I need help

by tiredroadie 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • blondie

    Ask her to explain to you what she is learning and where it is in the bible.............but don't be combative just interested in her.

  • Dagney

    The first thing that Bible Students are taught is that "well meaning but misguided friends and relatives will no doubt try to get you to stop studying ". The more you oppose , the more true the Witness teaching seems to be. I would commend her, be pleased for her , that she has found a faith that fulfills her needs.

    But , just as you would not by a car without an independant inspection, urge her, challenge her if need be to at least look at a couple of independant websites . I would recommend Freeminds.org and JWFacts.com.

    She has to come to a conclusion by herself......good luck


    She is needing something otherwise her radar and alarm signals would be going off. Try to find out what need the JW's are filling. Question things she is learning from a curious "that makes no sense" standpoint.

    As was said ...she is lucky to have a friend like you. Try to save her if you can. Good luck.

  • Mum

    If you are direct with her and she knows you're trying to keep her from becoming a JW, you will be setting yourself up for failure. Potential converts are warned from the beginning that "the world" and "worldly people" (i.e., non JW's) will oppose her so-called faith. The above advice of others as to where to start doing research and their advice about being supportive of her should be heeded.

    Most JW's are people who feel somehow disenfranchised. Do you know what her issues are? Does she feel alienated from her family? Is she struggling with economic woes? Try to find out and help her with whatever her issues are.

    Best wishes. Thank you for your concern for your friend.


    Tell her to ask those conducting her study: 'Is it true that Jehovah will annihilate billions of innocent human beings, including newborns, at Armageddon simply because they aren't members of the JW religion??'. Tell her not to accept it if they cherry-pick unrelated Bible verses to explain it. Just ask them to give a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer to the question, in their OWN words!! If that doesn't get her to start questioning, nothing will. Best of luck in getting your friend to see the light before it's too late. Oh, and tell her that most likely the Witnesses will NOT give her a simple yes or no answer...they will try to change the subject or use Bible verses to obscure the question that was asked. They are NOT ALLOWED to simply answer that question truthfully in their own words.

  • Vidqun

    Perhaps ask your friend, does she know what will happen to her if she is baptized and then changes her mind. She will be disfellowshipped. Ask her to explain the term to you. If she has children, and one of them does not want to be a Witness anymore, does she realize that she will not be able to talk or associate with him/her anymore.

  • sowhatnow

    watchtowerexamination on you tube has some very thought provoking vids check them out

  • millie210

    Welcome to the forum tiredroadie!

    Great advice above.

    If all else fails, try to slow your friends entrance in to the JWs.

    no matter how much she attends and studies - as long as she doesnt get baptized they have virtually no control over her.

    I had friends that "studied"/ attended/ participated for several years and when they "woke up" to the reality, they simply walked away.

    Nothing the "elders " could do about that.

  • All for show
    All for show

    I would suggest you act interested and study with her....then on your own with her study and introduce jwfacts information. If you can't beat them ( which you can't without pushing her away) join them.

  • Fernando

    Hi and welcome tiredroadie!

    Our family stopped following the Watchtower after 4 generations and 4 decades.

    We were asked a simple question by a believer:

    "What is the gospel in one word?"

    Of course we soon discovered for ourselves that the liberating gospel message (according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms) could be found in the Watchtower library, albeit fragmented and not focussed on.

    However we also soon discovered for ourselves that it is glaringly obvious that Watchtower followers do not have the liberating gospel message in their hearts or on their lips.

    We also soon discovered for ourselves that there is nothing Watchtower leaders hate and fear more than the liberating gospel message according to Paul.

    Maybe you could get your friend to "teach" you the liberating gospel message (or "Good News") according to Paul?

    Maybe you could ask her to "help" you work out what percentage of the Bible's references to "Good News" are by Paul, using the Watchtower's own online library ( http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=%22good+news%22&fc%5B%5D=bi ).

    Maybe at a later stage you could ask her to once again "help" you figure out how many times Paul mentions the word "Kingdom" in the same sentence as the phrase "Good News", and why (zero out of 85 times, http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=%22good+news%22+Kingdom&fc%5B%5D=bi&p=sen ).

  • HeyThere

    Find some of the crazy contents of watchtower past...Such as original wording regarding prophesies, the comments surrounding antimatter and spirit mediums turning into octopus creatures, vaccines being from the devil, black people turning white when perfected in the new system...etc. don't attack just ask what she thinks of these things. There is plenty of nutty stuff.

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