Will the Watchtower Society ever come clean to its members?

by sparky1 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sparky1


    It looks like the Mormon Church is being forced to come clean about some of their history because of the internet. I love this line of reasoning from the article: "The church's acknowledgement is part of an effort to be more open about its history as members increasingly encounter claims about the faith on the internet." Will Anthony Morris III and his fellow Governing Body members follow suit and come clean about some of the 'dirty laundry' found in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses? Only time will tell. Comments anyone?

  • punkofnice

    Only if it means more money coming their way.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Spot on, Punk!

  • eyeuse2badub

    Yes I have found it quite interesting that very recently the Mormon church has been cleaning out their closet of their past misdeeds due to the internet.


    Mormons are 'false religion'. JW's on the other hand will never have to apologize for their past because they have the "troof."

    Both Mormons and JW's are products of 19th century fanatics who thought they had a direct pipeline to god. LOL!

    just saying!


  • designs

    The LDS coming clean has to do with power and money. They desperately want more members in high political office, the presidency if possible. For decades now the LDS has been encouraging its young people to join the FBI and CIA, there is a recuiting office on BYU. The LDS know the formula- were power lies money lies and vis versa.

    The Wt. Leaders are puny in comparision. No mass generation of college grads, no self made universities for that matter so no future think tank of worldly leaders in the pipeline. JWs will fade from the history books within this century while the LDS are planning to actually run their version of the Kingdom on earth from aa capital in the US (that's in their own writings).

  • sir82

    I think the WTS is envious of the success (at least financially & politically) of the LDS. They follow their model as much as they can.

    But theologically, they're prevented from following it too closely - no JW presidential candidates, for example.

    I think their pride & arrogance will not allow them to "come clean".

  • punkofnice

    I think they're in too deep with all the lies, smoke and mirrors. If they came clean it would wipe them out and destroy any credibility they have managed to manipulate.

    I imagine the JWs heads exploding like on the Mupppet Show when they were dancing.

  • berrygerry

    The Mormons are a smart cult.

    They promote education - therefore higher incomes for tithing.

    They encourage civic involvement - hence, acquiring influence.

    They discourage waste on tobacco, alcohol, Starbucks - hence, better savings.

    The Mormon lifestyle is logical.

    JW's are a stupid cult.

    They have backed themselves into a corner so much, that they will never acknowledge anything.

  • Finkelstein

    Highly unlikely , the last time the WTS. sorta came clean was when J Rutherford announced he made an ass of himself for

    predicting the return of the ancient worthies back in 1925.

    In reality Rutherford deeded the Beth Sarim property and luxury home to the so called (ancient worthies) to make it a

    religious non taxable property.

    The after the year statement concerning 1975, that well the some of the faithful brothers were overly zealous involving that year.

    Was just a slight white wash to cover over the corruption of even creating that old and previously used dating scheme of 6000

    years of mankind's existence.

  • Divergent

    Coming clean about certain things would ultimately result in an influx of lawsuits. They are stuck in a rut - not able to back down & not able to come clean entorely even if they wanted to

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