Is the WTS effectively 'pimping out' sisters?

by Simon 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purrpurr

    I think the GB are taking some things for granted here...

    They are supposing that the single brothers in the Cong are attractive, whereas in reality there are more likely to be nampy pamby mummies boys with no personality.

    Also they have supposed correctly that yes the brothers want to have sex as soon as possible. But have not thought that the sisters want the same. The GB seem to imagine congregations full of single, submissive, blushing sisters with no sexual desire at all. Whereas in fact the sisters want to get laid just as much as the brothers. Since single brothers are in short supply who cares weather they are MS or not?

  • Finkelstein

    JWS woman aren't going to chase after a guy just because he is an MS , JWS chicks look for sex appeal and wealth just like non-JWS.

    Like wise JWS men look for sex appeal and personality as well.

    Billy says " Now that I'm a Ministerial Servant I've become a chick magnet in my Hall. " the GB was right again !

  • pixel

    Those are nice words Simon.

    Let me put it WT's way: "marry someone nice who [loves the Organization,] who loves you in return".

  • sir82

    Well, at least that guy's socks are cool.

  • LostGeneration

    Fortunately biology and evolution will get in the way of this douchbags instructions.

  • Simon

    JWS woman aren't going to chase after a guy just because he is an MS , JWS chicks look for sex appeal and wealth just like non-JWS.

    I disagree. We've had topics where people have mentioned the mismatch between older mean and younger women in the cong and it's very often todo with position and power. I'm not claiming other things aren't the deciding factor for some but I don't think you can discount the seeking of group-respect for others.

    Witnesses can and do seek out the approval of the group and that approval is promoted and nurtured by the WTS to be what is best for them.

    How many comments made to young women will include "... and he's a ministerial servant too!" or "... and he might soon be an elder!" when someone is giving their opinion - of course it's going to have an effect.

    To believe otherwise is to say that what the GB says has no effect on the millions of followers which I think most would question as valid.

  • stuckinarut2

    TTATTelder's comments were spot on!

    The "prize" of being married / getting laid is a false one, as born in witness girls are indeed hung up on sex issues...they are guilty and repressed.

    So too are the witness males who are born in...

    So the result will be very awkward and disfunctional marriages with a repressed and unhappy sexlife....

    The problems that will result will be huge.....

    Expect to see a lot of affairs when they all hit their mid thirties and finally get some confidence in life....

  • berrygerry

    The GB guides the girl to a MS's bed. Ok... Seems good so far... The problem is the GB never leave the room!

    They will not be crawling in bed with just their new wife. All seven of the governing body members will be laying there too.

    Too true.

  • Finkelstein

    Simon says ...... but I don't think you can discount the seeking of group-respect for others.

    Point taken, its been a long time that I've been at a Hall observing the male female social environment.

    Just was reflecting upon my own experience back in the day.


    Another thing to mention is that if your a single guy who even isn't a MS your looked upon with open eyes by all of the

    single woman attending, for they know that they cant marry a non-jws.

    The perceived thought of becoming an elders wife in a congregation might for some woman be a personaly appealing aspect,

    a possible motivation to place someone in better appeasement with Jehovah so to speak.

  • Listener

    This only confirms that it is all about appearences. This is not about doing things such as becoming an MS because you have a desire to serve God in this way, but rather because there is some sort of reward associated with it and the GB are responsible for developing this desire.

    It doesn't make a marriage any better if a bloke aims at becoming an MS so that he will be more attractive to the sisters. This is not spiritual, it promotes greediness. Once a sister realizes that the man she married isn't as spiritual as she thought he was it will do more harm to the marriage.

    No wonder there is so much depression in this organization, because there is no reality. The aim for real spirituality is being overshadowed by appearances and false goals. The r&f is being led up the garden path, being misled into believing that what they are doing is spiritual when in fact it has no relation.

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