Dateline---That was It?

by Lindy 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    Lindy - Rome wasn't built in a day. Nor did it fall in a day. Same goes for the WTS.

    Surely you weren't expecting this to be easy? Maybe the drones won't flee the tower, but alot of people will think lots before joining.

    The JW HQ were scared enough to NOT speak in person. That - is progress.

    This is only the beginning. NOW we get really noisy about it.

    a not-so-silent-lamb

  • Lindy

    Yes, many will cry at what was shown and many will think a bit more about things, and many will talk about these things. But I wonder how many will take action on the things heard. I can only hope that it will give more people courage to come forth, because the few that have come forward and the few on Silent Lambs site are a small fraction of the injustices involving molestation in the Society. There are many injustices hidden about many other things too, covered up and buried, or so the Society hopes.
    Remember, it is hard for a person to take what they truly believe in and have a paradigm shift. It is painful to do so. So many will do like I said, and then "forget" over time, few will change their lives over what they have heard tonight.

  • Lindy

    Yes, powerful from your viewpoint and mine because we know and believe what was said. It will open some eyes. It will make some people question shortterm, it will cause some to cry. It was all true. But as most JWs will think, as they are taught to do so, that the show was the work of the world. The ones speaking for the Society basically denied everything that was connected with wrong doing on the part of the Society. They blantantly lied when they said they don't tell their memebers not to go to the police, but the faithful JW will believe what the Societies reps say and will ignore the rest. EVen if they find pity for the ones hurt they will think these cases are isolated, in congregations where Jehovah's blessing has been fulled because of wrongdoing covered up and they will dismiss the rest. It is too difficult to do otherwise for most because it means questioning the Society and questioning the Society leads to trouble and disfellowshipping and most JWs don't want to go that route.


  • Naeblis

    If you are expecting just one show to cause the witnesses to abandon everything they believe in you will be waiting for a long time. Decisions of this magnitude are seldom made suddenly. This will be just one more thing to think about for them. And really, I don't give a shit if any witnesses leave over this. The real purpose is to get them to change their policy. Remember? If they do that, they can peddle their magazines til the end of time for all I care.

  • Lindy

    No, I wasn't expecting Rome to be built in a day, just a bit more bricks put up tonight, that is all. We waited so long for this, and Dateline had so much more info and they had a whole hour, I was disappointed in the use of time. Don't get me wrong. What they did was great, I was just expecting so much more, due to all the hype over the past two years leading up to only a half-hour part, when I know that there is so much more they could have said that would really have gotten people to think clearer and deeper.

  • Solace

    Are you sure you had the volume up?
    In the opening statements alone they mentioned the blood issue, molestation, the shunning issue and how it breaks apart families, not to mention how J.W.s view the public as the devil and to be killed in Armageddon. It was more than I could have hoped for the world to hear the short time givin. Actually filming sex offenders going door to door made a huge visual impact. Very well done.
    I just mentioned in chat how shows like Oprah, The View etc. usually get ideas for thier guests from other news programs. I dont think weve heard the end of this.

  • Solace

    "And really, I don't give a shit if any witnesses leave over this. The real purpose is to get them to change their policy. Remember? If they do that, they can peddle their magazines til the end of time for all I care."

    I hope so, That would be my dream!
    Well, one of the important ones anyway!!

  • SixofNine

    It was, in two words, f***in' great. I was so worried that they would take the time to present the WT story. Now that would have diluted the messege. As it happens, the WT had nothing to offer the producers of dateline.

    Not hard to see why I consider them idiots with no connection to god.

  • Lindy

    No, I never said I expected big changes suddenly, I am no fool. But I have been in the Organization over 40 years and even when shit was discovered, time and time and time again, and I saw lots and lots of crap, nothing happened because the JWs are brainwashed into accepting cover-ups in the name of Jehovah. That is my point.
    Your point of policy change is my point. It won't happen if the JWs think nothing has been done wrong, so thus no need for change. don't need to fix something if you don't think it is broken. "The "world" is getting worse ya know, not the Society." "Signs of the times of the end, coming SOON." "Wait on Jehovh."
    Some will see the facts, some will on that knowledge, but very few. More will see and not act. The Society will do the general cover up dance, and the few that will leave on this account of what Dateline showed, will be dismissed by all as more wheat being sifted and the congregations being cleaned out just like in the mid 70's and mid 80's. I know how the society works. I have butted heads too many times with too many elders not to know. That is why I am no longer "in."

    Lindy, "faded", "drifted," several years ago.

  • SpiderMonkey

    I agree with most of what's been written here in one way or another, but here's my personal take:

    I was a baptized witness from ages 13-23. I pioneered, and spent 3 years at Bethel. And, although well aware of the rule that you must have 2 or 3 witnesses to any wrongdoing, it had NEVER occurred to me, until yesterday when I started reading on this site (7 years after my DFing) that this rule MUST logically create a huge sex abuse problem within the org. It is so obvious now, that I could cry for ignoring it (and other problems)... This is bound to force itself onto some people's radars, including lots of non-witnesses, and at least a few witnesses. So IMO at least their evil work has been dealt a big setback. Our own personal experiences, for many of us, prove that intelligent people who *want* self-esteem will find their own right reason to leave; it probably will not happen as a result of one TV show, true. But the facts presented on Dateline will keep people from seeing the JWs as harmless little fairies, and at the very least open a little crack in the walls these people build against the rest of the world.


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