) donations are NOT being given :D


  • Farkel


    : Not hard to see why I consider them idiots with no connection to god.

    You are being way too kind about them.


  • mouthy

    I thought it an excellent show- In fact if you thought so too,let Dateline know......I am so pleased --

  • biblexaminer

    Who in the hell cares if any JWs quit.

    What I care about... I HAVE TO GO TO WORK TOMORROW. They all damned well know that I am a dub. I am gonna hear about it.

    I might call in sick.

    As far as the dubb population goes, there were several at my hall moving real fast, because, as they said, they "want to get home to watch the Dateline tape"


    Now, they gotta go out in field service tomorrow. I will be at work hiding.

  • plmkrzy

    I haven't seen it yet It doesn't come on for 2 more hours yet but I went over to the silentlambs web site to see what the reaction is there on the guest book.

    If Dateline didn't give more detail to the problems with-in the society after investigating for over a year my guess that it would or at least could verywell be the fault of posters such as this

    I just read the comments (May 24) by the person who worked in a residential treatment center for children. I suffered the same things he/she wrote about which happened to the Jehovah's Witness children in their care. I was raped by the district servant in Southern California in 1960. I was held at gunpoint. He is involved in the ring of pedophiles who groom children for sex with the big names in the organization and elsewhere. Ritual abuse was involved, too.
    It speaks for itself

    [email protected]

  • RedhorseWoman

    I hope that perhaps there will be more victims who will now be emboldened to come forward and demand justice....just as it happened with the Catholic Church.

    If there are enough who speak up and demand to be acknowledged, the WTBTS and the JWs will be forced to look at what is happening. Those JWs with good hearts will hopefully be moved to action.

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