Lowering the standards: The sign of a cult struggling for survival

by Hidden-Window 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • wallsofjericho

    Russel was easy going with the "brothers" then rutherford came in like hitler himself and reinvented the BOrg nringing in strict rigid procedures

    the BOrg is being reinvented again more than ever since the banishing of the millennial dawn.

    15 minutes, both parents counting family study time (buttressed by family worship night), 30 hour aux pioneering, all these tactics to keep less active ones from slipping way, the fresh mainstream feel of JW.org..... Once everyone is all nestled in, in will come the REAL reform

  • millie210


    Millie, I can not picture the Queen or her representatives talking about tight pants in her thrown speech. You comparison shows though, how far the GB has strayed from representing the supposed ruler of the cosmos.

    Good point Prologos!

    So would this year be deemed the Annus Horribilis for the Society?

  • punkofnice

    Mill - So would this year be deemed the Annus Horribilis for the Society?

    Probably ANUS Horribilis knowing them.

    It's good for us that the GB are now seeking celebrity status and coming to the fore because 'the higher the monkey climbs is the more he exposes'.

    How many times has tight pants Morris pontificated about the subject? Is it just the once or is it becoming a trend with him?

  • konceptual99

    I had this very conversation with my wife recently. She did not buy it at all. Her view was that we are getting what we need now. The GB have recognised it's hard for people and making it as easy as possible to hang on in there until the end.

    I think the information age does make it easier to find the material for critical research - I know it helped me. I still think though that the simple fact the material is there is enough to make a significant difference. The cognative dissonance runs deep as does the anti-apostate scaremongering. It's there when people want to search but I don't think we are at a point where people are being poked from a state of acceptance of WT doctrine to research TTATT.

  • Maat13

    I haven't followed much the watchtowers activity since leaving. But are they now accepting 15min interval field service times? Wow. i remember a time shortly after being consider a "publisher" I had a conversation with an elder that went something like this:

    elder: hey Maat how is it going? How is the family?

    me: great, things have been real hard with the new baby and the young one.

    elder: i understand, keep doing all you can to give praise to Jehovah.

    me: yes I am doing all that I can.

    elder: by chance did you turn in your field service report for last month at the meeting today?

    me: you know I forgot I had to hurry after meeting. My time was ( I dont remember the exact number) and 15 minutes.

    elder: ok thanks, just record the WHOLE hours only. Not the 15 minutes.

    me: (confused)...what about the 15minutes?

    elder: the society only wants us to report in whole hours. Take that 15minutes and add it to 45 minutes next month.

    me: why? That would technically be a lie on my monthly report because I'm reporting time from this month on next month's report. I thought the society wanted accurate reporting? many people with 15minutes adds up to many hours of total time over the course of year.

    elder: that's how the society wants it.

    me: OK

    After this conversation, a seed was planted. A simple question was imbedded into my mind. "If these men are asking me to lie about my time in the ministry, then what else will I be asked to be untruthful about?"...

    I'm on this board because I found many other things that just didn't sit well....


  • konceptual99

    15 mins is for those with special circumstances such as old age, severe illness etc. For most people it's as you describe it.

  • sir82

    Aren't there studies which show that, counerintuitively, the more harsh & strict a religion is, the more its adherents tend to be fiercely loyal?

    All the dumbing down and easing off seems to be an effort to make it easier to be a JW, but I wonder if it has an unintended consequence - people tend to stick around in the organization, but they don't take it as seriously as they once did?

    Sure, the number of pioneers is up, but half or more don't get their time, or are content with wasting time driving around to empty houses and mindless "magazine calls" which are little more than 15 minute social calls.

    Sure, the overall count of publishers is up, but at least 1/3 don't attend meetings regularly.

    Sure, there was a "900% increase in auxiliary pioneers" in August, but they just wandered around cramming advertising flyers into the doors of not-at-homes. That is "sacred service"?

    I wonder if there is an internal struggle in the higher ranks regarding this approach. The recently completed zone visit seemed to sway in the opposite direction, a good old fashioned beat-down..."you miserable wretches, you're terrible parents, and you dress immodestly, and you're going to have to answer to GOD for your laziness in starting Bible studies."

    "Struggling to survive"? Survival depends to a large degree on financial health. The selling of hundreds of millions in real estate, and the naked cash grab of funds for "Kingdom Hall construction" (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more), has them in good shape for a while. But eventually that money will run out, and the lawsuits will kep coming.

    That's when the "struggle to survive" begins.

  • Theredeemer

    I believe the standards to become an MS or Elder will be lowered significantly since they are in dire need and these circumstances will only get worse. Soon, you will have an army of MS and Elders who really dont give crap about being 100% loyal and hard workers for the sheep. This will become a major problem for the Org because crap rolls down hill.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    I think you are correct. However, I would say, they are lowering the standards of time required to visibly participate while ramping up the rancor as to what the GB require.

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    Having been a former elder for over forty years I watched silently the decay of the org. I am an avid reader and every time I mention this I am poo pooed however there does exist some evidence that CT Russell was founded into existance along with the Mormons by the Rothchild money. If that is true there is definately someone at the top pulling the strings. That and the banks they use exclusively are owned by the Rothchilds. That Is my sincere beleif. Call me an old senile man whatever. But that is how I have seen it.

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