& They Say “Privileges” In The Congregation Isn’t a Status

by thedepressedsoul 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    & They Say “Privileges” In The Congregation Isn’t a Status

    It's called theocratic warfare(tm).

  • Kanon

    I guess long forgoten is the point that all 1st century Christians were annointed, yet not all quallifyed to be Elders or Servants. But were all good enough to be the bride of chrits.

  • Vidiot

    thedepressedsoul - "They say 'privileges' in the congregation isn’t a status..."


    Humans are - at their core - tribal beings; we have been for a long, long time (hell, it's even in the Bible, LOL!).

    Whether you think we evolved that way (we did) or not, it's a fundamental component of human survival, and one's survival within the tribal structure has always - always - been (admittedly to varying degrees) dependent on one's status within that structure.

    Any denial of that fact is naive at best, foolish at worst.

  • fredPotato

    I have known so many disgusting 23 y’old MS at my old hall that would make any sister miserable… And so many nice, hard working ‘regular’ brothers that were never given a chance to even become a MS cause they didn’t have the same ‘connections’ as some other brothers in the hall.

    This is just sad.

  • Splash

    thedepressedsoul Anthony Morris just put being a MS or higher up on a pedestal

    By this logic, AM 3rd is super, duper, mega, uber spiritual, because he sits at the top of the tree!
    It is his position, not his works, that make him sooooo spiritual.

    It would be interesting to know if any of the GB, dead or alive, were unappointed at 23 years old.

    Were any of these recently convicted pedo's elders or MS's?
    If so, they were obviously very spiritual pedo's, since they had such a high position in the congregation.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I worked for an elder back in the day and so did a slightly older sister. Anyway, she moved away and was visiting a few years later and she valued the advice of our former elder boss so she talked to him about this JW she was dating.

    She shared this with me later. He said "The guy has been 'in the truth' so many years and he is not a ministerial servant. That is a red flag."

    I asked if there were good reasons he isn't an MS and she told me what they were- something about focusing on taking care of a sick family member. I told the sister that spirituality is not measured in status in the congregation, but that "Jehovah" knows how each person is doing and that I would step aside from my assignment were I in such a situation.

    Anyway, she said how the boss/elder did not preface his thoughts with any concerns about the guy's reasons for not even being an MS, just the fact that he wasn't one.

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