Is the WTS effectively 'pimping out' sisters?

by Simon 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • apostrate

    This is a bit of Deja Vu for me. Maybe the GB didn't come out and say so back in the day, in as many words, but that idea of marrying a MS or better was very much prevalent back in the 70's.

    And I personally knew several HOT sisters who married nerdy guys just because of their position at the KH.

    It's a recycled idea.

  • sparrowdown

    I remember a talk from a few yrs ago where the bro chided the sisters for

    passing over the nerdy-but-spiritual types in favor of the bad boys who would

    only break their heart.

    You call it pimping-they call it matchmaking.

    The GB AKA "Big-Pimpin"

  • Finkelstein

    Good grief my brother who still attends meetings says this is a recent picture of a couple of elders at his Hall.

  • sparrowdown

    Well, there is the Biblical precedent with Rahab The Ho!

    I can really see this pimpin thing catching on,

    you may have found their niche market Simon.

    Ho's for bro's.

  • Hairtrigger

    40 years a minis. servant,

    not a sister looked my way

    went crackers chokin' my turkey

    some11 times a day!

    but all changed in a wink

    when Tony the Turd decide;

    Soon I get the best dam pussy

    He done pimped my ride!!!

  • Jay Elle
    Jay Elle

    They can't effectively pimp out theses sisters after restricting them from wearing their girdles

  • Quarterback

    It's an interesting observation. I am very happy with my wife who was a regular pioneer, and looked beyond that thinking, because it was around in the 70's too. At that time you had to almost qualify to be a CO to become a MS. She surprised me in accepting my ring.

    About 15 yrs ago, an Elder's wife in our cong gave this young sister this counsel to wait/marry a MS. This she did and eventuallly this marriage fell apart. Sad to say, some are thinking this way, and it's not only Anthony M.

    This thinking will definitely ruin the lives of many. Maybe, the sisters are being used in this scheme, but after reality sets in. After marriages break up, there will be a spin on this.

  • AlphaMan

    Good grief my brother who still attends meetings says this is a recent picture of a couple of elders at his Hall.

    Dancing to Footloose on the platform, selfies with Watchtower cartoon kids, elders dressing as the hell can you respect anything about this religion nowdays? Good grief is right.

  • WTWizard

    And since when does it stop there? Become an assistant hounder, it is more than your work load going up.

    First, you are viewed as an exemplar. This means that anything that is a conscience matter is not allowed. You like music that is not written by the jokehovians? Tough. If you want sex, you have to get rid of it. The same for virtually all TV programming and video games, save for that lame tv dot jw dot org crap. Your field circus bag is a bit unorthodox? Get rid of it, or you are not eligible for marriage. You know how to launder your suits instead of wasting the money dry cleaning them? Dry clean them anyways. You have LED light bulbs? Get rid of them and get squiggly things--incandescent bulbs are also disallowed. You have a decent job? It might stumble someone, so get rid of it. That silver quarter you got last month--you have to get rid of that, too.

    And there is the demand of time and money. Who is it that has to donate when contributions fall short? The hounders and assistant hounders, that's who. Who has to get up every Saturday morning for field circus? All hounders and assistant hounders. Who has to get the whole congregation to participate in every special campaign? And who has to participate to the full in same campaigns? Yup, all hounders and assistant hounders. This means they all have to do the Dirty Thirty (or Fifty--they are being exemplars, aren't they?) each and every time. They have to participate in every waste of paper campaign, even at personal hardship. What's next, requiring them to organize missions to Israel, running throughout the whole year, under threat that "No adequate participation in all Israel missions, no sex--no preaching to those high ranking rabbis that will use the wastes of paper to do 40 day workings to damn everyone, no sex"?

  • prologos

    wt might offer these semi-glorious ones to sisters as having the wt's ' Good Housekeeping' seal of approval'. These specimen should not have a too checkered past. or be well past that past.

    advice to "sisters" frequenting the match-up sites.

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